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Thread: Limited spells on one hotkey?

  1. #1

    Question Limited spells on one hotkey?

    Hi everyone,

    I tried to make myself a hotkey which casts onto me all dragon buffs I have. But somehow the hotkey stops working after the fourth or fifth (sometimes it changes!) spell.

    Example of such a hotkey:
    Cast Spell: Promote Vitality
    Wait 3 seconds (so the next spell isn't skipped because the above is still casting)
    Cast Spell: Promote Intellect
    Wait 3 seconds
    Cast Spell: Primal Attack
    Wait 3 seconds
    Cast Spell: Gift of Velocity
    Wait 3 seconds
    Cast Spell: True Grit
    Wait 3 seconds
    Cast Spell: Ignore Mysticism
    Wait 3 seconds
    Cast Spell: Primal Alacrity
    Wait 3 seconds
    Use Ability: Determination
    Wait 3 seconds
    Use Ability: Dragon's Gift

    Is there a limit on how many spells one hotkey can cast out? Or is the order important the things are cast? None of them is linked to another. I even tried to make an additional /selectself between all spells just in case one deselects me.

    It would really make things easier if I only had to click on one hotkey to buff myself instead of 10.
    Research Assistant Pharaxes Sphaerideion (started playing 2007-09-08, ascended 2008-06-15)
    Dragon Adventurer: 100 (2009-01-05) Dragon Crafter: 100 (prior 2008-06-04)
    Dragon Crystalshaper: 100 (2013-12-21) Dragon Lairshaper: 100 (2013-09-28)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Limited spells on one hotkey?

    I do Gifts on my biped this way and it all has to do with timing. I had to change the wait and order a few times to get it to work. Some you don't need any wait in between. I put the the longer cast time ones near the bottom and just watched what didn't cast and added more wait till it did cast. Hope this helps.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  3. #3

    Default Re: Limited spells on one hotkey?

    3 seconds should be more than enough between the spells. When I click all the hotkeys manually it's faster than the 3 seconds. I'm sure even when I put 5 seconds into it, it just stops *knows he has tested it with 3.5 seconds*
    Research Assistant Pharaxes Sphaerideion (started playing 2007-09-08, ascended 2008-06-15)
    Dragon Adventurer: 100 (2009-01-05) Dragon Crafter: 100 (prior 2008-06-04)
    Dragon Crystalshaper: 100 (2013-12-21) Dragon Lairshaper: 100 (2013-09-28)

  4. #4

    Default Re: Limited spells on one hotkey?

    It very much depends on the order of the spells and the wait in between for some. I fussed with mine for well over an hour, and eventually ended up using 3 hotkeys to get everything to cast....with a little more fussing, might have been able to get it down to two keys, but, at that point, I didn't feel like messing with the damned things any further
    Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for thou art crunchy, and extra-tasty dipped in ketchup.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Limited spells on one hotkey?

    It is very possible to do it; i mean i had this hotkey before, but since i couldn't be btohered to work out the proper times buffing myself by pressing eahc one actually worked out better.

    First of all - True grit needs to be the last buff on the hotkey. Changes to health will stop the other ones form casting.
    Also, suggest 5 seconds in between casts.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Limited spells on one hotkey?

    Mebbe so, although I couldn't find that magic order/timing, and couldn't be bothered to spend more time with it.
    Meddle not in the affairs of Dragons, for thou art crunchy, and extra-tasty dipped in ketchup.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Limited spells on one hotkey?

    Sometimes a working hotkey works for me , then stops like that. Sometimes I have to recast it a few times before it goes all the way through. A couple of those spells you're casting has a longer delay then others. You need to watch how fast it is putting the next spell in the queue window (the second one). Adjust times accordingly so there not going up too fast and the longer spells has a longer delay to finish casting.
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