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Thread: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

  1. #61
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    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by Sindala View Post
    I say again, this is just a Dragon bashing thread and if you have issue with the scales then just don't wear them.
    I hate but have to agree all I see is constantly saying that ancients are worthless, ARoP is too easy, and so on.

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    First of all, it's not a dragon "bashing" thread, it's a dragon "discussion" thread.
    It really doesn't seem like a discussion threat it actually seems more like complaining and whining and trying to force it to be your way thread than an actual discussion threat to be honest.

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    Here's why it doesn't make sense that ancients can only wear the T6 sets: Hatchling and Adults can wear the lower tier as well.
    Now you could say "lore-wise" that only ancients wore the priceless set, but I can't really agree to that, heck, the whole "ancient requirement" doesn't make any sense when you go deeper into the lore.
    There is no way to prove that it really seems like you are using the lore to make seem that you are right.
    Last edited by Spyrioyo; May 16th, 2015 at 11:19 AM.

  2. #62

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by ZyrimShadowheart View Post
    There is no way to prove that it really seems like you are using the lore to make seem that you are right.
    oookay then, time to put everything down then:

    7500 B.R
    -Drulkar leaves the Realm of Prime through the Gate of Embers, closing it and telling his people that they "must learn how to re-open it themselves to be worthy of following him"

    5000 B.R
    -Gemenoth re-opens the Gate of Embers and is the first to reach ancienthood

    575 B.R
    -Most ancients leave the realm of prime through the gate of Embers, closing it behind them (again?).

    254 B.R
    -Creation of the Withered Aegis

    21 A.R
    -Gate of Embers is re-opened, Dragons can turn Ancient (ARoP)

    30 A.R
    -Present Day
    so putting everything in perspective:
    -Broken pieces are most likely pretty old as the benefits we get from them are impossible to get from current scales. (lost knowledge)
    -Broken pieces are found with Withered Aegis, meaning that most likely they were used against them.
    -Most Ancients left the Realm of Prime before the Withered Aegis even appeared in the Realm of Prime.
    -The re-opening of the Gate of Embers would be too recent.
    -This means it's more likely that it was Adults and Hatchlings (okay, hatchlings might be a bit too far-fetched) who fought against the Withered Aegis.
    also, if people want this to be a dragon bashing thead:

    Let's make the broken pieces only available to Adults!

    There you go.

  3. #63

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Now to actually contribute to this thread

    I like the idea about doing a/rop but not ascending. They're fun little questlines honestly, plus it gives hatchies access to the rift (who doesn't wanna see a cute lil hatchie fighting elial?!) and no one can complain about them doing less work than ancients. Dunno exaclty how it could be implemented though (maybe a passive or item that must be in inv that allows you to wear them give at the end of arop and fake arop, probs a quest for already-ancients that just gives it. Not really sure if there can be any other requirement over level/race so.)

    As far as hoard requirements go, that's nice too. I'd imagine in the area of 40-60 million hoard should be suitable for wearing requirements, since it's large enough to be something to work towards and depending on what end of the scale may take a little more than just gathering the components to gain (not sure if that's good though). Plus if you're not skilled enough to take on t6 mobs this is gonna be slow and annoying, which it should be, because these scales should be skill and not form based. I.e. you're going have to be strong and/or tenacious to get a set.
    As for required for crafting, i don't think it'll help. People have a lot of hoard that they don't mind giving away, it won't restrict anyone with their skills at all.

    tl;dr: I think that letting people do the a/rop without needing to ascend is good, as is a minimum hoard requirement to wear.
    Last edited by Azath; May 16th, 2015 at 03:28 PM.

  4. #64

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    Some of you seem to be saying "only ancients deserve these scales because I want it this way" but i don't see any good arguement why hatchies shouldn't wear them (or adults)?
    It's working as designed?

