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Thread: Select nearest resource?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Nowhere near Slayvite's Lair i can tell you that. He has Ranch sauce instead of shampoo.

    Default Select nearest resource?

    Could we get an option for this on a hotkey?
    I know some will just say 'just click on the resource' and that's all well and good for most...
    ...but as an Ancient the amount of times I have to scroll camera out and move camera angle....or run half a plot backwards just to be able to select the resource i'm stood next too.

    Any chance?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    If memory serves me, this has been brought up time and again over the years. I believe the answer is no, to prevent macro (bot) farming. I play an ancient dragon as main too and I really don't have much trouble targeting nodes. With the lairs I have, I've had alot of practice. *wink*

  3. #3

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    uhm... how about first person view?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    I agreeee, very annoying to have to target things as an ancient in third person veiw. all the maneuvers needed and countless camera angles just to select that one node.

    (p.s. no, i won't switch to first person to sort it out for me personally. i hate that veiw and always will teehee~)

    (p.p.s. clicking on an ancient in general is too easy...which makes clicking on almost anything else hard. i've had to use /select <player name> just to select some players if they are stood with an ancient. i also love my keypad for moving the camera - convenient when you have to move it every time you select something without hotkeys. Perhaps something could be done to make selecting ancients harder instead? I know since most trees didn't have the ridiculous range you could select them with i've found hunting treants much easier without hotkeys, and when actually needing them i haven't found trees hard to target either. Perhaps clicking ancients could be more along the lines of clicking trees; a small enough range that you can actually click something else in the range of one, but able to select them when needed?)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    The easier solution, as Azath has mentioned, is to reduce the hitbox size on the dragon. Remove the wings from the hitbox in order to make clicking easier. Using first person view is also simple enough but it is a bit disorienting for me and I imagine not every player has access to a numberpad on their laptops, etc. I can rely on hotkeys (F9 default) to select myself so I have no issue with making myself less clickable.
    Bumbling Ancient and grumbling Satyr on Chaos- if Helians are supposed to be 'spellcasters', then why is Wintheria, the Gold Rage trainer, a Helian?
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Could also just make two hotkeys, using setscale command. One to shrink your ancient down to the size of a biped. The other to restore your size back to normal. I'm half giant, thats how I get inside the doors in Sslanis and New Trismus. That would also eliminate difficulties fighting small mobs, that your body might be 'covering up'. But I recall this discussion many time, pretty sure its gonna be a No.

    Check on for info on setscale.
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    Could also just make two hotkeys, using setscale command.
    not all of us want to use setscale and fuss about with that stuff.
    and besides, using a mod should NOT be an answer to things like this. it may work well, and be a solution for some, but not eveyrone.
    as you correctly predicted; its gonna be a no, from me anyway.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Select resource isn't needed, just reduce the dragon hitbox as you zoom out. That's the real bug. it stays huge even when zoomed out. At least make it like this for yourself. They can't reduce it too much or selecting other players for trading or healing can be affected.

    In other words, probably just going to have to deal with it. (which means, use a workaround as mentioned above)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    anyone is capable of using 1st person, even if for just a short time while gathering. I hate 3rd person myself, but I do find times when I need to use it. it's one keystroke, not a major thing to do. just a choice you make, can't be too fussy about the outcome if you just don't want to hit one key. and it can be set to any binding you choose. doesn't have to stay on keypad enter button.

    but rest assured, they will not put in "select nearest resource". that's been made clear many times, and I doubt they will even respond to this post about it. just do a search and you will find many posts, that were all told no

