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Thread: Imperial Test of the Gifted

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Imperial Test of the Gifted

    Imperial Herald
    - all main racial cities ?Test of the Gifted ? Herald tells you, ?Here ye! Here ye! The Imperial Council, has long known of the rise of a new trait appearing among members of all the Living Races of Istaria. This trait, belonging to those people known as the "Gifted," appear to grant its owners the ability to survive death. Though death is not necessarily painless for these people, the Gift itself is indisputable, and the value of these people in our Empire?s struggle against the Withered Aegis is sure to be great?

    Herald tells you, ?The Gifted have been appearing in Istaria for over two decades now, but the Imperial Council feels we do not have the enough information about what these Gifted individuals are capable of. The Withered Aegis has been held at bay, but it has not been destroyed. We know that they are might, but we do not yet know the full extent of their armies, and we have not begun our counterattack in earnest. In fact, we have grown lax in our vigilance, and the Undead foes are encroaching upon our communities. In order to assess out strength against this foe, the Council wishes to discover what other talents the Gifted have, and in order to do so they have designed a series of trials. There are five tests the Council wishes to administer to you. For each that you complete there will be a small reward, but if you complete all five you shall receive a greater award and great prestige. Do you wish to show your worth by taking on this challenge??

    Herald tells you, ?There are 5 parts to the challenge. Endurance, Knowledge, Swiftness, Wit, and Soul.?

    Herald tells you, ?This is a test to determine the limits of a Gifted citizen?s Endurance. You may find the Imperial Assessor Endurance near New Rachival.?

    Herald tells you, ?This is a test to determine the Gifted?s ability to absorb Knowledge. You may find the Imperial Assessor of Knowledge in the city of Tazoon.?

    Herald tells you, ?This is a test to determine how swiftly the Gifted can travel. You may find the Imperial Assessor of Swiftness in Dalimond.?

    Herald tells you, ?This is a test to determine the capacity of a Gifted citizen?s Wit. You may find the Imperial Assessor of Wit with Sammy Specialpants on the isle of New Vassarack.?

    Herald tells you, ?The Imperial Assessor of Swiftness in Dalimond works closely with the Imperial Assessor of Soul. Seek one, and you will surely find both.?

    Imperial Assessor of Endurance
    ? near New Rachival ? Assessor tells you, ?You look sturdy enough. Are you here for the Test of Endurance??

    Assessor tells you, ?See if you can carry this burden to my assistant at the other end of this track. He?ll reward you if you?ve the stamina to make it all the way there.

    Assistant tells you, ?Oh my! You really did make it! I see you?ve also learned that removing the Weight of the World from one?s shoulders is not so simple as it appears. Even so, this is very impressive. Very impressive indeed.? The assistant glances up from the notes he is scribbling. As he looks at you more closely, hiw eyes widen, and his face goes pale. ?You might want to rest a bit? Anyway, here?s your Token of Endurance, and some compensation for your? er? considerable effort.?

    Imperial Assessor of Knowledge
    ? Tazoon out-portal ? Assessor tells you, ?Greetings, Gifted one. I have been charged with the task of assessing your knowledge ? in truth, however, this is less of an "assessment" and more an education, in case you are not well-informed. We must start at the beginning as all tales do. It was called the Age of Gods, the era dating back before history was recorded on the page. It occurred roughly 2,000 years ago, from most estimates and was what we believe to be the time when the deities walked upon the Prime within avatars and took a hand in the events of the day.?

    Assessor tells you, ?Much of what we believe happened during this time could be called folklore and legend, but there are some events that most agree did in fact occur. Istaria?s first city, Jarl, is an example of this ? the ruins can still be seen in the Barasavus desert. Jarl is a bit of an oddity: the Living Races were thought to be nomadic at the time, which does not fit with a single residence. Some speculate that it was not so much a city, but more a permanent place to worship the gods. Whatever its purpose, however, it did not survive the incident.?