    I can say the same thing for your side of the disagreement. You want end-game gear for hatchlings. You've made no argument why that should be allowed other than "I want it" "I know hatchies more experienced than ancients" Dev's said no when they were designed (see the equip requirements). People are asking to do Arop as hatchlings??? Big fat resounding NO to that one. Let's just eliminate any restrictions anything has whatsoever. Dryads should get to do ARop because they can fly, sorta. Half-giants should get to do AROP because they are already bigger than other bipeds, let's let them take the next step. Gnomes should get to do rop because they are too small compared to everyone else, it's not fair. Ssslisk should get to do rop and arop, since well, they are lizards and related to dragons in some way, why should only Dragons get it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    Honestly, some of the most talented people i know and some of the toughest people to beat are hatchlings.
    That's great. I fail to see why this point about a few players means the requirements for t6 gear should be relaxed. You feel they deserve it, no one else save alisto and macheon does. They will deserve it when they take their place among the council of Ancients and follow in Drulkar's example.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    The ARoP is easy as can be, if you didn't do the quests as a dragon you were probably powerleveled anyway and you're weak without them. Any good dragon needs those quests, no matter if they're a hatchling or adult or ancient. As far as the arop goes, i also don't see how that's an issue. Every mob required can be reached and can and have been killed by hatchlings - except for the rift mobs - but really, i've done the arop with groups of 4 with people weaker than some hatchlings i see no issue at all. If you want hatchies to get ancient status then just give them an arop/rop that gives them only a requirement for wearing them so they're not forced to ascend.
    Fail to see any point you are making here, other than you think AROP is too easy, which somehow equates to hatchlings wearing t6 gear??? If you feel arop needs adjustments in difficulty, that sounds like a different thread and there may be some merit to it. No way that a discrepancy in arop means that t6 scales should be available to all.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    We do have an order shard, we do have people who want to keep forever one form that's not ancient even on chaos.
    That's perfectly fine. No one can tell you how to play your toon. Anyone who chooses to stay hatchling or adult does so knowing in advance that there will be things they miss out on. Some things might be a little extra challenging. Part of that challenge is that they will max out on t5 mithril scales (Which are crafted to fit them).

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    Forever hatchies in particular get it way harder to work to level 100 than an adult (lack of flight/no avoiding mobs in places like WD where drags have quests) anyway, and adults who want to stay forever adult are still willing to work to get these epic scale sets too.
    They can work for it by ascending. The Council of Elders follows Drulkar's footsteps. They would do well to heed his example and take their place among the honored elders.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    Easy button? No, people aren't asking for an easy button. Thats why someone (alisto?) put up a suggestion that these people can take a quest to go under the same things but not actually ascend. That way they're undergoing practically the same thing as an acinet would do...only without the big butt.
    If they want to do Rop and Arop thats great. Allowing Hatchlings to do arop would be such a lore breaker, that I wouldn't find this game fit to continue playing.

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    And please no more "because they won't fit" posts anywhere. An ancient can wear the same scaleset as a hatchling, istaria already countered that logic.
    What, so an argument that disagrees with, and perfectly states why your point is invalid, should just be dismissed? But the rest of us should just accept your point of view, that's shared by a vocal few? We are posting because we vehemently disagree with you. And will continue to do so. Hatchlings want to wear t6 scales? Finish rop and then finish arop. A solution to this is already built in to the game.


    Here's what I see happening here: A vocal few believes that if they make enough noise, something will get changed in their favor. Hey, it's worked in the past. Now these same few are clamoring for something else, and it doesn't even fit the lore of the game. Mithril scales are crafted FOR the player. They will always fit. Ancient scales are repaired, therefore will only fit an ancient, as listed in the requirements to use them.

