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Thread: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

  1. #101

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I never had an opportunity to see how the Public Order Database at before it stopped working. Not sure what features were available or how the data was displayed or what tricks it could do.

    All I know is the feature, under Reports (Format: Export to HCC Public Order Database) uploads profile.xml, report.xml and report.html using Curl to the server. I am not even sure if there would be any interest anymore with this type of service.

    But since this is just a simple matter of importing the files to a database and creating a record for each transaction, I've decided to attempt to create an alternative "Orders" site at

    This page is in the very earliest BETA stage. Instructions on how to update HCC to export to Istaria Reference (instead of Reclamation's site) is included on the page. It's just a simple matter of downloading a .zip file and overwriting some files in the program directory.

    I'm open for any suggestions on how the page will function and what data gets displayed and how. I might have too much information in it now (ie email address extracted from your Profile).

    Feel free to "Generate" as many orders as you like, random things, it does not matter. The database will likely get wiped in the future, so don't be afraid to add anything to it to test.
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  2. #102

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Be nice if it generated a file name with it so you would have an idea what it was for. Would save searching all the files 1 at a time to see whats there. The file I sent was named "T1 Dragon Spells". That would make it easy for a Dragon to know all the T1 Dragon spells they can have.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  3. #103

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I would also like to be able to extract the "order name.xml" (ie "T1 Dragon Spells.xml") that was uploaded; but unfortunately, the way the plugin behaves, that can not happen. The plugin will always rename your "My Order Name.xml" to "order.xml" and "My Profile Name.xml" to "profile.xml". After it renames THEN it uploads those generic file names. No way to tell the "original filename.xml".

    When your files are uploaded, they will always be received with a filename of report.xml, report.html, order.xml and profile.xml. If you look in your HCC/Temp folder, you will see the filenames that was transferred (after using Export to HCC Public Order Database feature). It's always: report.html, report.xml, order.xml, profile.xml (that resides in HCC/Temp folder). These are the file(names) that gets uploaded. I wish it would transmit the "actual filename.xml" instead of "order.xml". So regardless of the "order name.xml" you uploaded, it will always arrive as "order.xml" on my end. No way to see what your original file name was. The original file name isn't included in any of the xml tags either

    Since that can't be manipulated, I have come up with a possible solution that is now LIVE. Now when you upload an order, your IP# is recorded in the database (added to each record). Additionally, you receive a cookie to every upload (Last Uploaded Order#). So you have two possible ways to let the site know that this is your record and you allowed to edit or delete it.

    This is the simplest way (not foolproof) to allow people to edit their orders (without having to force people to login the main site). You can edit/delete any record you uploaded, as long as you match two criterias. Either your current IP# matches the IP# of the person who uploaded OR if you have a cookie (last uploaded order#) matches an active record. If a bot or spammer takes advantage of this simplicity, then I can add extreme security measures to enforce who can edit records (most likely you will need to login to main site first before your uploads are accepted). Let's hope this will not happen.

    So if the site detects you have the same IP# as the person who uploaded said order OR If you have a cookie (last order uploaded) that matches the said order, then you can edit/delete the record (order).

    The Edit function will let you rename your order from the default of "order.xml" to another name (such as "T1 Dragon Spells.xml"). This new order name will also show in the table.

    In other words. If you upload an order and your IP# matches the IP# that uploaded the record OR if your cookie matches Last Order# uploaded then you will be able to Edit Order Name and Delete Order. Else you will see "Not your order!" instead.

    After you upload an order, you should now be able to edit it and change the Order Name (or delete it). This would be the idea scenario to where you would change said order to "T1 Dragon Spells".xml.

    Since these are new fields, I have wiped and replaced the Database. Future uploads should work as intended, so upload "Generate button" some more

    @Dacurly, try to upload your T1 Dragon Spells again. This time, see if you can edit the Order Name to "T1 Dragon Spells". You (and everyone else) should then see this updated filename that will serve as a description.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; September 5th, 2014 at 06:59 AM.
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  4. #104

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Just Tested it out and it works perfect. Nice workaround Cegaiel. Its very easy to change the name. I like it
    Did another Test, I setup an opti. profile and uploaded a set I had made up for doing a batch of T5 shield scrolls. Worked get
    Then I downloaded the same file to see best way to get it back in HCC. It Downloaded to my normal download folder, I right clicked it and went to open with HCC, works good. If you just double click it it will be sent to your Browser most likely.
    Last edited by Dacurly; September 5th, 2014 at 02:02 PM.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  5. #105

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Excellent glad it works... and when I originally made the page, I was one sided focused on about this being an exchange for HCC users. But I can see other/better possiblities for this now; and you showed me that with your "T1 Dragon Spells" list. Tell a player to view the order to relay to them, what they need to gather for you, to make the requested item.

