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Thread: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

  1. #1

    Default If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    So going straight out there to say it... the glorified virus known as steam being the sole way to access Istaria is a big NO from me . And will result in me pertinently leaving the games Ill still lurk on the forms but i wont ever have that pos back on any of my systems ever again!!!

    this is not a rant this is Not a goodbye

    this is me pleading with you do not do this !!! there are other ways to get istarias name out there and i have been trying to get in-contact with some people for this before i submitted a support ticket for final approval.. but recently Toonami was resurrected this block now dose a game review a week it could be a Nintendo ds game it could be an mmo its random but i have been attempting to get in-contact with them to review the game as far as i can tell its free advertizing Just got to get TOM AKA Steven Blum to play and review it

    Let me know if i have wasted my time steam will spell the end for me
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  2. #2

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    A few questions...

    1). Where'd you hear about the Steam thing?
    2). What is so bad about Steam? I don't know about *requiring* it to play Istaria, but I'd be very glad if it at least worked within Steam so I could talk to my Steam friends while playing Istaria...

    EDIT: Oooh, I see the post now. Sorry about that.

    BTW, I doubt it'd be _required_ for you to have steam with Istaria, tho? Surely the devs would allow you to connect and play without it?

  3. #3

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    steam is a glorified virus... in many instances its worse than gray-where in the way it captures your behavior online and sells it to the highest bidder

    many antiviruses freak out at the sight of this program and its shell files

    Its uninstall file dose not fully uninstalls the program ... but then again most do not but this is rooted in several hard to reach places on your computer .

    when i was forced to put this system on my computer for my gameing class i was forced in to playing some stupid pvp shooter
    it actualy crashed my computer and sent it to format land .
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  4. #4

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    I did not think about that. Please tell us that if approved by Steam, you will still be able to access Istaria the traditional way (Java launcher). I know of quite a few players in the game, whos computers barely handle this game as is (old old computers). Steam is one of the biggest resource hogs I have ever seen in my life. My son has it installed on my computer and even though I have a not too old computer (3.2Ghz Duo Core with 4gb DDR2), just sucks the life out of it. Definetely no more dual logging if thats the case.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  5. #5

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    Quote Originally Posted by lightning claw View Post
    steam is a glorified virus... in many instances its worse than gray-where in the way it captures your behavior online and sells it to the highest bidder

    many antiviruses freak out at the sight of this program and its shell files

    Its uninstall file dose not fully uninstalls the program ... but then again most do not but this is rooted in several hard to reach places on your computer .

    when i was forced to put this system on my computer for my gameing class i was forced in to playing some stupid pvp shooter
    it actualy crashed my computer and sent it to format land .
    That's odd, neither AVG, nor MSE have ever complained about Steam the entire time I've used it (several years)?

    Again, I doubt Steam will be _required_ to play the game; it will merely be available through Steam.

    Final Fantasy XI is the same way -- you can get it through Steam, but you can also play it without using Steam at the same time. You are in no way forced to install Steam to play the game. I imagine Istaria would be the same way.

    RE: Cegaiel: Did you try making sure Steam does not start on Windows startup? That's what I do with my computer, and I've never run into a problem with it yet. That way when your son wants to use a Steam game, he can double-click the steam icon to launch steam and when he's done, he can right click its systray icon and tell it to quit. Works fine on my 4 year old computer with very similar stats to yours.

  6. #6

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    Getting the game on steam will give it a lot of exposure, but i will certainly hate to be forced to play it through steam client only.
    Allow the game to still be launched through the classic means, without any need for a steam client and i guess everyone will be happy
    Northwind * Ancient, Crafter, Lairshaper * 100/100/100
    Northpole * Spoiled biped * 100 BTLM, 100 CLRC, 100 RVR, 100 RNGR, 100 MAGE, 100 WIZ, 100 SORC, 100 CONJ, 100 SPRT, 100 DRU, 100 HLR, 100 GRDN, 100 MON, 60 WAR, 44 BRSK/SPRM, 40 CHSW * 100 BLK, 100 OUT, 100 JWL, 100 ARM, 100 WPN, 100 FLE, 100 FIT, 100 MSN, 100 SCH, 87 SPL, 85 GTH, 85 MIN

  7. #7

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    I would be happy to hear professional statements concerning this issue.
    ( not that I say that those who have already posted here, are no pro`s)
    We have so many players who are specialists in NT.
    So what do they and devs have to say about our concerns?

    Collecting infos and opinions amongst the German- tongue players and those who are not on forum.
    Input is much appreciated. Thank you.

    BTW- I surely respect EPI`s concerns-
    but can we have another thread to discuss this issue pls?
    The headline of this one is not really a lucky one....
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  8. #8

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    I would certainly enjoy it if it isn't just accessable by steam alone. Tho I don't mind the game getting exposure on it, having to use steam to log in and play would be a pain that I can't compare. I have steam and I so rarely ever use it, and only when i'm forced to. There would definetly be no more dual logging if that's the only way to play it.

    You see an Ice Wall Corner, I see a Tardis.

    "Pen Pineapple Apple Pen"

  9. #9

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    then can vel amon or who ever catches this change the title of the thread

    Lov i am a Network engineer / computer It support person all around

    I know what steam dose behind the client this gose back farther than i care to admit but before i upgraded my brain with technical schooling i was what i call Dangerous with a computer i knew just enough to either fix it or fork it up completely but i played a game on steam i think it was worms all i remember was the Holy hand grenade but all of a sudden i started to receive phone calls offering me products form a to z finally i got pissed and asked how did you get my information in the first place ? then followed that paper trail straight to steam I even had the last 4 of my social take cause i was applying for fasa (student loans ) they might have removed there key logers but i will never put that on any of my systems .

    That was a Personal experience

    Speaking form an It Prospective. Its worse than game guard . If your not careful it installs Pups, and other forms of graywere its a bad system period. I could post a wall of text with all there issues but no one would want to read all my typos .

    I Openly admit getting exposure to this game makes me want to run to my wallet and open it wide open for Istaria finally ill have something to do again train the new ages of Istaria . There are other ways and not only with steam... I Mentioned Toonami earlier the gentlemen that voices Tom 2.0 Steven Blum is not only well versed and has a vast fan base in the anime world but is an avid gamer and dose reviews on games every week I have been attempting to get so far no luck but any one on chaos knows my stubern streak... getting this on toonami with an audience of a few million every Saturday night will defiantly get this a shot in the arm that Rick is looking for

    Issue is I am but one person and not many people have seen Istaria so its up to the active community to generate a buzz to get him to go along with it
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  10. #10

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    Thy for more infos EPI. And as I said before: I did not mistrust your competence- just need more infos and opinions.

    And thy for allowing a new headline of your thread *nods to Epi in respect*

    edit: No dual-loggin anymore is a no go for me.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  11. #11

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    thews of you that want this to get some free air time about 30 seconds to 1 minute 30 seconds and use twitter hit his wall with every thing we have about istaria
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  12. #12

    Default Re: If it happends it very well might be the end of EPION

    Closing this thread, as it is filled with false rumors and just "way out there" statements.

    There is nothing that even remotely suggests that Steam would be used to access the game.

    Yes, we are now listed on Steam and trying to get promoted on there so that it will be an OPTION for downloading the game, that is all.

    So before this gets out of hand, as I said, I'm closing this thread.

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