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Thread: Istaria's Got Competition

  1. #21
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    You all would be surprised just how many people are really interested into PvP and being really cruel to others... I think WoW's PVP servers have more than the others, do they not? I've never played much but that's what I remember. People like competition.. and while this game is much more hardcore than WoW (by a mile), people still like the idea of being the best and killing those under them.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
    You all would be surprised just how many people are really interested into PvP and being really cruel to others... I think WoW's PVP servers have more than the others, do they not? I've never played much but that's what I remember. People like competition.. and while this game is much more hardcore than WoW (by a mile), people still like the idea of being the best and killing those under them.
    I think that describes the fundamental difference between those types of games and Istaria in a nutshell. They like to tear others down and destroy. Istaria is a community that likes to build and help others through mutual sharing.

    I'm so happy in Istaria and a game like that will never appeal to me. Guess the two don't mix well.
    Be the Dragon!

  3. #23

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Trials of Ascension is actually a very old game that failed once already, the creator is way too rigid and unwilling to work with players, I doubt this game will get far a second time either, using a very outdated engine by today's standards.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    I don't think they will reach their goal of 750.000 $, the past 3-4 days the fund grewn much too slowly.
    Terao (Gnome, Grand Master Crafter, Order [Unity])|Draigourn (Ancient, Master Lairshaper, Lunus, Order)|Echentrial (Ancient, Lunus, Order)

  5. #25

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    I just did some research to this game and i dont think the istaria coomunity has anything to fear from it, this game has a total different mindgame.

    Ik think ToA is more similar to Salem, which is also a game on a huge world (you can make an out of game map by putting together all the places you have been, but the world is to large to go everywhere in 5 years playing, so it is impossible to make a complete map), without teleport abilities and without worldwide chat and open pvp. You craft/build everything, which takes incredible much time and effort. This game does have 1 life permadeath, and if you finally meet someone else after playing for a week, that scares the ******** out of you and so it is very hard to make (friendly) contact with others.
    I played for about half a year with a group of 5 players. We took 12 days non stop digging to flatten the ground for the defensive town we planned to build, in which we could grow our characters in safety. After months of building defenses we were so scared of other players that we didnt trust anyone to join our settlement, at some point we became less active, and as soon as we started to log in less and upkeep of our townplot wasnt payed anymore, our town started to decay and all this months of work slowly disappeared, without ever actually defending vs intruders. haha In that game you can even get pk'ed while offline, so your town must be so strong that it will take atleast 12 hours for the strongest players of the server to reach the centre while you are offline.

    Here is video of a group of endgame players destroying and killing some weak (offline) solo player and his town, which he likely worked months at:
    I do strongly recommend never to play salem, it will freak you out.

    I think the 100 life permadeath thing toa is planning is very dangerous. I can already predict that it will be possible to purchase extra lives for real money which will completely destroy the game.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    There's nothing out-dated about using HeroEngine as your platform.
    "Alea iacta est" -- Julius Caesar

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    "Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spends it whole life believing that it is stupid." -- Albert Einstein

  7. #27

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    ~Funding Canceled~

    "Funding for this project was canceled by the project creator 1 day ago."

  8. #28
    Join Date
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Apparently they felt they started a kickstarter too early and want to change their payment methods to something more like Guild Wars and refine the came more as to appeal better....

    ...according to a friend, that is

  9. #29

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    eating other dragon's hearts to age? NOPE.

    PVP? yes please. (bit of background, i'm an avid PVPer, i play Eve online, so i PVP regularly.)

    but will it hold the same sense of community without the griefers that Istaria is known for? LOLNOPE. when you get PVP you will always invariably get griefers.

  10. #30

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Actully.. they are relaunching the Kickstarter. And they have an all race pack.. 40$ they have a market place. Im dopnating to it.. donated 250 of my money to it.. Got an extra All race pack fopr a friend too.. They are doing realisticness in midevil.. and no no dragons grow depending how full the character is on ANYTHING the dragon eats in general.. as in yes you can eat humans deer etc...
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  11. #31
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    and no no dragons grow depending how full the character is on ANYTHING the dragon eats in general.. as in yes you can eat humans deer etc...
    It was changed from eating other players only to advance, to eating anything - you can still eat other dragon's hearts, but it's not the only way.

    I'm glad they made that change, I might actually play it now.

  12. #32

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    I was pretty certain this game "died." It was an idea, they tried to get traction and failed... And it's been swept under the rug. Pretty certain it's not being made.

  13. #33
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    I haven't even been following it anymore after they mentioned a subscription model based off Istaria's - human for free, everything else paid. I can't afford 2 subscriptions to 2 different games and I much prefer Istaria.

    Anyway their most recent update seems to have been on the 22nd and they have a new funding campaign that started June 9th related to dragons.. aannnnddd.. I don't think they've gotten much for it? I can't tell, they never updated their fundraiser goal. It's at 52k at the moment but I'm sure that relates to the prior fundraising they did, unless this is more of a "stretch goal".

