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Thread: 'Sup? :3

  1. #1

    Default 'Sup? :3

    So, technically, I'm not "new", but I'm certainly no veteran either. I've played Istaria on and off for the past (almost) four years now, and what with the gaps in-between, I always end up starting over. I'm hoping it will be different this time, and that I will be able to truly stick around (at least by making my characters permanent, versus myself (typically due to lack of money or availability). I've gone through multiple name changes in the past, with only one consistent friend since originally joining (that person being Racktor; she knows who I am) as the rest seem to have faded away. I hope to make some new acquaintances, since becoming a friend is a longer process regarding myself (in other words, I have to get to know you first). I don't have any characters just yet, but I will post their names and server(s) in my signature once I've decided they're worth investing in. In case you haven't noticed by reading thus far, I am rather picky. Don't let that deter you though; I don't talk much (usually), but I don't bite, either. I look forward to meeting people in-game; I will be joining both Chaos and Order at some point.

    Thank you for reading! :3

  2. #2

    Default Re: 'Sup? :3

    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  3. #3

    Default Re: 'Sup? :3

    Welcome back! It's always good to see players returning
    Feel free to look me up on the Chaos server when you have your character(s) created. I'll be happy to help get you started up with some gear & whatnot!

  4. #4

    Default Re: 'Sup? :3

    Welcome back Bluebonnet,

    If your on order sometime, let me know and we can get some starter gear going for ya. Silithus or Kaelisorei.

    Lunus Ancient Dragon - 100 Adv. 100 Craft. 100 Lair. 49 CrystalShaper
    Feel free to add me on Facebook: [email protected]

  5. #5

    Default Re: 'Sup? :3

    welcome home
    "Knowing others is intelligence,knowing yourself is true wisdom.
    Mastering others is strength,Mastering yourself is true power"
    by Lao-Tzu

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