  5. #65

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    My point was a comparison of skill between hatchling and ancient lv100s, that it takes more to get there as a hatchling (and i'd rekon if the arop was available to them they'd still be able to do it) since i believe a way to make it available for all forms is based upon the skill of the player (feel free to disagree, but this is epic gear we're talking about. and i don't really mean pros only, but like, put effort in and a bit of brain to get them which all forms of dragon would like to do but can't because they are limited.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    I can say the same thing for your side of the disagreement. You want end-game gear for hatchlings. You've made no argument why that should be allowed other than "I want it" "I know hatchies more experienced than ancients" Dev's said no when they were designed (see the equip requirements). People are asking to do Arop as hatchlings??? Big fat resounding NO to that one.
    I want end game stuff for people who are at end game, and have just as much as skill as any ancient so i believe they deserve end game stuff.
    Don't want an arop for hatchlings that allows them to wear it? I can understand that. Then i'd refer to my other point. Though i know you've already said (i think) that it's not a bad idea, so i'll not dwell on it. But thinking more, it would be very against to lore to do an arop-esque thing for them so i'll give you that one.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    I fail to see why this point about a few players means the requirements for t6 gear should be relaxed. You feel they deserve it, no one else save alisto and macheon does. They will deserve it when they take their place among the council of Ancients and follow in Drulkar's example.
    Chalcanthite, Litarath, amongst more.

    I don't why they should be FORCED to ascend and go against their character (for rp) or other factors affecting their decision not to ascend. I don't know the drive for everyone not ascending, but these players have put in just as much as effort as any ancient - save for the arop (which they have the requirements for and can all beat the bosses) - and the reaosn why i bring up effort is the first thing i said: thats how i think things should be.

    One reason why i love the mechanics of istaria is...there's nothing forcing you to do anything. Like, don't wanna level adventure? It has limts but sure. Don't like craft? Same thing. You'll miss stuff but you're almost never forced to, or not to do, anything (so long as you're willing to work), and that fits to all playstyles because of the available choices. People want that same thing to apply to these t6 scales: allow them to choice to stay in any form so long as they can work towards getting them.
    EDIT: I'll expand further on that on another point.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    Fail to see any point you are making here, other than you think AROP is too easy, which somehow equates to hatchlings wearing t6 gear???...No way that a discrepancy in arop means that t6 scales should be available to all.
    Someone - i forget who - said that one reason for hatchlings/adults not deserving them is that they don't go through the "hardships" of the arop, in essence. That is why i mention it. Most of the 100 hatchies that do exist could do the arop, if they had a chance to prove it, it would mean that they did indeed have the mettle, abilties and stuff that people seem to think is hard, to beat the arop >.>

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    That's perfectly fine. No one can tell you how to play your toon. Anyone who chooses to stay hatchling or adult does so knowing in advance that there will be things they miss out on. Some things might be a little extra challenging. Part of that challenge is that they will max out on t5 mithril scales.
    Okay i'll grant you that, I can't think of a counter for that one.

    EDIT:"People want that same thing to apply to these t6 scales: allow them to choice to stay in any form so long as they can work towards getting them." That's from a previous point and since it files under here i'll explain here.
    I can see how that logic may not apply to dragons as a whole so don't think that by me saying that i also support all benefits of an ancient should be given to hatchlings so long as they're competent.

    BUT this is epic and final gear we're talking about, this is end game stuff. I think if people can prove themselves they should be able to wear it without going against what they want their character to be. Those who refuse can live with the disadvantage of flight and less breaths and more, but it puts a huge wedge between hatchies/ancients who're level 100 and experienced. I don't think the gap should be as big as these scales make it. Though considering your veiws, i can see why some may be okay with that gap.

    Quote Originally Posted by Guaran View Post
    Mithril scales are crafted FOR the player. They will always fit. Ancient scales are repaired, therefore will only fit an ancient, as listed in the requirements to use them.
    Mithril scales are crafted indeed for a player. But the scales i made as an adult sitll fit me as an ancient! And the scales i made for my ancient can be given to and worn by hatchies! There's no size factor here. Considering that i don't see why size should ONLY apply to t6 repaired scales.
    Last edited by Azath; May 16th, 2015 at 05:23 PM.