  10. #10

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Didn't they remove the penalties for khutit form for this very reason, so that you could gather in khutit form without losing precious strength points?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    Didn't they remove the penalties for khutit form for this very reason, so that you could gather in khutit form without losing precious strength points?
    yep, they did, but betcha people are going to come now that will say "yeah but not everyone likes khutit form".
    now a good counter arguement for this would be that you'd lose the ability to fly, so you kinda lose some speed from going into khutit, but well, can't have it all.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    The only problem I ever have with the click-to-select-a-node method is when mining or quarrying. Sometimes you gotta kill golems to be able to mine/quarry in peace, and if you come under attack by a golem (or heaven forbid, 2-3 of them), and you kill them, they collapse RIGHT on top of the node you were just using. Try clicking on the node again after that. It's possible after twisting the camera around, looking for that teeny tiny gap between the dead golem's remains...but sometimes it's impossible. Especially if you kill more than 1 golem. And then to avoid this while working on motherlodes, you'd have to pull golems several meters away just to kill them. 2 minutes later, they respawn and you start all over again.

    My own suggestion for this, of course, is to drastically shorten the amount of time it takes for a golem corpse to despawn after it's been looted. When working on huge plot-building projects, Motherlodes are the savior of our sanity, and they spend quite a bit of time buried under golem bodies.

    I play an ancient as a main, and my approach for all other resource nodes is to simply select the node while it's far away, run up to it, and then start gathering. Khutit takes forever to cast, so it's not time-effective to be used for gathering if you don't want to suffer the drastic loss in speed. (124 fly speed vs 80 run speed in my case, and that's with speed buffs.) First-person view wibbles and wobbles all over the place when you're A) under attack or B) gathering something, which makes selecting things like a game of whack-a-mole whenever you're not 100% prone.

    'Select Nearest Resource' would be great, but I agree that it would only promote bot farming. I'd rather not have to share the best spots for resources with a horde of bots--I'll take the extra effort of point-and-click, thank you. xD

  13. #13

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Quote Originally Posted by Evester View Post
    First-person view wibbles and wobbles all over the place when you're A) under attack or B) gathering something, which makes selecting things like a game of whack-a-mole whenever you're not 100% prone.
    actually, you can turn that off in the options screen, I'm not entirely sure what it's called, but I know it's there.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    might be offtopic but.. why tell people that it's a bad thing that your view "wibbles and wobbles" in 1st person? Thats a reason why I love that view. It actually shows what your character is doing. When you run the view goes up and down some just like it would do in real life. when you gather its the same with looking down.

    And I would think that selecting a mother lode under a golem isn't difficult in 1st person

  15. #15

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    The only problem I ever have with the click-to-select-a-node method is when mining or quarrying. Sometimes you gotta kill golems to be able to mine/quarry in peace, and if you come under attack by a golem (or heaven forbid, 2-3 of them), and you kill them, they collapse RIGHT on top of the node you were just using. Try clicking on the node again after that. It's possible after twisting the camera around, looking for that teeny tiny gap between the dead golem's remains...but sometimes it's impossible. Especially if you kill more than 1 golem. And then to avoid this while working on motherlodes, you'd have to pull golems several meters away just to kill them. 2 minutes later, they respawn and you start all over again.
    This is an excellent point.

    Suggestion: Make any corpse that is harvestable despawn immediately if it is harvested and there's no loot on it.

    That way, you kill golem, golem drops ontop of node, loot golem, harvest the golem, and then when you exhaust the golem's resources, it despawns allowing you to harvest the node.

    I remember trying to do Marble with my dragon and being forced into the golem pit... I'd have dead golems sitting ontop of marble nodes that were empty (AND harvested!) and still laying there. By the time they despawned, I was being attacked by more.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    This is an excellent point.

    Suggestion: Make any corpse that is harvestable despawn immediately if it is harvested and there's no loot on it.

    That way, you kill golem, golem drops ontop of node, loot golem, harvest the golem, and then when you exhaust the golem's resources, it despawns allowing you to harvest the node.

