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Thread: Group Window problems

  1. #1
    Fel Tir

    Default Group Window problems

    This is an issue that has been going on for quite a while, but wanted to see if anyone else is still having it?

    Sometimes when accepting an invite to a group I only show myself. Or when inviting someone they don't see everyone else in the group or sometimes see a player or two with <NONAME>. Often times to get the group window to sync with everyone, we have to kick/invite/kick/invite two or three times. Also, promotes don't always work. An individual is promoted but on their group window they are not. Once again kick and reinvite until it syncs.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Group Window problems

    Been There... Seen That... right on the money as usual Fel....

    Hasn't happened the last 2 nights though.....

  3. #3

    Default Re: Group Window problems

    Happened two days ago for me on Chaos. Happens frequently, although I'd hazard the guess that it happens more frequently if you're grouped just as you're logging in, or very soon after you miraculously come to life in the world.
    Foxfire Godspell, Ice Queen of Istaria, Dark Defenders
    Manta Guild Community @ Collinswood
    Knoc/Conj, Mastercraftswoman -and-
    Ravagice, Horde Fueled WunderWyrm

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