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Thread: Various Quirks: Low Priority

  1. #1

    Default Various Quirks: Low Priority

    This has low priority because none of these are major bugs, only minor issues. It's more so me just being nit-picky, though there will be a few actual bugs (I already know of a few that exist), as the ones here posted now are all from Skalkaar Island, and I will being going through New Trismus soon. If I can, I will edit this post later on including whatever I find from there.


    • Character Tab: Bind Location
      "Skallkar Island Shrine"
      -- When the shrine itself is clicked on, it it spelled correctly.
    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Loot 1 Grulet Tusk
      "You've been set to the task of finding an whole Grulet Tusk."
      "Jemenoth is found by following the road past Karath..."
      "I assume you want to be in the Dragon Scalecrafter school. To learn to craft your first scale there are a few things you are going to need to gather."
      -- The quest, quest text (that which appears in the chat tab), and Instructor Karkath all refer to a single grulet tusk, yet the item required to complete the first part of the quest is called "Wild Grulet Tusks".
      -- I believe the dragon crafting school is just called Dragon Crafting or Dragon Crafter, not Scalecrafter. Artisan Jemenoth also mentions crafting a scale, even though the first equippable item you craft is a claw.
    • Item: Animal Skin
      " this should be worth quite a bit to Rhagool The Oddities Broker in New Trismus in Bristugo."
    • Formula: Skalkaar Dragon Claws
      -- The formula is plural, yet contains the recipe for only one product.
    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Collect 50 Sandstone Slabs
      "Now it is time to start on your first Dragon Scale To do this..." (Missing a period between sentences.)
    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Craft Skalkaar Dragon Scale
      -- The quest askes that you craft a Skalkaar Dragon Scale, yet the item required to complete the quest is called "Skalkaar Hatchling Scale".
    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Spells and Abilities
      "Jemenoth will teach you how to craft your first dragon spell."
      -- Artisan Jemenoth only gives you this spell and asks that you scribe it and place it on a hotkey bar, not craft it.
    • Monster: Skalkaar Brown Spider Hatchlin
      -- The "g" is missing from "Hatchling".


    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Collect 50 Copper and Tin Ore & Dragon Tutorial: Craft 10 Bronze Bars
      -- Gathering 50 copper and tin ore is enough to craft 10 bronze bars, yet the formula to craft a Skalkaar Dragon Claw only requires 9.
    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Collect 35 Uncut Garnet & Dragon Tutorial: Craft 6 Cut Garnet
      -- Gathering 35 uncut garnet is enough to craft 7 garnet, yet the quest after it and the formula to craft a Skalkaar Dragon Claw only require 6.
    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Collect 50 Sandstone Slabs & Dragon Tutorial: Craft Skalkaar Dragon Scale
      -- Gathering 50 sandstone slabs in enough to craft 10 sandstone bricks, yet the formula to craft a Skalkaar Hatchling Scale only requires 5.
    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Kill 3 Tiny Grass Beetles
      -- Instructor Karkath gives warning that if you attack one beetle, other nearby beetles may attack as well, yet they never do.
    • Monster Ability: Mandible Crush I
      -- This ability does slash damage, when I assume it would be crush.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Various Quirks: Low Priority

    Please excuse the double post, but I can't seem to be able to edit my original. Here are a few more things from New Trismus.

    • Quest: Kerian's Quest: Learn to craft a spell!
      -- This quest asks that you first gather enough sandstone slabs and create enough sandstone bricks to craft into 10 sandstone spell shards before Kerian will hand you the formula for Prime Bolt. This spell only requires 3 sandstone spell shards, so I don't understand why so much is asked of the player for their first dragon-given quest in New Trismus. It requires both an empty inventory and the Refurbished Sandstone Cargo Disk just to get everything crafted in one go.
    • Quest: Kerian's Quest: Learn to technique a spell!
      -- The quest text (that which appears in the chat tab) and Kerian both refer to the Agh'kuk Gatherers as Sand Pygmies. She also appears to be sending you to kill some for one of their ears to use in the True Grit spell formula, however the player will get mixed signals about this. The quest text directs them to obtain one of their ears, and the part 4 quest description just says to kill four of them. I personally see no point to this quest, as the enemies are out of the way and their ears aren't even used for making the spell or its technique, Fortify I.
    • Quest: Trials of the Gifted: Test of Endurance
      -- The Weight of the World item given to the player is supposed to slow them down to 15 speed, but does nothing.

    I noticed on Chaos for the Valor and Vigilance: Defend New Trismus quest, on the part where you are asked to kill 10 skeletal raiders, they didn't appear to spawn. I know it wasn't lag because the small brown wolves were moving around just fine, and I stayed put for a few minutes to see if anything would happen. I don't know if this is happening on Order or not just yet. Also, the Kill Red Tusks quest seems to disappear from your quest log a few minutes after you receive it, though you can still complete it.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Various Quirks: Low Priority

    Have flagged this to work as I get time. It hasn't been forgotten.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Various Quirks: Low Priority

    Quote Originally Posted by Snowrift View Post

    • Character Tab: Bind Location
      "Skallkar Island Shrine"
      -- When the shrine itself is clicked on, it it spelled correctly.
    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Collect 50 Sandstone Slabs
      "Now it is time to start on your first Dragon Scale To do this..." (Missing a period between sentences.)

    • Quest: Dragon Tutorial: Kill 3 Tiny Grass Beetles
      -- Instructor Karkath gives warning that if you attack one beetle, other nearby beetles may attack as well, yet they never do.
    • Monster Ability: Mandible Crush I
      -- This ability does slash damage, when I assume it would be crush.
    I could not find where the two under "Miss-spellings" were located, so could not change them.

    The "Other" items were primarily ones that are not going to be changed. Yes, you're crafting more than are necessarily needed to make a single item (claw, scale, whatever), but the tutorials are set up to ask you to craft "round" numbers, and are that way in case someone comes in with more skill than just the base.

    A note about Tiny Grass Beetles- just because they don't seem to group up on you doesn't mean they might not.

    Mandible Crush just means you are being closed in the grips of the mandible, not that it is doing crush damage.

    Awesome feedback! Thank you.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Various Quirks: Low Priority

    Think he/she is saying. When you are bound in Skalkar and open up your Character Sheet, Bind Location (under General). They're saying its incorrectly spelled as Skallkar (two L's). But if you click the shrine itself, its spelled correctly. So whatever inserts the name into the Character Sheet's binding location, is mispelled..

    The 2nd mispelling is actually just a missing period. Directly after "Now it is time to start on your first Dragon Scale" So it should be "Now it is time to start on your first Dragon Scale. To do this..." instead of "Now it is time to start on your first Dragon Scale To do this"
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Various Quirks: Low Priority

    I understand the second one, but have no idea where that's said.

    The first part... no idea where that comes from, but I'll look into it. Thank you.

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