    A new player likely will not have HCC, but lets say they ask for a specific item, teched in a certain way. As a crafter, you can simply create the order and upload it, then tell the player to view the order # to see what they need to gather for you (displayed in a webpage). Simpler than typing every possible componenent needed in Market Channel (or whatever channel). If you keep your profile up to date (skill level) then the order will reflect the quantities, based on your current skill level. So we can create lists here for a player to lookup (ie All T1 Gift Spells - Biped.xml). Show all the things they need to gather if they want this particular set. Its easy for a player to ask in Market, "I need this spell with this tech, I have all the mats!" Its when they say I have nothing, that you might be hesistant to abort your current task to help out. But a player already armed with all the materials needed, will get a quicker response for aid

    Once you create the item, you can then delete the order (unless its a general list for reference purposes -ie an optimal crafter).

    P.S. @Dacurly
    I think your "100 of each T5 Shield Scrolls".xml is suppose to be "50 of each T5 Shield Scrolls".xml ?
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  6. #106

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    P.S. @Dacurly
    I think your "100 of each T5 Shield Scrolls".xml is suppose to be "50 of each T5 Shield Scrolls".xml ?
    Never mind, forgot you get 2 scrolls per batch, so 50 batches is 100 scrolls
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  7. #107

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Minor update today (DB: 2014-09-20):

    Clay Scoop now includes Preparing and Quarrying skill (in addition to current Earthencraft Skill).
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  8. #108

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Minor update today (DB: 2014-10-07)

    Added Ishalin's Wild Gruok Stew (Under Food - Main Dishes - Rare) category (T6).
    Added Rubbed Sage to list of components.

    New confectioner recipe I didn't know existed (and I thought I had them all). Thanks Eyjolf @ Chaos for pointing this out. If you don't have this, then head to Ranger Camp for easy quests, outside of Kion (206/241). Not confirmed, but you may need to be joined in CNF school to receive quest. It begins with Tirral the Scout, then Ishalin will finish the series.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; October 8th, 2014 at 06:52 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  9. #109

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    FYI. I noticed after the update that I had to reload "" back in so I could place orders on the site again (Export tried to send to old site) and orders I had already placed there said they where not my orders now.

    FYI. I did a recache of the database and it did not affect the Export.

    I set "export.bat" and "curl.exe" to "read only" and will let you know what happens (if anything) on next update.

    So I was thinking maybe there is a way you can add the "" to the update.
    Last edited by Dacurly; October 11th, 2014 at 11:24 AM.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  10. #110

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    That is odd. Did you by chance reinstall HCC or maybe do a Windows Restore? The files for the plugin (export.bat and curl.exe): HCC Public Orders Plugin Update can't get overwritten during an update (using Update button in the program). Those files aren't included in the update's .zip file. I've never had mine replaced during an update. You can also force an update to re-test (don't need to wait until next update). Click on Live Update button, then Check for Updates button. When it sees its the same version, it will show a "Re-Download" button. Click that. This is the exact same behavior that would happen, even it was a brand new update. You should note that if you remove read only permissions, before doing this, that those files should not get overwritten. It shouldn't be possible. Only a brand new install or restoring some sort of back up would do that.
    But I did update some things to help prevent the "This is not my order" issue, even though it could be your order, on .

    The page used to only record the IP# (in the db) and set a cookie for the last order # uploaded by you. As long as your IP# matched the order (of the uploader) or your cookie showed the order # matched the last order uploaded by you, then it would allow you to edit. Your IP# changed slightly since your earlier orders (that's why you can't edit them, it doesn't know its really you). I added a new field in the db. If you are logged into the main site, then it also records your character name (that is logged in currently), with the entry. So as long as you are logged into, when you submit an order, you will never have problems editing/deleting again. Otherwise, if you upload while not logged in, then it reverts to the other two methods to verify you (IP# matches or your last order# cookie matches). I did manually update the db to add your character name to your orders, should let you edit/delete now. Lucky you and I are only ones that uploaded recently, was easy to figure out your records and add your name to it. But future orders will do this automatically now.

    So recommend everyone makes sure they are logged into before uploading. You only need to log in once every 365 days (as long as you don't reset cookies), so shouldn't be too much of a burden
    Last edited by Cegaiel; October 12th, 2014 at 04:57 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  11. #111

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I did the re-download and was looking throw the files before I closed the window and noticed something that don't look right about 3/5 down the list. It has " Moving '\icon\general\icon_technique_07_05_22.png.png'... " none of the others has double ".png " ,may mean nothing, FYI.

    And your right, it did not change export.bat or curl.exe. I uploaded an order just fine. I did have a computer problem the other day, had to put in a new CMOS battery. Which means I had to reset all the CMOS. maybe that's what screwed it up. No matter everything is working fine now.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  12. #112

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Alas, the elusive Crystalshaper forms has been added to HCC. Note that this was a very painful set to add, so I hope you enjoy! Crystalshaping forms will appear in four different places:

    Crystals - Armor (Armor Crystals)
    Crystals - Damage (Damage Crystals)
    Crystals - Resistance (Resistance Crystals)
    Resources - Crystalshaping (Resources to make above crystals - Crystal Shards)

    I just tossed some generic icons in the meantime, but will try to update those next time
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  13. #113

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Updated Damage Crystals:

    These new crystals (added last update 2014-12-03) are confusing (ie Viridian Damage Crystal of Blight previously said "Does 110% of normal damage").
    Not clear that it is 110% damage against YOU (by the mob) and not other way around.
    Also did not state what type of incoming Damage did the extra damage against you. Only certain types of damage give a bonus to the mob's incoming attacks.