    Assessor tells you, ?From what we have gleaned during our extensive studies of the ruin before the Frontier fell out of control, it appear Jarl was destroyed by some calamity. No one is certain of the cause. As most accounts state that forces struggling against one another, fighting in the name of their deities, however, the destruction of the city may well have been part of the unrest that ruled the time. Specifics, however, are impossible to verify.?

    Assessor tells you, ?Most of what we know if this Age comes from scattered collections of tales, passed down from generation to generation until finally written down. Due to the heavy localization and embellishment that tends to color oral histories though, they are normally inaccurate and biased. History is often defined by the victors, after all, and these tales are no exception, I imagine. Should you wish to continue this task, speak with my colleague by the Draconic fountain.

    Scholar of the Age of Dragons
    ? Scholar tells you, ?Ah, this is such a beautiful place to discuss the brightest time of Istaria. I speak, of course, about the Age of the Dragon, the time when my people were at the pinnacle of our civilization. The deities had gone at the end of their age, you see ? there was a great struggle that encompassed the world. We, the Dragons, filled the void they left. We were worshiped as they had been. The other races served us, and our world was bright and beautiful. The Humans, though, were another matter.

    Scholar tells you, ?Some Humans served us well, but there were those who worked against us at every opportunity. We ignored them at first, as they could surely pose no threat to us? but their civilization grew, and they began building homes as opposed to roaming. Our people became worried, for their numbers grew to troublesome amounts. It was this dilemma that brought about the Great Schism.

    Scholar tells you, ?The Dragons were divided in how to deal with the Humans. One faction, led by the Dragon scholar Helian, declared that the Dragons should seize the opportunity to lead the peoples of Istaria into the future, as Dragons were the most enlightened and powerful of races. The other group, headed by the military leader Malganival Lunus, saw the other races as a threat to the Draconic people, and the world must be rightfully by force of arms. The quarrel lasted centuries, and during that time, the Humans were not idle.

    Scholar tells you, ?While the two factions debated their rightful course of action, Human society grew too large for us to control. We kept to our arguments and a rift was formed among our people that continues to this day: the Helian and Lunus factions. The Humans developed their own strong society ? speak with the next Assessor at the Dome, and he?ll explain to you what became of that development.

    Scholar of the Age of Warrior-Kings
    ? Scholar tells you, ?So you?ve been lectured on the Age of the Dragon, I take it? Excellent. The events there segue nicely into what became known as the Age of Warrior-Kings, and the rise of Ashlander Vandus. It was Vandus, the Good King, who brought the quarreling and scattered Humans under one banner, through his natural charisma and judicious use of force. The Humans truly flourished under his reign.

    Scholar tells you, ?Though not technically crowned king, Vandus was indeed the brilliant monarch of the time. It was through his skill in governing and economics that Tazoon became the capital of the Human civilization. In his negotiations with other races, he used his knowledge of their cultures to everyone?s benefit ? so much so that the conflict between Dragon and Human was kept to a minimum. While there were some battles during this time, Vandus handled them with the same sharp mind he used in diplomacy.?

    Scholar tells you, ?Vandus counseled the Humans to act independently, but encouraged others to cooperate with the other races of Istaria. This philosophy, in turn, made written record all the more important; it was in the Age of the Warrior-Kings that we saw true effort to write down what occurred, in order to achieve better understanding of the world and the people in it in the times to come. It was in this Age, also that we saw serious advancements in magic.

    Scholar tells you, ?In the time after Vandus passed away, scholars began dedicating themselves to magical studies. Though all Living Races dabbled in the practice, Humans were at the time the forefront in new and potent discoveries. Magic was found to have strong ties with the land, and methods were formed to extract such energies from the natural world and put them to use. To continue this subject, however, I think you should speak with my fellow scholar in the mage tower courtyard here in the city. He?ll educate you further.?