  6. #66
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    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Don't want an arop for hatchlings that allows them to wear it? I can understand that. Then i'd refer to my other point. Though i know you've already said (i think) that it's not a bad idea, so i'll not dwell on it. But thinking more, it would be very against to lore to do an arop-esque thing for them so i'll give you that one.
    I think a nice compromise (or an idea in of itself to discuss) would be a sidequest. There are already two quests meant for hatchlings only that you must be a certain level to acquire. I cannot for the life of me remember the details, but you get them from Vladtmordt.

    I find it lore-fitting that anicent/Council of Elders could tell a hatchling/adult 'Go kill all the ARoP mobs and we'll let you wear these whatever scales'. Then they can freak out and go O_O! when you succeed. There, don't have hatchies/adults doing the ARoP, but they can wear the scales. It's the Council of Elders, I'm reasonably sure (lore-wise) that they'd be open to adults/hatchies proving themselves.

    Similar to how Aratanosh goes "Holy Drulkar, a hatchling in the Firey Rift?! Get the heck out!" Whose to say Aratanosh can't be convinced that yes, that hatchling really can take care of itself, and therefore is to be given access to the DCRYS school?

    Edit: Darn it, where'd Lov's post go? Was going to quote that and add my thoughts as well but can't find it.
    Last edited by Alisto; May 16th, 2015 at 08:32 PM.

  7. #67

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Sorry Alisto,
    I deleted it myself-
    Having read it again- I found, that all that has to be said- already has been said
    and all other would not be understood anyway:-(
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  8. #68

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by Sindala View Post
    It makes no sense to me how a Bi-ped with 100 craft and NO Adventure schools can wear Teched Padded ironsilk (endgame ped armour) but that's just how the game plays out.

    I like how nobody is going near the Bi-ped side of things in this thread thou. I may shatter peds Dreams by outing all the ways they cheat the system and yet Dragons cannot.
    Well, technically dragons can have 0 ADV and still wear up to the t5 (level 80) scales if they have 80 craft. So that is a bad comparison

    I've been watching, but kind of staying out of this thread. I'm going to have to agree with Guaran and Sindala though, the Priceless scales have been for Ancient only as long as I have been here. Anyone choosing to stay as a hatchling or adult is doing so knowing that they are limiting abilities and items they have access to, and these Priceless scales are just that, something that they are knowingly giving up access to by choosing to stay as a hatchling or adult. I don't care the reasons why they are staying, they do so knowing they are limiting themselves. What's next, adults wanting access to the ancient-only quested abilities? Hatchlings wanting access to the other elemental breath abilities? I say no, the Priceless scales are something that dragons are knowingly giving up if they choose not to ascend to ancient.
    Chaos: Xingolos PlagueWind (31 Hatchling: 23)---Cilok Magmaborn (retired Lunus Ancient: 100/100/60)---Turacegos Blizzardwing (20 Hatchling: 19)---Bilkur Tinkerton (Gnome adjusting to life on Spirit Isle)

  9. #69
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    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by Cilok View Post
    I've been watching, but kind of staying out of this thread. I'm going to have to agree with Guaran and Sindala though, the Priceless scales have been for Ancient only as long as I have been here. Anyone choosing to stay as a hatchling or adult is doing so knowing that they are limiting abilities and items they have access to, and these Priceless scales are just that, something that they are knowingly giving up access to by choosing to stay as a hatchling or adult. I don't care the reasons why they are staying, they do so knowing they are limiting themselves. What's next, adults wanting access to the ancient-only quested abilities? Hatchlings wanting access to the other elemental breath abilities? I say no, the Priceless scales are something that dragons are knowingly giving up if they choose not to ascend to ancient.
    I agree with Cilok Priceless should stay for ancient only. What you guys are doing is ruining the game for everyone and breaking the lore, all what so you can see a hatchling in the rift or firey rift? Those places for adults and ancients not hatchlings. You just want things handed to you for your preference. I will not see the devs hard work in this game go down the drain cause of ideas and suggestions of a few people, not mentioning names but you know who you are, that don't even really seem to understand the point of RoP, ARoP, T6 scales, lore and game balance and then those same few people go on and claim "Oh if you look deeper in the lore you see that I am right." or "Oh let's let hatchlings do ARoP cause they will be cute" or "Oh Ancient isn't worth crap." Do I need to go on but what you doing is wrong and you making look Order look bad with your actions and stupidity. I came on these forums to make istaria a better place, and make difference not see a few people ruin it with there irrational ideas that don't even make sense and ruin the very game I love. I also don't mean to offend anymore just make a point cause I care about Istaria so much.
    Last edited by Spyrioyo; May 17th, 2015 at 12:37 AM.