  14. #34
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth View Post
    There's nothing out-dated about using HeroEngine as your platform.
    Hero Engine has few but deadly flaws dealing with more than 10 players on screen and is slowly getting phased out for what I can see. Can support some very nice looking graphics, though I prefer Elder Scrolls Online own engine, it really shines with shaders, pseudo-radiosity through colored windows, awesome and precise multi-light shadows AND can show about 40-50 players before getting issues.
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
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  15. #35

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Looks like it's back up.

    I actually hope they get it up and going. Assuming it actually keep progressing, I'd play; I like the challenge and don't mind PvP as long as it's within reason (unlike DinoStorm, which is an interesting study in prison psychology). I'd still play Istaria, of course. I stick with good games and can play more than one.

  16. #36
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Yeah, I realised. Reading through I can't say I'm interested in the least with the death mechanic and just how the entire game is planned to play out. What puts me off mostly is that you respawn directly where you died.. so someone can wait for you to respawn and just kill you. Again. And since you can only die 100 times before your character is deleted and assuming this is like most MMOs where progression takes time and effort... yeah, not really interested. :/ Especially since dragon hatchlings are planned to die in 1 hit and the next stage in 2.

    Also, it got 20,000 in the very first day and then it got the other 3,000 in the last 8 or so - a rate of 375$ per day. 375$/day will get them to their goal in 4 years or so. ^^; But of course, anything can happen.

    I've been watching it from afar though, seeing how it goes.
    Last edited by Racktor; February 27th, 2015 at 09:10 PM.

  17. #37

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    So they are trying again? Although I like some of the concepts, like a very difficult path for dragons and requiring skill to fly, I do not accept the idea of permanent death. I'm all for risk for reward including devastating loss and a long road to regain your place. But not total loss. To me that would take the fun out of it. Especially as the character gets closer to that limit. Plus I don't like PVP.

    This concept kind of reminds me of Horizons long before launch though with far fewer races. I remember reading about the concept and the grandiose ideas they had back then. I like what Horizons/Istaria evolved into better than I think I would have liked the original concept.

  18. #38
    Join Date
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    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Have to agree with Rackie on this. Perma-death after 100 deaths is a bit extreme. I could die 100 times per HOUR depending on what game I'm playing, and I can guarantee you I've died over 100 times in Istaria. On just one character. In less than 2 years of playing. Factoring in the (intended) difficulty of playing as a dragon, this is a big, BIG no-no.

    I can live with a PVP game.... mostly. PVP just means I'll be highly unlikely to go anywhere near other players at all. (Yes I'm the person on a PVP minecraft server that goes to the middle of nowhere to dig a bunker and seal off all exits.) I do not like PVP at all, but I can live with it. I can't live with PVP plus perma-death plus a respawn of a maximum distance of 300m from your corpse. Not going to waste any time or money with the game unless something major changes with it.

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  19. #39
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    I admit this game looks somewhat interesting. I would give it a try once it launches, given it does...

    I'm not a huge fan of PvP but it has its own part of fun. It's the permanent death part that kind of makes me go ehh. I guess we should not get too attached to our character. The problem though is the achievements of growing up, building things, etc... It's harsh at this point. Dragons seem very hard to grow up, but when you get at the last stage my guess is you're probably almost OP.

    I'll see how it turns out, but yeah, they're possibly not going to get to 600 000$ in one month.

    I'd still never leave Istaria for this kind of game if I am not able to afford both~
    Order shard
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  20. #40
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    Default Re: Istaria's Got Competition

    Quote Originally Posted by Levana View Post
    I admit this game looks somewhat interesting. I would give it a try once it launches, given it does...

    I'm not a huge fan of PvP but it has its own part of fun. It's the permanent death part that kind of makes me go ehh. I guess we should not get too attached to our character. The problem though is the achievements of growing up, building things, etc... It's harsh at this point. Dragons seem very hard to grow up, but when you get at the last stage my guess is you're probably almost OP.

    I'll see how it turns out, but yeah, they're possibly not going to get to 600 000$ in one month.

    I'd still never leave Istaria for this kind of game if I am not able to afford both~
    I like PvP in games that don't have a really noticeable progression system. Like, leveling and skills and all of that + permadeath.. I don't like. Like, I love playing DayZ even if I get super anxious about it (always paranoid about dyin'). I had fun in Nether which mixed a strange levels system but you could get to max in 2 hours or so, same with DayZ - you die but you can get back where you were very soon.

    Course 100 deaths expands that but I still would hate to lose everything I worked for in such a long time, especially in a subscription-based game. You basically paid for nothing but the experience in the end, you know? Also in an MMORPG teamwork's pretty useful for things like bosses, dungeons, raids, etc.. they can't do anything like that in ToA without people spoiling the fun. :c They have a reputation system planned but trolls and whatnot don't care for reputation.

    I do love the idea of being super squishy but working up to basically being OP once you finally get the hang of everything. It's a huge accomplishment. But the idea of being able to lose literally everything because of some dicks or people who just want to kill you for the lulz really puts me away. Also since this game has been trying to be made since 2002, their previous company was completely dissolved for something like 2-4 years, and the devs don't seem to have much more experience than planning and meager programming from what I see... I'm not sure if I would want to put a subscription into their game unless I have proof it would be a well-made game that avoids the problems I see in it.

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