    Scholar of that Age of the Sorcerer
    ? Scholar tells you, ?Magic is such a wondrous thing, and never has Istaria seen such advances as were made in the Age of the Sorcerer, some 300 years past. I am sure you?ve already learned of the Age of the Dragon ? ah, that the Humans could have but learned from Draconic society during that time, perhaps what happened in this era would not have occurred. You see, the Human civilization was making advancements in leaps and bounds at the head of the class, so to speak, in every way of life, including magic. It was only a matter of time before history repeated itself.

    Scholar tells you, ?Much like the Great Schism see in Dragon society, Humans became divided on the subject of magical practice. There was a group of mages who wished to unlock every secret in their field of study, to tap into power no man had reached. They turned to necromancy and mental domination to achieve these ends. Other mages opposed them, disgusted at their brethren?s decision to use such abhorrent methods to gain their power. Tempers rode high, and after serious strife in Human society, those who had pursued the forbidden practices were ostracized.

    Scholar tells you, ?They fled the Human lands, outnumbered, and chose to dedicate themselves to a new deity, one Niatha Morhaven by name. She is the goddess of Vengeance, and these embittered individuals worshipped her fervently. In truth, she marked her followers with blue skin, tails, and horns ? and as their actions were, to the Humans, "fiendish", they became known as the Fiends. They vowed to teach the Humans a lesson the "virtues of revenge", but this conflict never came to pass due to the events surrounding a certain Human called Torrin Macalir.?

    Scholar tells you, ?Despite the events centered around magic during this time, it is after Torrin Macalir that this age is named. IN the vacuum created by the Fiends leaving Human society, a young and ambitious mage named Torrin rose to power. Macalir was unscrupulous and eventually the Humans cast him out of their society. It was then that this frighteningly powerful mage began to tap into the Realm of Blight and form what became known as the Withered Aegis. Go and speak with my comrade at the water wall ? he will explain more.

    Scholar of the Age of Lamentations
    - Scholar tells you, ?I will speak to you now of the Age very near to the hearts of the Living Races, for many of us saw its events with our own eyes. It is the Age of Lamentations of which I speak, the time when the Withered Aegis rose up against the races of Istaria and all hope was nearly lost. Creatures from the Realm of Blight surged westward over the frontier, and outlying cities were lost.?

    Scholar tells you, ?Rachival, the Gnomian city, and Feladan, citadel of the Elves, fell under the horrific onslaught of the undead hordes. The few survivors fell back behind the stout wall near Aughundell, and while the city barely withstood the war, the Withered Aegis marched onto Tazoon, where the Great Battle played out before the anxious eyes of the Living Races.

    Scholar tells you, ?It was a mere decade ago when the Great Battle occurred outside this very city. The undead outnumbered the Tazoon army five to one. At first it was thought to be a last desperate stand against the tide, but the Fiends and the Lunus Dragons came to our aid; they reasoned that, while they were enemies, the Humans were most assuredly the lesser of two evils. While the Undead still were far more powerful, our forces had another boon: the Gifted.?

    Scholar tells you, ?The Ritual of Everlasting Life had been performed shortly after the fall of Feladan, and during the Great Battle we finally started to understand its effects on the Living Races who were Gifted. While we weren?t entirely sure of the cause of the dead returning to fight by our side, alive and whole once more, it was an advantage we fully appreciated. Between all of this, one of the Protectorate, Ryson Stormbringer, made his move.

    Scholar tells you, ?He worked himself deep into the Withered Aegis? formations until he was close to Torrin Macalir. From there, he used an Artifact ? no one is entirely certain what ? and with its power destroyed Macalir and many of his minions. The blast was as bright as the sun, and while it did not burn the Living Races, the undead were quite another matter. The blast happened at the crafter you can find west of the city. Thus the Withered Aegis were pushed back, defeated for the time being, and a new age began.?

    Scholar tells you, ?We are now in the Age of the Empire, where Gifted individuals like yourself roam the land and the Living Races are at relative peace with one another. The Withered Aegis is still a threat, looming to the east ? we must not forget all that has gone before. Take this knowledge and token with you, my friend, and may you help usher in the most glorious age our world has yet seen.?