  10. #70

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    This thread is getting hostile. Can a dev close it please?

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  11. #71
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    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by Salwirk View Post
    This thread is getting hostile. Can a dev close it please?
    I agree this thread is getting ridiculous.

  12. #72

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Yep, definitely in need of a lock now.

  13. #73
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    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Ahem. This post took a little while to write, and I had to leave in the middle then come back to it. Apologies if I missed something, etc etc. At the bottom, the bold part is the most important part. Also serves as a TLDR

    Generally, armor/gear/scales are limited to classes and level. If you want a certain piece of armor, you have to
    1) Be of a specific level to wear it
    2) Either kill the mob that drops it, or get the thingies you need to craft it.
    3) In some cases, be of a certain 'class'. Said classes defines core gameplay.

    That's about it. Furthermore, armor/gear is one of the bigger aspects of character progression. You get stronger by leveling up and acquiring better equipment.

    What is similar between these? Core gameplay. Class, level, and acquiring the shinies heavily influence how you play the game. It's the difference between someone leveling an alt, someone who kills 'end game' mobs every so often for fun, the one who is fully outfitted in shiningful shinies that shine with a shiny shininess, the one who crafts the shinies and makes a fortune off those who don't craft...and so on. Dragons don't have classes for the time being, so we'll leave that out.

    Only in Istaria have I found that armor is limited to a certain quest - RoP/ARoP. The previous paragraph establishes my belief that the requirements on equipment should -only- be from the core aspects of gameplay, else it is arbritrary and should be looked at. So, what is it about the ARoP that dubs it a part of core gameplay? What gives it the right to limit players from anything else than the rewards the quest itself gives?

    ARoP, imo, doesn't influence core gameplay enough (or at all) to make it a viable requirement to limit character progression the way it currently does. Admittedly, the quest is rather unique - but that doesn't justify it doing whatever the heck it wants.

    The ARoP gives - A nice crystal, increased fly speed, a minor armor bonus, a Resurrect ability, a Mez ability, a health bonus, a new breath ability, and (I've never been able to confirm this, someone correct me if I'm wrong) some raw stat bonuses to str, dex, etc. For hatchies sake, including the RoP you get flight itself, a health increase, +20 to primal or TC and then minor resistance boosts, and the Shield of Gold ability.

    Concerning flight, which I feel deserves its own paragraph - I recently did the new Drain Bolt quest on both an ancient of mine (heavy melee build, I use him to tank and smish pretty much everything), and my hatchling caster - 2200 health self buffed, 2k power, just below 2k primal, somewhere around 1500 armor. It requires you to run around and kill Tibur, Mohs, and Umyarr in the ED. That's no short run! My hatchling did it in under 30 minutes. I didn't time my anicent when he did it, but it was with two other anicents. if I recall, it took quite a bit longer than 30 min.

    Referencing Azath's words about there being hatchlings that are tougher than anicents. In my post, that there are some hatchlings who are equal to, able to beat, or just a smidgen behind other anicents/adults means that...ARoP/RoP has very, very little influence - if any - on core gameplay. Therefore, it should not be something that limits character progression the way it currently does.

    Some rebuttals: It could easily be a flaw in the ARoP quest itself. It comes down to personal preference there, I think. On one hand, I think playing as a hatchling/adult/anicent is a playstyle choice that shouldn't limit character progression. On the other, I can see where anyone saying that you should have to progress to Anicent to access some things. To me, RoP/ARoP have been giant lore quests that have very minor influences on combat.

