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Thread: Sorry for the Bump

  1. #1

    Default Sorry for the Bump

    I am not sure if this is working as designed or what. Everytime I go into a town I get this message Sorry for the Bump. Then something about a cache being created to make it load faster next time.

    The problem is that even if I stand on the portal for 5 minutes these messages don't load so I have to run into town then I get absolutely bombarded with all these messages from all the different NPC's and players around me. I don't really see how this is helping. It's so bad that I will crash everytime in KION and I have had to avoid that town all together. It's sad too, since this was one of my favorite link towns for other cities.


  2. #2

    Default Re: Sorry for the Bump

    As I see that nobody has replied it seems that I am the only person who has these problems. Maybe I can find a way to kill these messages and causing me to lag out and crash. Yesterday I crashed about 16 times, as I was moving in and out of cities often to carry resources for the new plot in Bristugo.

    I tried to run close to town, stop, wait for them to load, then try to go 10 feet further and wait but that doesn't work. I get into town far enough and BAM total message chaos and I stop and if I'm lucky it get's through all them without crash, but most the time it ends in PORT TO DESKTOP for a restart. :-(


  3. #3

    Default Re: Sorry for the Bump

    It's working as intended, this has been happening with my game as well. It's caching character data locally so that they load faster in the future, reducing port and travel times. Your game will freeze momentarily if there are a lot of players and NPCs nearby as their cache is created. They shouldn't be crashing your game however, not if you leave the game alone while it works and give it a few seconds. If you clear your cache before starting your game each time, the caching process is going to keep happening and you'll keep freezing up each time. Killing the messages is a bad thing. What Troubleshooting options do you have enabled in your launcher upon starting?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Sorry for the Bump

    I don't clear my world cache often. I keep getting the same npc's caching every time I go there, so maybe it's not storing?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Sorry for the Bump

    Everyone got the message since patch. However it's a leftover from a change (maybe testing output or so) and shouldn't have found it's way to the live shards.

    Please remove.
    Last edited by Elteria; May 4th, 2015 at 09:10 PM. Reason: meep. typo.

    Istaria Lexica | Istaria Reference

  6. #6

    Default Re: Sorry for the Bump

    These messages are intended. It is to explain why sometimes when you go into town, the screen will freeze up for a moment. It does sound like your cache isn't storing. You should only see a message about a particular npc once. You should never see a message repeat from the same npc, unless you clear your world cache.

    For example, I just went to Sable Shores pad (21360 22691). There are 3 npc's standing near the pad.

    Lumberjack Narvis Tan
    Lumberjack Barvos Tan
    Private Elissa Malna

    Since I haven't visited here since my last world cache was cleared, I get this:

    [05/04/15 18:55:55] Sorry for the bump. Preparing cache for Lumberjack Narvis Tan so it will load faster next time.
    [05/04/15 18:56:06] Sorry for the bump. Preparing cache for Lumberjack Barvos Tan so it will load faster next time.
    [05/04/15 18:56:18] Sorry for the bump. Preparing cache for Private Elissa Malna so it will load faster next time.

    I recalled and then went back. I do not get this message again, because these NPC's are stored in my cache. Even if I exit the game and come back here, I will never get those messages again and none of the freezing that occurs when you do receive them.

    If you receive the same messages over and over, everytime you visit a location, then that is a problem that suggests your cache isn't getting stored.

    I'll explain how/where the cache is stored and provide a test you can do to verify if it is truly storing the npc's cache files.

    Biote (NPC) cache is stored in the /world_cache/ServerName/Biote#

    I'm not sure if the Biote# is universal between all shards or not.

    Here's a test you can do to verify if it is really being stored or not.

    Type /setpref developer true
    Target an NPC. You should see the Biote# of the npc, like this:

    If you don't see the Biote# then try /loadui and re-target the NPC.

    So in this example and from my log files, you see it suggested that cache for Private Elissa Malna (Biote # 609682 on the server I'm on).