    I remember trying to do Marble with my dragon and being forced into the golem pit... I'd have dead golems sitting ontop of marble nodes that were empty (AND harvested!) and still laying there. By the time they despawned, I was being attacked by more.
    I think this is a great idea, too. Even after harvesting the dead golems and looting them, the bodies linger way, way too long. Motherlodes end up buried under golem bodies most of the time because the respawn timer on mobs is shorter than the despawn timer on their empty corpses. -_- If you harvest a golem completely, it ought to disappear just like a resource node so it can gee-tee-eff-oh of my way and lemme mine my rich/motherlode node. :P

    Quote Originally Posted by Pharaxes View Post
    might be offtopic but.. why tell people that it's a bad thing that your view "wibbles and wobbles" in 1st person? Thats a reason why I love that view. It actually shows what your character is doing. When you run the view goes up and down some just like it would do in real life. when you gather its the same with looking down.

    And I would think that selecting a mother lode under a golem isn't difficult in 1st person
    Oh sure, this is definitely great in every case except when you're using it to gather. Try clicking on the next resource node when the node's bouncing all over the screen. Wait til the current node is depleted? Not as time-efficient, epescially when all you have are regular nodes (no riches or motherlodes). Just try to click on something while harvesting in first-person mode as a dragon--you'll see what I mean. xD

    If the wibbly-wobby thing can be deactivated, great! I'm gonna go look into that. Gathering might become a lot less hassle.

    And being in first-person view doesn't magically make a golem disappear if it's suffocating the node. The issue is that you are not able to click on the node at all, because the golem's body covers it, not because you can't -see- the node. It's unclickable until the body(ies) despawns.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Quote Originally Posted by Evester View Post
    My own suggestion for this, of course, is to drastically shorten the amount of time it takes for a golem corpse to despawn after it's been looted. When working on huge plot-building projects, Motherlodes are the savior of our sanity, and they spend quite a bit of time buried under golem bodies.
    Point of golem being there longer, is due to the fact that they too are nodes. so all you need to do is start gathering from their corpse if they land on top of a node you were working on. I've never had much trouble going back to the node once I harvest the golems. but then I use first person mode.

    for bobbing head, disable active head movement in options.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dhalin View Post
    ...Suggestion: Make any corpse that is harvestable despawn immediately if it is harvested and there's no loot on it....
    They already do this. Loot it, then harvest it. It will then quickly dissapear.

    I use a hotkey for looting, with two text commands:
    /setscale .1

    So as I loot it gets shrunken out of the way. Easy to select other corpses or nodes if I am gathering.

    First person view is also really easy to toggle to, and eliminates most of the issues. Outside Enter key on the numberpad.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    They already do this. Loot it, then harvest it. It will then quickly dissapear.

    I use a hotkey for looting, with two text commands:
    /setscale .1

    So as I loot it gets shrunken out of the way. Easy to select other corpses or nodes if I am gathering.

    First person view is also really easy to toggle to, and eliminates most of the issues. Outside Enter key on the numberpad.
    I've been away from the game for 5-6 months... they must have changed that.

    I remember marble golems taking, minimum 30 seconds to despawn once looted and harvested.

    30 seconds don't sound like a lot, but their respawn time is much faster than 30 seconds, it was more like 10-15 sec. Or at least it was, back then.

    First person view can help but for a dragon it is a bit high off the ground, it might be hard to see an ore node within gathering range unless you pan the camera down... I usually end up just using Khutit form whenever possible.

    What I wish the devs could give us is a "Hatchling Form". We already have animations for hatchlings spreading their wings... why not give adults and ancients the ability to change into a hatchling-sized dragon for crafting/biped buildings or something? lol.

    Oh well.

    Yeah, for me I just use Khutit Form if I have trouble selecting nodes.

    One thing I would like to see, though.... I don't want a tab-target (makes botting too easy) but could we get the names hovering above the ore nodes? Some are kinda hard to see (Obsidian in that field south of Dralk for example can be a little difficult to see at times as it is black stone against black stone).

  20. #20

    Default Re: Select nearest resource?

    This issues has its root in the way selection logic acts.
    Steelclaw is working on it, see posts 12 and 13 in the Client 384.79 thread
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