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Thread: Map Pack 3.6 Final

  1. #21

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    No idea
    I would say to recheck again each and every step.
    Probably is something obvious and easy to overlook.

    I just said what solved the issue in my case.
    Northwind * Ancient, Crafter, Lairshaper * 100/100/100
    Northpole * Spoiled biped * 100 BTLM, 100 CLRC, 100 RVR, 100 RNGR, 100 MAGE, 100 WIZ, 100 SORC, 100 CONJ, 100 SPRT, 100 DRU, 100 HLR, 100 GRDN, 100 MON, 60 WAR, 44 BRSK/SPRM, 40 CHSW * 100 BLK, 100 OUT, 100 JWL, 100 ARM, 100 WPN, 100 FLE, 100 FIT, 100 MSN, 100 SCH, 87 SPL, 85 GTH, 85 MIN

  2. #22

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Alright, thanks a bunch for the help anyways

  3. #23

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Your resourceMeta file should look like this:

    	string	Dir = "world_cache\"
    	string	Dir = "resources_override\"
    	string	Dir = "artist_preview\"
    	string	Dir = "resources\interface\maps\"
    	string	Dir = "resources\interface\themes\"
    	string	Dir = "resources_override\resources\interface\maps\"
    	string	Dir = "resources_override\resources\interface\themes\"

    Your Clientprefs_common file should have this line edited near the bottom too:

    string mapPath = "resources_override/resources/interface/maps"
    I suspect the reason you're missing some of your filter buttons is you might have edited one or more lines in ResourceMeta, instead of adding the lines to the end of the file. You should not edit any lines in resourcemeta. But instead you add lines to the end of the file.

    Lastly, this probably isn't your problem, since I can see the markers, but perhaps could help future people. If you look inside your resources_override folder. You should see a folder called 'Resources' inside of that. Thats where you unzip the file to, unzipped to the resources_override folder.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Fixed! I obviously DID edit wrong stuff in the ResourceMeta file Thanks so much!
    • My Dragon Cave scroll •

  5. #25

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    One thing I have noticed about this Map Pack: I put in new markers for things I find. If I log out and log in with another character, all those markers are not there anymore. If I relog in with my original character again, markers are not there also. Is there a way to make sure the markers I put in place stay, or am I doing something wrong?

  6. #26

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Are you adding them the traditional way, pressing the * icon at top of map and clicking a location? Or do you mean you are manually editing the .def files and adding them? If you're doing them the traditional way, then that is very odd. When you add a marker, it appears in the prefs\server_charactername folder, in a file called Uimapmarkers.def . In fact if you add a marker, and immediately view that file with notepad, you should see your marker added there. When you log out, the game shouldn't be touching that file. The only way I could possibly see if it would (haven't verified this) would be if you were to set the character reset option in the patcher. See if that file gets bigger as you add markers. Then see if the file appears to have gotten smaller after you log out (which it should not, and suggests your markers are vanishing). Only other possibility I can think of, is maybe the file is marked read only. Try right clicking that file, in My Computer/ Windows Explorer and choose Properties. See if the Attributes checkbox "Read Only" is checked, if so, uncheck it, hit OK.
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  7. #27

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Love this map feature - thank you very much for doing this.

    On my desktop, when I bring up the map, my player icon is a dragon.
    I just installed the latest map pack yesterday on my new laptop and there is no dragon icon just a white dot. Is there a way I can get the dragon icon? I am directionally-challenged and need that dragon icon to point me in the right direction. Ps. I am the only one I know that can still get lost even with a map.

    Thanks for your time

  8. #28

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    You can, if you're using 3.6. Look at the very first thread in this post. Terao, the author of 3.6, explains how to do this and the post also shows pics of other types of direction marker you can use.

    If you're using v3.5, then no. You said a white dot, that sounds like 3.5. Unless you mean the white dot with a circle and arrow around it, that changes direction. I guess another way to tell what version you have is, where did you download it from? The link on the first post on this thread would be for 3.6.

    I reply to this thread, because I understand the mechanics of map pack, so try to help when I can. But just to be clear, there are two versions of map pack currently out, 3.5 and 3.6. Neither are compatible with each other, they are setup differently.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  9. #29

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Is there going to be an installer because manual doing it always glitches my game for instance the Kion volcano would never load as well as the gem mine underneath
    Face forward and you should be able to hear it now the only thing plugging your ears is your own fear. There is only one enemy and one of you so what is there to be afraid of ? Abandon your fear turn and face him, Don't give an inch. Now advance Never stop If you retreat you will age Be afraid and you'll die NOW SHOUT OUT YOUR NAME !!!

  10. #30

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Just to let you know, I'm working on a update. I think the next version will be released not too long after the actual version running on Blight Server went to the regualar servers.
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  11. #31

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    As Cegaiel "captured" my map version (thank you for not asking if I allow to do so) you will be able to download future versions here:
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  12. #32

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    You allowed me to mirror your original when it came out in August, 2012. A couple months later, you was gone, no updates for almost a year. I have not seen you around forums for quite a long time until the past month or so (at around the same time I offered the community an alternative for the outdated mod). Sorry, I thought I was helping the community, not "capturing".

