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Thread: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

  1. #1

    Exclamation Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    So I was having a bit of trouble with installing some updates from Nvidia for my graphics card. Failed twice so went snooping around on the web.

    What I found out was shocking to say the least:

    "Users are reporting problems with multi-monitor setups, dual-card configurations (SLI) and PCs not booting properly, setting off Windows 10 emergency recovery mode. More issues are likely to arise."

    Long story short.. DO NOT UPGRADE TO WINDOWS 10!

    They should rename it Windows 8.1.1 with it having so many problems right of the bat.

    I had reserved a copy of Windows 10, but after seeing this, no way!
    You can opt out the way I did by following these steps as per the Windows site:

    To cancel reservation follow the below steps:
    •Click/tap on the Get Windows 10 app icon on the taskbar notification area.
    •Click/tap on the "hamburger" style menu button at the top left corner in the Get Windows 10 app.
    •Click/tap on View confirmation under Getting the upgrade.
    •Click/tap on the Cancel reservation link.
    •Click/tap on Cancel reservation to confirm.
    •Click/tap on Close.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    You don't have to cancel the reservation, just don't install the update. Reserving your copy won't automatically install it, it will still ask for your permission before upgrading. I'm keeping my copy reserved and waiting for all the issues to be worked through (going to give it a few weeks) before installing 10.

    Also, that article is an opinion piece from 3 days ago, mostly just fear-mongering with a click-bait headline to boot. Hardly an informative tech article.

    "Our ancestors came down from the heavens and proudly reigned over the land they had created."

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Got win10 earlier today and it's been working perfectly fine.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Been reading some nice things about Direct X 12 that should come with it (or soon, not 100% sure). I still got the preview edition, it hasn't downloaded the final build yet

    But from what I've been reading, Direct X 12 will be able to take advantage of multiple cards, even if they're not you're primary one.

    Example of what I mean, most PC's have a built in Internal Graphics card, not suitable for most games. Most of us install a stand alone card, such as Nvidia or ATI for that. That's always bottlenecked graphics into a single core for processing. My understanding, is there's an option in Direct X 12, to use your other card (or internal graphics card) to be used as a co-processor. Only read a little bit about it, but sounds like a nice feature. I doubt any games will even be able to use this new Direct X for a little while. I don't think Istaria will be able to take advantage of it, but not 100% sure on how it works quite yet, as I can't test it yet.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  5. #5

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kida View Post
    Also, that article is an opinion piece from 3 days ago, mostly just fear-mongering with a click-bait headline to boot. Hardly an informative tech article.
    Everyone will have different experiences with it, seeing how folks' system are not all the same. It's a mixed bag.

    For example, I posted this to address other gamer pals and had a guy post this reply not too long ago: "i just finished installing windows computer is running at 90% CPU and 60% memory without me actually opening any programs. its pretty much killing my computer to have the internet open right now."

    This article addresses those with Nvidia cards.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    If the article was true we would be seeing it all over the internet.

    Everyone I have talked to has said they love Windows 10. One guy said he saw an immediate improvement in the graphics on one of his games he plays all the time. DX12 made it look better. (He was playing Wow).

    Istaria may not benefit, but the upgrade has benefits for many other games. All the users I have talked to are running Nvidia cards.

    There is a new windows 10 nvidia driver that came out the same day as windows 10. Perhaps the user in the article didn't install it. More likely it's just click-bait.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Just downloaded and installed the new driver for my card. Release Date 7/29/15 Version 353.62.

    Just go here for Nvidia Drivers and put in what card you have.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  8. #8

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Game running just fine on Windows 10, Nvidia card.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    I've noticed that several times, when you shut the game down, it hangs during the Final cleanup stage. Usually right when it says Unloading resources. Have had to close in Task Manager. The other day, I noticed I was using most of my memory, had 4 copies of istaria.exe running, but no visual signs that it was.

    Decided to set Compatibility Mode (Right click Play Istaria, Properties, Compatibility Tab) and set to Win 7, yesterday. Could have been a fluke, but since doing that, hasn't happened since, but might be too early to say for sure.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  10. #10

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    I'm really glad you mentioned that, because I discovered I've been running in compatibility mode for Windows XP. Wonder if I'll stop crashing as much now that I removed that?

  11. #11

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    I'm not sure adwz. But I think I've just gotten lucky/coincidence that it hasn't happened again since I set that. I don't believe setting the compatibility mode to Win 7 makes a difference. I don't think compatibility mode hurts it either, even in XP.
    On another topic, I'd like to bring this to everyone's attention...

