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Thread: Client 386.60 Feedback

  1. #1

    Default Client 386.60 Feedback

    With the 386.60 client, I can't inscribe items. Made some spells, incribed them. But putting them on a connie or in house storage erases the Inscription. Old items previously inscribed are ok... I re-inscribe the item, it seems to have the inscription while in my inventory. Placing it for sale or in a house erases the inscription. This is happening on both Chaos and on Blight. I think it worked properly on 386.58

  2. #2

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    I have the same error on order for a while already. Adult Dragon Statues I/others scribe loose their inscription usually the next day, which is very bad because there are greetings from other people written in there...
    Research Assistant Pharaxes Sphaerideion (started playing 2007-09-08, ascended 2008-06-15)
    Dragon Adventurer: 100 (2009-01-05) Dragon Crafter: 100 (prior 2008-06-04)
    Dragon Crystalshaper: 100 (2013-12-21) Dragon Lairshaper: 100 (2013-09-28)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Relogging, trading the inscribed item, listing the inscribed item on a connie, placing the inscribed item in house storage, all erases the inscription.

    Old previously inscribed items, back when it worked, retain their inscriptions when traded/consigned/stored.

    Happening on Blight/Order/Chaos on any item that can be inscribed. Spells, scales, Armor are all good test items.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    When you are right clicking on the item and selecting "Customize", does the dialog window have the text "inscription disabled because the item is stackable". I tried to customize some items, and the UI let me enter a custom name on an item. I am checking with developers on what was their intention with the inscription disabled change.

    For an item that you're having the problem with, please let me know the exact item name, so I can test and provide that information to the devs.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Ok once I am home from work I can provide a specific example. But it happens to anything inscribe-able.

    The Item name customization isn't what I was referring to, I was referring to the text field below the item price settings. Item name customization has always reset when trading/consigning. The item price is being retained. The custom text below the price is what is getting wiped.

    Weird thing it, I can inscribe an item with text, link it in chat, and everyone sees the inscription properly. Then if I relog or do anything else that is wiping out the inscription, we all stop seeing the inscription.

    Just make a bronze chestguard, or a t1 spell (any), and do a test inscription. Link the item in chat. You should see the text, they will see the text. Trade it or relog, the text is gone, and item can be re-inscribed. This is a very easy issue to replicate, ANY item that can be inscribed currently has the issue.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    The bronze chestguard is stackable, so it's proper that the inscription not be applied. I know part of this was a fix to some things could be inscribed, but then when stacked the inscription would be removed.

    I do see that the current client live has a problem where it allows you to add an inscription to an item that is stackable. This has been fixed in the current development client.

    Tests I did:
    - I tested with an essence siphon and the inscription was properly "carried over" when I traded the item between characters.
    - I tested with a mithril pick and the inscription was properly "carried over" when I gave the item to the consigner.

    Could you do your test at home and let me know that item name so I can work on reproducing for the devs please?

  7. #7

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Yeah, I just tested. If you tested Tools, then everything is just fine. You can add an inscription to those. Transfer them to Player Plots and transfer back to inventory. They keep the inscription just fine. Armor and Weapons is another story. They do not allow me to even set an Inscribe. Neither on both Current Client nor the new Test Client. Since neither Armor or Weapons lets me set an inscription, can't even test to if it keeps the name, when transferring back and forth...
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  8. #8

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Yfelvik View Post
    The bronze chestguard is stackable, so it's proper that the inscription not be applied. I know part of this was a fix to some things could be inscribed, but then when stacked the inscription would be removed.

    I do see that the current client live has a problem where it allows you to add an inscription to an item that is stackable. This has been fixed in the current development client.

    Tests I did:
    - I tested with an essence siphon and the inscription was properly "carried over" when I traded the item between characters.
    - I tested with a mithril pick and the inscription was properly "carried over" when I gave the item to the consigner.

    Could you do your test at home and let me know that item name so I can work on reproducing for the devs please?
    Armor, scales, and spells should not be stackable, and should be inscribe-able.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    Armor, scales, and spells should not be stackable, and should be inscribe-able.
    The lower tier weapons/armor/scales/spells had to be made stackable in order to be listed on the Imperial Spell/Militia Surplus vendors from what I remember. I would assume (although I can't test until after the weekend) that higher tier (3+ IIRC) should not be stackable and should be able to be inscribed without issue. Is there really that much of a need for the tier 1-2 items to be able to be inscribed?
    Chaos: Xingolos PlagueWind (31 Hatchling: 23)---Cilok Magmaborn (retired Lunus Ancient: 100/100/60)---Turacegos Blizzardwing (20 Hatchling: 19)---Bilkur Tinkerton (Gnome adjusting to life on Spirit Isle)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    If an item is player crafted and teched, it MUST not be stackable because so would erase the techniques applied.

    In fact, last night cegaiel was trying to tech speed 1 on some boots, and it ate the comps and did not apply the tech to the crafted item. That was with 386.67 client.

    It appears they have made gear untechable by making it stackable, and also broken item inscription.