    I know the beginning of the post referenced games in general. I also realize that games -can- be different from each other. In that case - if Istaria is the type of game to attach combat prowess just to quests - errrr that's a whole other thread by itself...Admittedly it does seem that way, seeing as dragons get GR, etc from quests. But, the vast majority of those aren't limited by RoP/ARoP. Furthermore, the quests are abilities/passives, not craftable armor. Differences, and so on, but I can see the view there.

    What's next, adults wanting access to the ancient-only quested abilities? Hatchlings wanting access to the other elemental breath abilities?
    Slippery slope much? This is only concerning hatchlings and adults wearing t6 scales. I've never expected a hatchling to have something that is a direct reward of the ARoP or RoP (Shield of Gold, the ancient crystal, fly speed, flying itself, etc).

    the Priceless scales have been for Ancient only as long as I have been here
    Just because something was, doesn't mean it must - or will - stay that way. Look at all the changes we've been getting recently.

    You just want things handed to you for your preference
    Isn't every suggestion ever essentially 'this is how I'd prefer it'?

    "Oh Ancient isn't worth crap."
    Just singling this out a bit - you're the only one I've seen who has actually said that, even if it's in quotes. Again, saying 'The ARoP is easy' does not equate to what you seem to think it does.

    cause I care about Istaria so much.
    I don't think anyone in this thread would be here if they didn't care

    In short - I feel that the only thing that should limit the progression of my character's strength is my own willingness to put forth effort, and my own personal skill.

    Anyway, there's why I think hatchlings and adults should be allowed to wear t6 As for the actual difficulty of acquiring the t6 scales - I think one hour (or slightly more) per scale - for a total of 10 hours for 10 scales - is a good rate. Not including component hunting. t5 takes less than 10 hours, and I don't think the time taken to get t6 should be exponentially mroe than t5. At most, only as much as the stats increase. I've been too lazy/busy/demotivated to look at the exact numbers, but it -seems- the t6 have 2-3, possibly 4? Times the stats a t5 has.

  14. #74
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    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by Alisto View Post
    Ahem. This post took a little while to write, and I had to leave in the middle then come back to it. Apologies if I missed something, etc etc. At the bottom, the bold part is the most important part. Also serves as a TLDR

    Generally, armor/gear/scales are limited to classes and level. If you want a certain piece of armor, you have to
    1) Be of a specific level to wear it
    2) Either kill the mob that drops it, or get the thingies you need to craft it.
    3) In some cases, be of a certain 'class'. Said classes defines core gameplay.

    That's about it. Furthermore, armor/gear is one of the bigger aspects of character progression. You get stronger by leveling up and acquiring better equipment.

    What is similar between these? Core gameplay. Class, level, and acquiring the shinies heavily influence how you play the game. It's the difference between someone leveling an alt, someone who kills 'end game' mobs every so often for fun, the one who is fully outfitted in shiningful shinies that shine with a shiny shininess, the one who crafts the shinies and makes a fortune off those who don't craft...and so on. Dragons don't have classes for the time being, so we'll leave that out.

    Only in Istaria have I found that armor is limited to a certain quest - RoP/ARoP. The previous paragraph establishes my belief that the requirements on equipment should -only- be from the core aspects of gameplay, else it is arbritrary and should be looked at. So, what is it about the ARoP that dubs it a part of core gameplay? What gives it the right to limit players from anything else than the rewards the quest itself gives?

    ARoP, imo, doesn't influence core gameplay enough (or at all) to make it a viable requirement to limit character progression the way it currently does. Admittedly, the quest is rather unique - but that doesn't justify it doing whatever the heck it wants.

    The ARoP gives - A nice crystal, increased fly speed, a minor armor bonus, a Resurrect ability, a Mez ability, a health bonus, a new breath ability, and (I've never been able to confirm this, someone correct me if I'm wrong) some raw stat bonuses to str, dex, etc. For hatchies sake, including the RoP you get flight itself, a health increase, +20 to primal or TC and then minor resistance boosts, and the Shield of Gold ability.

