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Thread: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

  1. #21

    Default Re: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

    Quote Originally Posted by ArchDemon View Post
    made the gameplay alot different made it feel your a dragon not some playdoe character like gumby right? get your friends all in here ^^ if theres enough dragons supporting it the devs will merge the mod in and everyone will have teeth and claws
    yes sadly including those that don't want it
    Gwain Drago - Mystic Paladin
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  2. #22

    Default Re: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

    Quote Originally Posted by Calyndrell View Post
    yes sadly including those that don't want it

    [ ] Disable White fangs, claws, wing tips for Dragons.

    ^click on that under options ( I doubt that would be to hard ).

    Other option is - Leave everyone to their own devices. Maybe the person who would like a different look stumbled across said mod, and has enough trust that it isn't a virus/keylogger they just downloaded, and that they might put it into the right place to make it properly work in game. Not everyone is great with that sort of thing. Unsupported by the game, they could always add some patch later down the road that somehow breaks this mod, the original designer no longer updates it, so then it becomes obsolete to everyone who enjoyed the look of it.

    More people want this than those who don't.... Would also make dragons look a bit less outdated, which might help from new players being turned off by the game due to that.... (or even older players who come back and think nothing has really changed model wise XD )

    Gum you to death!

    Oh, hey, I have teeth! and a tongue! Who knew?!?!
    Last edited by Zeshkaror; April 23rd, 2015 at 01:54 PM.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

    [ ] Disable White fangs, claws, wing tips for Dragons.

    ^click on that under options ( I doubt that would be to hard ).
    This is a genuinly good suggestion, and yes, I doubt this would be all that hard.
    Heck, if this could be added it'd have 100% support from me for what it's worth.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

    Quote Originally Posted by Zeshkaror View Post
    [ ] Disable White fangs, claws, wing tips for Dragons.

    ^click on that under options ( I doubt that would be to hard ).

    Other option is - Leave everyone to their own devices. Maybe the person who would like a different look stumbled across said mod, and has enough trust that it isn't a virus/keylogger they just downloaded, and that they might put it into the right place to make it properly work in game. Not everyone is great with that sort of thing. Unsupported by the game, they could always add some patch later down the road that somehow breaks this mod, the original designer no longer updates it, so then it becomes obsolete to everyone who enjoyed the look of it.

    More people want this than those who don't.... Would also make dragons look a bit less outdated, which might help from new players being turned off by the game due to that.... (or even older players who come back and think nothing has really changed model wise XD )

    Gum you to death!

    Oh, hey, I have teeth! and a tongue! Who knew?!?!

    Seriously why would those that dont want it?! look how dated it looks now! Seriously why turn away the new players that say the games out dated because the devs are lazy?! common guys stop making the devs lose chances to grab new players let them give dragons there pride! let them show there not the ones who are lazy! I actully had to hell my guild in another game its not the devs fault its ours for not letting the devs keep there game updated. We cryed about gold rage but they buffed every single stat and ability and rebalenced dragons to true dragon might for gold rage being nerfed. if we are too blind that dragons dont deserve there mouths and teeth and horns colored Do you reallyvthink you deserve to even be a dragon in the first place?! how can you take a dragon seriously with those gums?! but when they have teeth and claws you dont want to even talk bad about even a hatchling if you where a human!

    Those that say no teeth and claws. your really destroying the one thing what makes a dragon a dragon. there imtimadation. Your taking away there might there pride.

    Now ask your self do you really deserve to call your self a dragon without your teeth and claws?
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  5. #25

    Default Re: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

    No offense, but you're making way too big a deal over an easy-to-mod texture fix... I'm 99% sure that dragons not having a textured mouth isn't the reason the game isn't grabbing new members, since there are so many other issues that have been mentioned and should be addressed first, lmao.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

    We've got enough feedback. The devs may or may not consider at a future time. Thanks for the suggestion. No other feedback is required on this subject.
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  7. #27

    Default Re: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    We've got enough feedback. The devs may or may not consider at a future time. Thanks for the suggestion. No other feedback is required on this subject.
    theres more coming xD more dragons more speak your mind!!! speak your soul!!
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Feb 2015
    Harro somewhere near Fafnir the Defiler

    Default Re: Dragon mouth color and Teeth color

    I think this is reasonable since some dragon npcs have different teeth colors.

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