    Imperial Assessor of Knowledge
    ? Assessor tells you, ?You have learned much by completing this test. I hope you have the wisdom to use the knowledge well.?

    Imperial Assessor of Swiftness ? Dalimond shrine ? Assessor tells you, ?I am the Assessor of Swiftness. I am to test the Gifted to see how swiftly they can travel. My test involves running a short distance down the road to my associate. Do you wish to take this test, or no??

    Assessor tells you, ?You would be wise to bind at this Shrine before you go. Trust me; you?ll be glad you did.?

    Assessor tells you, ?Follow the road south out of town. Stay on the stone road and turn left at the first fork. You will see my associate near the path to Crankenspank?s Tomb. Move swiftly now; you are being timed!?

    Assessor of Soul
    ? near Dalimond - Assessor tells you, ?I am the Assessor of the Soul. All you have to do for my test is Recall to the Dalimond Shrine. Timing is critical if I am to get an accurate reading, so you must Recall the exact moment I tell you to. You must speak with my colleague, the Assessor of Swiftness, by the Dalimond shrine to pass? if you are not bound there, you may still take the test, but there is a good chance you will fail.?

    Assessor tells you, ?You did bind at the Dalimond Shrine, did you not? Then off you go! I?ll be taking measurements of the astral energy you leave in your wake. Speak to my associate the, Assessor of Swiftness, when you arrive.?

    Missing response from Assessor of Swiftness. Is something along the lines of, "now she wants you to run back out there? I?m kidding!

    Imperial Assessor of Wit
    ? near Sammy Specialpants on New Vassarack - Assessor tells you, ?A-ha, another one of the Gifted come to prove their worth for the Empire, am I right? Well, to get my approval, you?ll need to show you?re sharp as a tack! For the Test of Wit, you need to answer one of my riddles ? correctly, mind you.?

    Assessor tells you, ?That?s right. A few simple riddles, just three, to see what wit you wield, the caliber of your cunning. Once I recite a riddle, you?ll have to bring me the object that embodies the riddle?s answer. For example, if I posted a poem about leaves, bringing me a leaf would complete the challenge. Understand? Good! Then on with the test!?

    Assessor tells you, ?The riddle is written on this note. Read it and ponder it as you make your way to my assistant yonder. You may treat him like a merchant and purchase one object from him. Use this Riddle Token as your currency; he will not accept coin.

    Assistant to Wit
    - Assistant tells you, ?Hello, Gifted one. If you wish to take the Test of Wit, please speak to the Assessor of Wit over yonder, by the home of a certain enterprising gnome. If you are taking the test now, trade with me. Give me your Riddle Token, and select one item as the answer to your riddle.

    Repeat the process 3 times and get the final token from the Assessor of Wit

    Imperial Herald
    ? any racial city ? Herald tells you, ?The Council thanks you for your participation in the trials. It was surely a mighty challenge. The information we are gathering will help us as we make plans for the future, in our fight against the Undead hordes of the Withered Aegis. Now, as soon as we get all of this paperwork straightened out, you will receive the rest of your reward, have no fear. You just have to be patient? these things take time.?
    Gliding Frost
    Dark Defenders
    Adult May 16, 2004
    Ancient October 2005

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Search for hoard, must find hoard!

    Default Re: Imperial Test of the Gifted

    Added the last line from the Assessor of Knowledge.
    Gliding Frost
    Dark Defenders
    Adult May 16, 2004
    Ancient October 2005

  3. #3
    imported_Eileen Mavourneen

    Default Re: Imperial Test of the Gifted (note on the Test of Endurance)

    A word to the wise: once you begin the Test of Endurance, complete it as soon as possible, even if you die several times in the process or require assistance from a more seasoned Istarian! You will continue to bear the "weight of the world" on your shoulders until you do - severely limiting your speed!

    <Eileen nods to "Sir Speedy", suppressing a smile>

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