    I simply feel people should have access to the latest marker locations for map pack (any version). I feel marker locations are public domain. By me inserting my marker locations into your modified map pack, was no different than me inserting my marker locations into Katscratch's 3.5 (which his last update was about 2010). Was we suppose to keep hoping he would come back and make an update? Map Pack would be totally useless if thats the case. Who wants to use a 3 year old version of marker locations. For the record, no I do not have Katscratch's blessing/permission to insert my markers into his 3.5 version. I have not seen him. But I don't think he would mind that I've kept the project alive, with help from the community; for the community. I don't think you got his blessing to modify his update either. But don't think you needed it either. My page clearly says "Alternative Updates" not this is my map pack that I made all by myself (with no help or templates from previous authors or community contributions). I always give credits where its due. I also encourage anyone to offer alternative updates to map pack. As far as I'm concerned, when you posted it on the forums, you released it to the community, for the community. If it was some sort of proprietary project, then you would've released a binary executable with no source code (.def files).

    We all can't play this game 365 days a year. We all need breaks. If I take a break, I would encourage/except anyone to continue updates and post them where ever they can get the word out, forums, their website, etc. If you take a break, people should still have access to current data, as it does change when new patches comes out. I had no idea if your break was 6 months or going to be 3 years.

    When I came back from a 6 month break, you was just starting the 3.6. I suspect your motive was there were no updates in a while and you wanted to help the community. Bravo, you're the type of person that makes Istaria an enjoyable place to play and hang out. I play this game and do what I do because of the community. We're on the same team.

    I did not "capture" your version. I simply inserted/replaced my own .def files with updated marker locations. I could have just simply bypassed everything and made a zip of the marker .def files only (no images, no nothing, just files like map_istaria_monster.def) and people could simply unzip them into ANY old version of 3.5 or 3.6. The marker locations in the def files are a community project. I simply made it less confusing by doing it in a single zip file, instead of jumping through hoops with several additional steps (ie Download Map pack 3.6 from your site (or Download the 3 year old version of 3.5, off's mirror, then come back here and download my alternative updated marker locations, then do this, then do that, now edit this file, now set read only permission file, etc.) Most of these steps are eliminated, thus helping less computer savvy people to get Map Pack. I want everyone to have Map Pack, especially yours!

    I'm sorry that you are upset about that. I honestly did not think it was an issue. I felt it was no different than how I've always inserted my own markers in Katscratch's Map Pack 3.5 (last updated 2010) and make them available to the public as I did for yours.

    In all fairness, I plastered several credits to you on the page, so there is no question as to who the 3.6 author is, you. When you came out with 3.6, you completely copied all my marker locations as a template and then added/deleted and rearranged some of them and stuck them on 3.6. I didn't care, because you was doing something for the community and thats all that counted. Improving something that already existed. The community is very appreciative of that, as am I.

    In the past, I've had countless people /tell me and ask how to uninstall 3.6 and go back to 3.5 just so that could get current data. I like 3.6 and thought it was a shame that they were missing out on your excellent features. I know they didn't want to go back to 3.5, but just wanted the updated data. That was my motivation to spend several hours to create new scripts to allow the export to 3.6 format, what the community wanted.

    If you don't wish me to make a copy of 3.6 available on my site, then let me know, I will cease and desist. On the same token, if you want to do your own updates, I have numerous updated terrain files in the Istaria Terrain folder (*.png). You (or anyone) are most welcome to use them and dont have to ask. Map pack is a mod. It's a bit unreasonable to think that no one will ever edit/improve an existing mod in this game, whatever it is. Dragon mods, map pack mods, icon mods, etc.

    I just don't want you to feel I "captured" your project and took off with it, thats not the case. All I bring to the table is raw data, thats it. The same way I offer raw data to HCC updates (via Valareos' database on his website).

    I think map pack, should be a collaboration of several people, familiar with the format. It would also serve as a redundancy for updates if one of the persons should take a break. I'd like if you and I could possibly start a collaboration? Your experience/expertise would be invaluable. I do pretty much everything on a webpage now. Add/edit/Delete markers in database; an Export function that Optimizes the markers as well as automatically overwrite the short coordinates (123/456), which helps prevent copy/paste errors (Short coordinate on one side of the map, but marker on other) and writes all the .def files automatically, in order by x,y. I could modify the pages to make them available work in a team environment, or possibly do a project. Let me know Can IM me on sharpguy32 on Yahoo or Trillian messenger (around 10PM-5AM EDT (-4 GMT)).

    Again, my apologies for not getting with you first time around.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; June 14th, 2013 at 07:15 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  13. #33

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    I would have allowed it and I allow you to keep it and working on it Cegaiel. It just would have been nice to get asked before "someone take over the work another has begun". You really do (and did) a great work for the community with updating HCC, Wiki and I really like your internet site and use it myself quiet often. Keep on your great work, I'll see if I can help you with editing the one or other marker using your site
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  14. #34

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Thanks Terao, I'm glad to hear that. It will take a while, I'll have to figure out the best way to make some pages so that we both can work on it. Currently the scripts are ran on localhost, so I need to get something to work on the main site. I will let you know
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  15. #35

    Default Re: Map Pack 3.6 Final

    Forum thread Map Pack 3.7

    Download: Map Pack 3.7
    Last edited by Terao; September 5th, 2013 at 09:13 AM.
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

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