    I think Windows 10 has a few bugs about killing processes completely when you exit a program. I'm sure it will eventually get fixed, but in meantime, beware.

    I have Paint Shop Pro and I notice about every 3 times I start it and exit the process still shows up as a background process in Task Manager. When this happens and I go to start the program up, nothing happens. I then look at task manager and the process is still running, even though the program isn't on my screen. I have to go in task manager and kill the process, before it allows me to start it back up.

    I did my test of setting compatibility mode for Paint shop pro and it still happens sometimes. With that said, I doubt setting it for Istaria will make a difference either.

    I noticed I ran the calculator program in Windows earlier to add some numbers up and exited. While looking at Task manager for something else, I saw it was appearing in the background processes. So even something as simple and tiny, like Calculator it can happen too.

    Whats happening is when its running and I see it on screen, it appears under Apps, in task manager. When this bug occurs (you exit a program normally), it moves from Apps to Background processes, sometimes not always; that's the bug.

    So for us Windows 10 users, I STRONGLY suggest that you keep the checkbox in the launcher, under Troubleshoot ticked that says "Display multiple processes warning" ticked.

    For those that like to dual log, we usually untick that, because we don't need to see that warning, we know what we're doing.

    But with this bug in windows, you should tick that back again, if you have unticked it. By default it's ticked, so if you never unticked it, you won't need to tick it again.

    If you start seeing this message, when you start Istaria (not dual logging, but just one game), then that's a problem:

    This will be a clue the Win 10 bug is occurring and you got a process running and it's stealing cpu and memory and could cause extra crashes. Likely the last time you played and exited, it didn't kill the process correctly. So if you see that popup message, you need to go to Task Manager and kill it manually (or reboot, but that takes a while, task manager is quicker).

    Open Task Manager. 3 ways to do that:

    1) Ctrl+Alt+Delete
    2) Click windows Start button, type Task Manager and it will appear on list
    3) Right click the task bar (the long bar at bottom of windows, where the clock shows), choose Task Manager. Be sure to right click an empty area on that bar.

    If you don't see everything in this screenshot, you might need to click "More Details" arrow in the bottom left corner (green square).

    As I said earlier, a couple of days ago, I actually had 4 of the istaria.exe running (even though no game was showing). I was using all 98% of my 4Gb memory. If I were to try to start my "1st game" back again, I would've had 5 processes running. It would perform very bad (of course as I have no memory left).


    I also want to bring something up to Nvidia users (and likely others). In another thread, I mentioned I was testing a client that will start the game maximized (if you exit with it maximized). That part of it worked. But it was doing some crazy resizing of my screen when I was alt-tabbing (in full screen) out of the client (by the way was testing a fix to the infamous alt-tab from full screen mode, too). It was working great for tech team on WinXP and Win7, but I was getting very different results than what they were describing. When I alt-tabbed my window immediately resized to the smallest possible size. In other words, if you were in window mode and tried to resize your game until it was so small, you could not see anything on screen. That's how small is was auto-resizing. But it wasn't doing that for anyone else.

    I started thinking hard about what could be so different in Win 10 that's different in 7. A lightbulb went off in my head. I've never went to and grabbed the Win10 version of the latest drivers. I'm using the driver that was automatically installed during a clean Windows 10 install (I didn't do upgrade, I did clean install from .ISO).

    The driver that came with the installation of Win 10 works just fine. I've never thought about grabbing latest drivers because every "seems" to work just fine. But the instant I grabbed the latest drivers, all that silly behavior stopped. So if this scenario applies to you (You never downloaded the official drivers since upgrading to Win 10), I strongly recommend you do so now, while you're thinking about it! If/when this new client hits, you might get some odd behavior.

    When you look at Task Manager, make sure you look in two places. Under the Apps section (top) and the Background Processes for istaria.exe (or whatever program you suspect might be bugged). It could appear under either. You can see that on the above screenshot, it's in the Blue large letters on the left side.
    Last edited by Cegaiel; August 5th, 2015 at 02:35 AM.
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  12. #12

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Not sure if this is the appropriate place to put this, but, what the heck...I just updated to Windows 10 and have had no problems with anything, until I tried to start Istaria. As I always did, I double-click on the Istaria icon on my desktop, the launcher starts up and lets me select my character. When I click on "Play," I immediately see an Error message saying: Error downloading file: version_info\master_file_list_checksumC:\\Program Files (x86)\Istaria\version_info\master_file_list_checks um (Access is denied). If I click on OK, I get an Istaria window telling me: Patching Error Patching was not successful. For further assistance...Proceed to game? Clicking yes, tells me Launcher Error creating Launch File.