    Consuming a Damage Crystal of <element> will cause certain types of incoming damage to hit you harder, not cause you to hit the mob harder.

    Here is the chart. This chart is what was updated in HCC. Instead of "Does 110% of normal damage" now would say "Incoming Primal Damage does 110% of normal damage"

    Crystal of Blight - Incoming Primal Damage does <number>% of normal
    Crystal of Energy - Incoming Spirit Damage does <number>% of normal
    Crystal of Flame - Incoming Ice Damage does <number>% of normal damage
    Crystal of Ice - Incoming Flame Damage does <number>% of normal damage
    Crystal of Nature - Incoming Blight Damage does <number>% of normal damage
    Crystal of Primal - Incoming Blight Damage does <number>% of normal damage
    Crystal of Spirit - Incoming Energy Damage does <number>% of normal damage

    As usual, click the Live Update button in HCC to grab this patch
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  14. #114

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    I'm confused

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    Consuming a Damage Crystal of <element> will cause certain types of incoming damage to hit you harder, not cause you to hit the mob harder.
    So if this is the case: these crystals are useless, all they do is convert damage, and then if you get hit with <damage type>. You get hit harder, why would I want to get hit harder?

    I was figuring that if you used that type of attack you hit harder. So it would be outgoing not incoming.
    If they don't add to damage, why are they called "Damage Crystals", should be "Convert Damage Crystals"

    We need a Dev. to clear this up.

    Amon could you please enlighten us?
    Last edited by Dacurly; January 5th, 2015 at 05:36 PM.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  15. #115

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Quote Originally Posted by Dacurly View Post
    I'm confused

    So if this is the case: these crystals are useless, all they do is convert damage, and then if you get hit with <damage type>. You get hit harder, why would I want to get hit harder?
    Thank you! And I thought I am the only one...

    Yes, you make more damage. Exactly the same percentage more damage you will get from the enemy in return with the opposite element
    Research Assistant Pharaxes Sphaerideion (started playing 2007-09-08, ascended 2008-06-15)
    Dragon Adventurer: 100 (2009-01-05) Dragon Crafter: 100 (prior 2008-06-04)
    Dragon Crystalshaper: 100 (2013-12-21) Dragon Lairshaper: 100 (2013-09-28)

  16. #116

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    All of the DCRS crystals are damage trade offs: do more damage of one element, receive more damage from said elements opposite. A blighted weapon is better for this roll.

    These crystals, in their current state, serve no useful purpose. DCRS just allows dragons an easier path to use their travertine crafting disks.

    Need a revamp on these bad boys!

  17. #117

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Sorry about the post above, I checked the Crystals I have made and they do outgoing Damage at the same % as the incoming.
    IE: a "Violet Crystal on Flame" converts damage to flame and does 130% of Normal damage (outgoing)
    Incoming Ice Damage: Does 130% of normal damage

    Cegaiel- you need to add the same % of damage under the Convert part on HCC

    Viridian Damage Crystal of Flame

    "Converts Damage to Flame"
    "Does 110% of normal damage" <<<<
    "Current School Level (1)"

    "Incoming Ice Damage does
    110% of normal damage"
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  18. #118

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Sorry about that. I tried to find the Undo button, but none exists. I misread the tooltip (well partially misread it), plus I tried to add this before I retired late at night, trying to rush it. But the damage crystals do extra damage outgoing as well as incoming bonus to the mob. HCC 2015-01-06 is now available with all the correct info
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  19. #119

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Looks good Cegaiel and thank you for all your hard work.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  20. #120

    Default Re: Horizons Crafting Calculator: NEW UNOFFICIAL SERVER

    Yes, thank you Cegaiel for all your hard work! As you can see, I am still around, and I still manage the programming side of things for Cegaiel (when he can catch me!!!)

    When I first started this project, It was always my intent that once the tools were made, anyone can take over the role. Cegaiel has done wonderfully these last few years, and I am pleased to see that even when I am away, my tools are still used to keep this going.

    So, what brings me back to the forum? Well, believe it or not, the Online HCC project is almost out of Beta Stage. By the end of this week, the Online HCC tool will be complete to allow full control over what is shown in HCC.

    So what is the future of HCC? Well, there will be an expansion. HCC will become HCAC... the Horizons Crafting and Adventure Calculator.

    Using the same programming that allows you to have formulas and techs, You will also be able to find, and track.. quests via your HCC interface. With this, the HCC team will also be looking for volunteers to join. We arnt accepting new recruits yet, but if you have an interest in doing such, keep an eye on this forum.

    We also now are opening up for any ideas on other ways to expand the HCC. There is a limit to what we can do, as we have to work in the confines of the HCC core programming, but give any ideas and we can see if it is feasable

    Enjoy, and feel free to contact me any time I am on at Valaerosilantix on Chaos!
    Horizons Crafting Calculator Update Team Member
    Code Name: Webdragon
    SysAdmin, Head Developer

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