    I then look at my Windows Explorer
    Istaria Game Folder/World_Cache/serverNameHorizons/Character folder

    Inside this folder is several folders, each folder contains one NPC's cache files

    I then scroll down and see this folder: biote_609682

    When I look inside this folder, I see:
     Volume in drive C has no label.
     Volume Serial Number is 1896-45C8
     Directory of C:\Games\istaria-Genesis\world_cache\prodhorizons\character\biote_609682
    05/04/2015  07:21 PM    <DIR>          .
    05/04/2015  07:21 PM    <DIR>          ..
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM            43,292 body_human_f_body_b00a.agh_128_256.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM           155,316 body_human_f_body_b00a.agh_256_512.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM             3,812 body_human_f_body_b00a.agh_32_64.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM           516,297 body_human_f_body_b00a.agh_512_1024.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM            12,960 body_human_f_body_b00a.agh_64_128.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM            31,791 hair_human_f_hair_curlyblond.agh_128_128.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM               718 hair_human_f_hair_curlyblond.agh_16_16.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM            89,182 hair_human_f_hair_curlyblond.agh_256_256.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM             2,403 hair_human_f_hair_curlyblond.agh_32_32.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM             8,754 hair_human_f_hair_curlyblond.agh_64_64.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM            21,541 l_palm_swdtexture.agh_128_128.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM               611 l_palm_swdtexture.agh_16_16.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM            81,388 l_palm_swdtexture.agh_256_256.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM             1,810 l_palm_swdtexture.agh_32_32.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM             5,991 l_palm_swdtexture.agh_64_64.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM         1,318,196 r_palm_Comp_texture_ID_609682_r_palm_LOD_0_1024_1024.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM            24,167 r_palm_Comp_texture_ID_609682_r_palm_LOD_0_128_128.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM           101,298 r_palm_Comp_texture_ID_609682_r_palm_LOD_0_256_256.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM           381,715 r_palm_Comp_texture_ID_609682_r_palm_LOD_0_512_512.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM             6,345 r_palm_Comp_texture_ID_609682_r_palm_LOD_0_64_64.png
    05/04/2015  06:56 PM               110 texpile_cache_info.def
                  22 File(s)      2,807,697 bytes
    These are the cached files to Private Elissa. As long as these files exist, I should never get a "Sorry for the bump" message anytime I return to her in the future. If I were to erase this directory (or world cache), I would get this message as it downloads again.

    It's generally not a good idea to clear your world cache unless you have a reason to do so. An example of a good reason is you're seeing or not seeing player built buildings on a plot that should or should not be there. Clearing cache will fix issues like that, which is usually rare.

    Check your troubleshoot button on the launcher and make sure the Clear World Cache box isn't ticked (thus clearing your cache everytime you start the game). If it's not, then look in the folder and see if it's creating and storing the cache files for the biote #. If it is not, then you may have some sort of permission issue going on.

    Also would like to point out, the messages isn't whats causing the problems, its that it's downloading the cache again and again is the problem. Those messages are actually good and helped debug why you have so many problems in town. If it wasn't for those messages, I would've never guessed in a million years that you have problems in town because your cache isn't storing files.

    I'm checking with tech team if there might be a setting somewhere in one of the .def files (/prefs folder) that might prevent the cache from occurring. Maybe it was edited accidentally.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; May 5th, 2015 at 12:02 AM.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Sorry for the Bump

    There doesn't seem to be a setting to stop the cache, so we can eliminate that.

    This would address a possible permission issue of the files getting written to your cache folder:

    But generally, people who have problems with files getting written to the game folder, usually also have issues when they patch as well. So if you don't have problems with settings getting remembered or patches in general, then this might not be the problem. Possible NTFS permissions on the world_cache folder would be the next route I'd check.

    The Program Files folder can be "picky" sometimes, it requires admin privileges to even touch this folder or update anything in it. You could also try copying your Istaria folder to any folder that's not inside the Program Files directory. Then launch the jlauncher.exe from this new folder to startup Istaria. This is a last ditch effort and test you could try.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  8. #8

    Default Re: Sorry for the Bump

    Thank you so much for all the information, great detail. I understand what I need to check and will be doing that after work. I put a support ticket in and I hear that if I'm not running my shortcut as administrator it may not store cache. So I will verify that first, if I happen to be running as admin already then I will go in and verify the biote folder to see if cache is being stored.

    I know for sure already that my world cache button isn't ticked I verified that already. It does seem for some reason that my cache isn't being stored for some reason though as I get the same NPC to cache without clearing my world cache.

    I totally agree with the fact that the messages themselves aren't the problem and causing me to crash it's the fact that over and over I keep getting the same NPC's to cache every time I hit a town.

    Again thank you for all the time you took to help me resolve the problem, I'm sure I'm not the only one. I know some other people that have told me they have problems so after I figure what's troubling me I will convey to them what may be the problem or direct them to this thread.

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