    I also get the "Error creating Launch File" if I try to disable patching before starting the game.

    I haven't put in a support ticket yet, hoping someone here can offer assitance!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Berda: Did you right-click -> Run as an administrator? It's sounding like the launcher isn't being given access to modify files due to you not running it as an administrator.

    "Our ancestors came down from the heavens and proudly reigned over the land they had created."

  14. #14

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Was looking for that on the shortcut on my desktop and didn't see it...just found it when I went to the program files themselves....and, it worked....thanks!

  15. #15

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    For me at least...I've had an incredible time with the new upgrade and I'd say it's 10,000x better than 8.1! My machine runs faster and I haven't had any of those driver issues whatsoever. I think it's been a great deal that I'd recommend!

  16. #16

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    I had a terrible time with the update! Windows 10 deleted a driver and Istaria was completely unplayable...I mean, I fixed it eventually, by redownloading the driver but I got the devs involved and Nvidia. Wasn't fun.

    Everything's fine now, though.
    "Normality is a paved road. It's comfortable to walk on, but no flowers grow on it." - Vincent Van Gogh

  17. #17

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    I am planning on upgrading my old 17 year old windows XP to a brand new computer. This computer is too old for gaming now (shes gonna retire, i taken good care of my baby and shes served me well but its time for an upgrade) so I will be making a new computer from scratch (still keeping my old current computer) and my new computer will be overkill and fully updated to today's technologies and windows 10. Now I'd like to know if istaria can support windows 10 and if it can can with no issues. Seeing the previous posts to this thread has me concerned that windows 10 may not be the ideal computer to have for istaria, although I don't plan on windows 8 or 8.1 because soon windows 7 will be unsupported and windows 8 will follow shortly after. SO its worth to invest towards a windows 10 computer (the newest operating system) but I am concerned that with this new OS I wont be able to play istaria.

    As far as I heard, windows 10 is much like windows XP and 7 but alot better. I like what I see and hear about the new OS but when I look here at this thread I start to worry. I have no choice to upgrade because I cant update java since java no longer support windows XP and I can't update java so I have to use the newest win XP version. Now I am no tech nut so I don't know this sort of stuff as well as most would.

    I'd like to know if its safe to play istaria on windows 10 and have no issues. my computer will be very powerful but its no fun if I can't run istaria on it. I Don't want an error or bomb that will damage my acct or charater, etc. I'd like to know how I can get istaria to run without any danger on a windows 10 computer. I'd like to know whats best and the dos and don'ts.

    Any advice, tips,trades,tools,suggestions,ideas,recommendation s are gladly accepted and needed. I'd appreaciate it too. I'd like to know and make sure I can continue to enjoy istaria's beauty for many years to come.

    Thank you


  18. #18
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    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    I'm upgrading my computer -- new motherboard and CPU, kind of a brain transplant. I'm sticking with Win7, partly because of the bug issues, but also because Windows 10 is a much bigger snoop than Windows 7. Here's a link with details, from Ars Technica. I particularly don't like that Microsoft automatically enables a Bittorrent-like peer-to-peer sharing system on your computer, for updates. Nor the on-by-default advertizing tracker id.
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  19. #19
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    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daulnay View Post
    I'm upgrading my computer -- new motherboard and CPU, kind of a brain transplant. I'm sticking with Win7, partly because of the bug issues, but also because Windows 10 is a much bigger snoop than Windows 7. Here's a link with details, from Ars Technica. I particularly don't like that Microsoft automatically enables a Bittorrent-like peer-to-peer sharing system on your computer, for updates. Nor the on-by-default advertizing tracker id.
    Why not just turn those off?

    Feruda, istaria should run perfectly fine. I upgraded from win8.1 to 10 on an ~2yr (maybe 3, haven't kept track >.>) old computer. I haven't made massive changes, either - there's just a java update that I'm too lazy to install right now, that's about it.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Warning about the upcoming Windows 10 upgrade.

    Quote Originally Posted by Daulnay View Post
    Windows 10 is a much bigger snoop than Windows 7. Here's a link with details, from Ars Technica.
    This is because of Cortana. Info here:

    Google and Apple have been doing the same stuff for years, collecting data through Chrome or use of Siri, because it improves user experiences and allows them to make their products more useful to the user. Only reason why Windows 10 is getting reamed for it is because Microsoft is upfront and honest about what they're collecting from their users and makes the options to disable this collection much easier to find. Apple and Google didn't get nearly as much flak because they just sneak it into their devices and products and shove info about it into their ToS agreements.

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