    Concerning flight, which I feel deserves its own paragraph - I recently did the new Drain Bolt quest on both an ancient of mine (heavy melee build, I use him to tank and smish pretty much everything), and my hatchling caster - 2200 health self buffed, 2k power, just below 2k primal, somewhere around 1500 armor. It requires you to run around and kill Tibur, Mohs, and Umyarr in the ED. That's no short run! My hatchling did it in under 30 minutes. I didn't time my anicent when he did it, but it was with two other anicents. if I recall, it took quite a bit longer than 30 min.

    Referencing Azath's words about there being hatchlings that are tougher than anicents. In my post, that there are some hatchlings who are equal to, able to beat, or just a smidgen behind other anicents/adults means that...ARoP/RoP has very, very little influence - if any - on core gameplay. Therefore, it should not be something that limits character progression the way it currently does.

    Some rebuttals: It could easily be a flaw in the ARoP quest itself. It comes down to personal preference there, I think. On one hand, I think playing as a hatchling/adult/anicent is a playstyle choice that shouldn't limit character progression. On the other, I can see where anyone saying that you should have to progress to Anicent to access some things. To me, RoP/ARoP have been giant lore quests that have very minor influences on combat.

    I know the beginning of the post referenced games in general. I also realize that games -can- be different from each other. In that case - if Istaria is the type of game to attach combat prowess just to quests - errrr that's a whole other thread by itself...Admittedly it does seem that way, seeing as dragons get GR, etc from quests. But, the vast majority of those aren't limited by RoP/ARoP. Furthermore, the quests are abilities/passives, not craftable armor. Differences, and so on, but I can see the view there.

    Slippery slope much? This is only concerning hatchlings and adults wearing t6 scales. I've never expected a hatchling to have something that is a direct reward of the ARoP or RoP (Shield of Gold, the ancient crystal, fly speed, flying itself, etc).

    Just because something was, doesn't mean it must - or will - stay that way. Look at all the changes we've been getting recently.

    Isn't every suggestion ever essentially 'this is how I'd prefer it'?

    Just singling this out a bit - you're the only one I've seen who has actually said that, even if it's in quotes. Again, saying 'The ARoP is easy' does not equate to what you seem to think it does.

    I don't think anyone in this thread would be here if they didn't care

    In short - I feel that the only thing that should limit the progression of my character's strength is my own willingness to put forth effort, and my own personal skill.

    Anyway, there's why I think hatchlings and adults should be allowed to wear t6 As for the actual difficulty of acquiring the t6 scales - I think one hour (or slightly more) per scale - for a total of 10 hours for 10 scales - is a good rate. Not including component hunting. t5 takes less than 10 hours, and I don't think the time taken to get t6 should be exponentially mroe than t5. At most, only as much as the stats increase. I've been too lazy/busy/demotivated to look at the exact numbers, but it -seems- the t6 have 2-3, possibly 4? Times the stats a t5 has.
    Yet, you continue this what your doing is wrong and ruining istaria for some self gain, you can put lipstick on pig but its still a pig. You also use my own words against me just to force your point you already said yourself you think Ancients are too easy and not prestigious. The main point is Priceless is for Ancients and what you doing is just giving an easy button to hatchlings and adults and trying to make it so ancient isn't worth anything. The tier 6 scales are way better now in the past and giving such scales to hatchlings and adults will break gameplay. Devs please shut this thread down!!!!
    Last edited by Spyrioyo; May 17th, 2015 at 02:22 AM.

  15. #75
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by ZyrimShadowheart View Post
    Yet, you continue this what your doing is wrong and ruining istaria for some self gain, you can put lipstick on pig but its still a pig. You also use my own words against me just to force your point you already said yourself you think Ancients are too easy and not prestigious. The main point is Priceless is for Ancients and what you doing is just giving an easy button to hatchlings and adults and trying to make it so ancient isn't worth anything. Devs please shut this thread down!!!!
    Since when does anyone play a game for anything other than their own personal gain? We all play for our own enjoyment. If you're playing for anything other your own enjoyment, you've missed the point of gaming.