    The items I was trying to inscribe were t5, triple teched scales and spells.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Just want to toss this out, Guaran, after you left last night, I did make a chainmail bracer with focus I statistic. So I think just the Iron Chainmail boot with speed tech I is bugged. So stuff is still techable, I just picked one with a bug Probably will do some more random tests. Maybe try the T3 and above. What Cilok said does kind of ring a vague bell. Maybe a conflict with that and the inscription.
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    They can find other ways to put low tier gear for sale than breaking techs and inscriptions. Use the useable box to get item method, like they did with the paper bag hats, wizard hat, that would lose the dye (a tech basically) when you restacked it.

    In the meantime, can we get the 386.58 client back until these bugs are resolved?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Last night I made a spell for someone, t5 improved prime bolt, teched with primal damage 5 and primal flash, with an open tech slot.

    Gave it to the player, the dragged a mental bane tech on it, and it overwrite primal flash... There's definitely issues with techs going missing or overwritten when they should not be with this client. Does anyone still have 386.58?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Tried 386.58, Inscriptions broke there too. Maybe its a server side issue. It worked in July/August timeframe pretty sure.

  15. #15

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Indeed, it's a server-side issue.

    There are some items that are marked as stackable. From a semantic point of view, stackable means that an instance of one such item is no different than another. For example, a piece of iron ore is no different than another piece of iron ore. This is great for your sanity, because it allows multiple instances of a stackable item to get lumped into a single item with a counter. 3000 icons of ore in my inventory? No thanks.

    The downside is that you can't (shouldn't) customize a stackable item, by say, adding techs or an inscription. This will cause unpredictable results when combining items into a stack. The stack (and items when split off) will either all have the same inscription, or none will, for example. For awhile, this was actually possible, and probably produced strange results.

    Around the time 386.60 was released, the server code was changed to universally ignore the inscription on stackable items, since, for the above reasons, an inscription makes no sense on a stackable item. That led to the behavior now observed.

    Going forward, I think we'll have to find out why customizable items got flagged as stackable, then ultimately remove that flag; rather than removing sanity-checking code.
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  16. #16

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Then I do wonder, why two Adult Dragon Statues kept their inscription but another one now always loses the inscription. It's true that I got them at different times, but that would be very strange if these days were in separate time frames.
    Research Assistant Pharaxes Sphaerideion (started playing 2007-09-08, ascended 2008-06-15)
    Dragon Adventurer: 100 (2009-01-05) Dragon Crafter: 100 (prior 2008-06-04)
    Dragon Crystalshaper: 100 (2013-12-21) Dragon Lairshaper: 100 (2013-09-28)

  17. #17

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    (stackable) Items that had an inscription prior to the server fix should continue to have an inscription, though any items inscribed after the fix was applied will not retain the inscription. That said, I'm not sure if the statues are marked as stackable.
    You can get anything you want in life -- just make a lot of noise and bite the right people.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Steelclaw View Post
    Indeed, it's a server-side issue...
    The downside is that you can't (shouldn't) customize a stackable item, by say, adding techs or an inscription. This will cause unpredictable results when combining items into a stack. The stack (and items when split off) will either all have the same inscription, or none will, for example. For awhile, this was actually possible, and probably produced strange results..
    Well, Armor, scales, and spells should never have been marked as stackable. These items can be tech'd and as you pointed out above, stacking will erase/overwrite techs and inscriptions. I've seen techs get overwritten when the item was stacked in the past.

    Now that this has been identified, how soon might the servers get a fix for this? Are we going to be waiting 3 to 6 months for another delta to live?

    P.S. All the things like the Haloween masks, Hat's etc, all need to be made UNstackable. For example I have one of the original Cow masks, with a description something like "Submitted by Telshyia of Chaos". This same item was reused a few years later on the vendor, and has some different basic description. I want to keep the original one as is, but by accidentally stacking one on the other, it was lost. Many of these types of items are marked as stackable... Please fix them. Use the same method as was used for the Paper Hats and Wizard hat from the Haberdashery vendor, to fix all these.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Client 386.60 Feedback

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    Well, Armor, scales, and spells should never have been marked as stackable.
    Agreed, though they did, and the question is "Why?" (and not "By whom?"). That's under investigation now.

    Now that this has been identified, how soon might the servers get a fix for this? Are we going to be waiting 3 to 6 months for another delta to live?
    Unfortunately, I'm not in a position with enough information to answer that question. Sorry! I'll do my best to keep things moving along though.

    P.S. All the things like the Haloween masks, Hat's etc, all need to be made UNstackable. For example I have one of the original Cow masks, with a description something like "Submitted by Telshyia of Chaos". This same item was reused a few years later on the vendor, and has some different basic description. I want to keep the original one as is, but by accidentally stacking one on the other, it was lost. Many of these types of items are marked as stackable... Please fix them. Use the same method as was used for the Paper Hats and Wizard hat from the Haberdashery vendor, to fix all these.
    Ugh. Sounds messy. I'll bring this up when it's time to fix things.
    You can get anything you want in life -- just make a lot of noise and bite the right people.

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