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Thread: Dragon Park Part Two!

  1. #1

    Default Dragon Park Part Two!

    *If you have no idea what this is about, check this out first please: link
    This is work in progress.

    A lot of good work done. Today I present to you update to the Dragon Park. Whats new:

    -fixed many bridges and staircases so they can actually be climbed (thanks for testing to Pryzm!)
    -new area: Arrival (simple bridges connecting Skalkaar and new island were exchanged for something much better)
    -new area: The Eye of Tazoon!
    -new area: Alyssa's Garden! (floating island will open new chapter muuuuch later)

    I strongly urge to set View Distance to maximum for best experience.

    Arrival pictures
    The Eye of Tazoon pictures
    Alyssa's Garden pictures


    Put sector_default.def file in your world_cache folder: ( C: ) -> Program Files (x86) -> Istaria -> world_cache
    Yes to overwrite.
    Restart your game.

    Have fun!

    Note: patching makes sector_default go back to clean one. Youll need to place downloaded sector_default file in world_cache every time you patch.
    Progress: this is about halfway done. I really had fun making those. You can look forward to seeing three more areas.

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  2. #2

    Default Re: Dragon Park Part Two!

    Pryzm -again- did marvelous job on filming new places! Ty Pryzm <3

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  3. #3

    Default Re: Dragon Park Part Two!

    Np Sal Anytime!
    Btw thank Solitaire for the cam pref tips ^^

  4. #4

    Default Re: Dragon Park Part Two!

    Looking pretty darn good Salwirk. Looks like a great area so far. I think you are showing some real talent for putting areas together. I have not downloaded it yet but Pryzm did a good job filming it so that I can get a good look until I do.

    Pryzm, I might have told you how to use the /setpref camera controls but you are really getting the hang of using them. Flying around in first person with the camera tension set low is fun, isn't it? It is a great tool for filming.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Dragon Park Part Two!

    It's looking pretty nice. I don't think it's as easy in the past to zoom out past a certain point as it was. But for those occasions when you want those camera views from a far distance:

    /setpref developer true

    That'll let you zoom out incredibly far. There might be situations those could make good filming or screenshots, too.
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  6. #6

    Default Re: Dragon Park Part Two!

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    It's looking pretty nice. I don't think it's as easy in the past to zoom out past a certain point as it was. But for those occasions when you want those camera views from a far distance:

    /setpref developer true

    That'll let you zoom out incredibly far. There might be situations those could make good filming or screenshots, too.
    quick note, you might want to set developer to false after using camreset, you'll still be able to zoom out real far but you won't see the images that indicate where a particle effect or sound emitter should be.

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