    T6 scales are absolutely not an easy button. Hours and hours of grinding just to make the scales in question is not an easy button. T6 scales are end-game and very powerful yes, but you have to WORK for them. If I ignore all logic and grant you your argument: fine they're an easy button for non-ancients then they're equally an easy button for ancients. Do you see how the easy button argument fails?

    Ancienthood has its uses, as noted before several times: stat boost, fly speed boost, crystal, flame burst, etc. It is by no means useless with or without t6 scales. Ancienthood was worthwhile before the t6 scales were worth anything so there is no reason for it to suddenly become useless if non-ancients are allowed to wear t6 scales.

    I think you misunderstand the point of closing threads. Threads should be closed when comments turn from discussion to attacks and insults directed at others. Threads should NOT be closed because you disagree with an opinion or a suggestion. I agreed when Salwirk commented to close the thread and was content to keep silent, as the thread should be closed. I cannot keep my silence now after your incredibly rude response to Alisto trying to bring civility back to this thread.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  16. #76

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Quote Originally Posted by ZyrimShadowheart View Post
    Yet, you continue this what your doing is wrong and ruining istaria for some self gain, you can put lipstick on pig but its still a pig. You also use my own words against me just to force your point you already said yourself you think Ancients are too easy and not prestigious. The main point is Priceless is for Ancients and what you doing is just giving an easy button to hatchlings and adults and trying to make it so ancient isn't worth anything. The tier 6 scales are way better now in the past and giving such scales to hatchlings and adults will break gameplay. Devs please shut this thread down!!!!
    That... was uncalled for. I only see about three or four people on this thread who completely disagree on this idea and believe it will ruin Istaria. And as for using your words against you? You said them, Alisto answered them and/or corrected them. I don't see how it's an "easy button" for ancients and adults, as you say. It makes them more equal to ancients, and I see that as a positive change. Trying to be a hatchling the entire game is slightly harder (seeing as they're like weaker bipeds, imo), so they should be rewarded for their efforts.

    I know for a fact, as being an indie dev myself, that making a very small change will not break gameplay in anyway whatsoever. But this thread should be shut down, as you've resorted to insulting others.

  17. #77

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    I read all of what has happened. 1st of all, I think the idea is going to ruin Istaria. Cause the way Istaria's fine. Further more, nobody can expect this idea will go on the game or not. Because....yah know...everyone does have their ideas. But most of all, hatchlings becoming adults and then adults becoming ancients and then so on. It's fair as it is.
    True dragons soar!

  18. #78

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    If you describe to me thoroughly of how this will ruin Istaria, I might be able to see why you think so. But just saying "it will ruin the game" without anything else doesn't help your point.

  19. #79

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    Well, to how the idea is set. It would be difficult cause their could be errors and bugs like Istaria has. People would take chances and cheat and becoming ancient or adult wouldn't mean anything. As of what I have heard, but it's also my thought.
    True dragons soar!

  20. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
    Order Shard, Sandstone Bluffs.

    Default Re: Suggesting concerning the requirements to wear t6 dragon items

    I don't believe its the Idea that's ruining the Game its all the complains and fighting not being a Community that's Destroying everything, I like this Idea to some Degree, But i believe in no Easy Button for nothing, I believe everyone should have to work for their Scales and stuff just as it is now, be more of Community working together than apart. All the fighting here is like Kids Stuff and no one can be happy unless one wins. Stop fighting for what you don't have and be happy with what you have, Not saying the Idea is bad, I like it as i said before, but your Fighting is not Solving anything. Be Happy that there IS an Istaria even play. Not hating anyone's idea but this is how i feel about it, I like the Game the way AS IT IS.
    Order: (AlaeNymVoarx) - 79/72/32/1 - Helian Drake. This Drake is found on the Order Shard

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