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Thread: Blight Client 388.108

  1. #1

    Default Blight Client 388.108

    The Blight client is a release candidate and is in the final stages of testing. If you have not been on Blight, please have a look and if there's any issues, reply to this thread or send in a ticket at

    As always, thank you in advance for helping test the upcoming release.

    FEATURE: Add /SetSscale and /purgeTex command for players
    FEATURE: Allow Custom AFK Message /setpref afkMessage “Custom AFK Message”
    FEATURE: Browse Loot and Loot All keybindings
    FEATURE: Allow spells, formulas, techniques, schools, abilities, and skills to show in grid view (when viewing from knowledge window)
    FEATURE: Turn NPC to face player when Trade is initiate
    FEATURE: Stone Flooring Square (Decorative, Fishbone, Grey Slate) 10x15, 10x20, 20x40, 5x10, 5x15 have proper dimensions on plots.
    FEATURE: New poplar tree model (will be used in future content)
    FEATURE: Tweaks to /loadModel command so that an entity file can be specified - this allows shadows, etc. to be defined in the ent file and viewed without having to make a primitive on the server
    FEATURE: Inventory Filters
    FEATURE: Ability to view Adult and Ancient dragon in Character creation
    FEATURE: Knowledge Window Search
    FEATURE: Support for random idle times in idle actions
    FEATURE: Support for local attachments (future dev)
    FEATURE: Even more idle animations
    FEATURE: Istara statue in Dalimond now has an actual texture.

    FIX: Right click > Loot all doesn’t provide quest / bonus loot
    FIX: Misc fixes for crashes
    FIX: Teleport sound doesn't play when recalling
    FIX: Fix for items counts on consigners
    FIX: Dragon eyeball UV slightly off
    FIX: When purgeSectors is called, delete the cached version of sector_default so that changes are reloaded
    FIX: Fix for Greater and Lesser Water Elemental Droplet
    FIX: Resource in Pet not tallied during Plot Construction
    FIX: Dragon ascension assets fixes
    FIX: Dying causes screen to turn black (sometimes) when you have been hit by Terrifying Roar Attack.
    FIX: When issuing /lootall, closes any open loot windows
    FIX: Spring Plants are no longer invisible while under construction/planning mode.
    FIX: NPC Chat Window size adjustment for quest dialogue
    FIX: School Signs Show description of <Missing>
    FIX: Font subsystem stability fixes
    FIX: Visibility culling optimizations / crash fixes for broken models
    FIX: Fix for crashes on very high resolution desktops (higher than 1920x1080)
    FIX: Idle action NPC movement on structures fixed
    FIX: Fix for custom colors in chat
    FIX: /printpos prints rotation attachments
    Last edited by Yfelvik; December 18th, 2015 at 12:31 AM. Reason: v388.108

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    DEV: Delta 280 is finally out and character creation is fixed.

    There are definitely some issues with the character creator and dragons. I patched and relogged and everything and got.. well, this mess:

    Adult at default height: (Note invisible body)

    If I adjust the height, however.... the camera goes into the ceiling.

    Ancient at min height, the camera goes entirely through the ceiling:

    Max height sort of sets you at the juvenile camera position. Ancient also is just a floating head. Is the character creation pointing to the wrong files for the model? That's the only thing I can think of, since wings and head are only separated on the model itself. The entity, shader, and texture files have them bundled together.

    Edit: My mods folder is actually entirely clear for once since I was recording. So I don't have the original ancient mod on to interfere or anything - only the map pack.
    Last edited by Yfelvik; December 18th, 2015 at 12:33 AM.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    The problem with the character creation is that it needs delta applied to Blight server, too. Two of the race lookup id (adult and ancient) isn't currently on blight. Delta is coming very soon, knock on wood this weekend. This will not only fix this problem, but also add about a dozen new tint colors. So please try the character creation screen out again when delta hits blight server
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  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    Oh, alright. I got the impression it was released already - and considering the option popped up after patching to (and creating a character on) Blight, I assumed it was. (Since Yfel said " If you have not been on Blight, please have a look [...]" I thought I'd at least try to have a look )

    Makes sense then and I'll check it out again later.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    DEV: Fixed

    Have to ask WHy did you change the run on dragons sound? it feels like running a Old dryer now.. It dosent feel like im ancient just feels Weird and Grimly old... I dont approve of this change... Id rather have the old movment back.. It makes me feel im giganic... Also machine gun running? others dont see that or hear that only the player who uses movment crystals..Others wont see or hear the fast movment sounds.. Only the player plating the dragon who has a movment speed of 124+ But other then that I dont have any problems with the old run sounds.. This sound on the blight Feels a very huge downgrade... *down votes*
    Last edited by Yfelvik; December 18th, 2015 at 12:37 AM.
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    I have to admit that's a bit of a strange sounding sound effect. I can't even hear it on my normal volume level - if I upped my volume enough to hear it at my normal camera distance, I'd be blasting my own ears out in a fight.

    Running around on Blight it's slowly starting to sound silly, honestly. I'd just mod it back but I cannot find which files dragons use for footsteps for the life of me. Sound_Footstep.def is identical before and after the patch. None of the quadruped sound files seem changed at all... I'm at a loss

  7. #7

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    DEV: Fixed

    Quote Originally Posted by Racktor View Post
    I have to admit that's a bit of a strange sounding sound effect. I can't even hear it on my normal volume level - if I upped my volume enough to hear it at my normal camera distance, I'd be blasting my own ears out in a fight.

    Running around on Blight it's slowly starting to sound silly, honestly. I'd just mod it back but I cannot find which files dragons use for footsteps for the life of me. Sound_Footstep.def is identical before and after the patch. None of the quadruped sound files seem changed at all... I'm at a loss
    this turns me off from playing the game if i get so not so ancient footsteps.. When a dragon game is made.. dragons have really stompy feet when ever they walk.. this also makes the player feel powerful cause they are an enormous fire breathing lizard... but if this is the sound were going after im not going to play until they return it.. or make it more appealing.. skyrim did it, wow did it, wverquest did it.. guncaster did it.. This here isent dragon like.. its like dragons are now just disgusting pillows also theres players who dont know or dont want to mod the game.. and if they have to because of bad choices from the devs that is deffently going to turn away the dragon appeal..
    Last edited by Yfelvik; December 18th, 2015 at 12:35 AM.
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  8. #8
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    DEV: Fixed in 388.104

    On another note...

    The Blight client also seems to have broken colored text. Normally, you write:

    <!-- color R=.# B=.# G=.#>

    to specify a color for your text. That doesn't work anymore - my messages (and everyone else's) just appear blank. Using the Blight client on the live shard.

    Edit: Also just want to say that I really hope this isn't intended. The colored text is a neat gimmick and helps make the messages of multiple players more easily read than masses of white-on-black text. Yes there are some eye-burning colors (pure red, green, or blue), but it's not a game-breaking issue. Most players will change their color a bit if you point out that it hurts the eyes of others, as well.
    Last edited by Yfelvik; December 18th, 2015 at 12:35 AM.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    Maybe instead of changing footsteps sound,slow down tiny bit the original one. I don't like enw one as well. sounds like a walking gnome...
    never had problem with footstep sound before...

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  10. #10

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    Quote Originally Posted by Salwirk View Post
    Maybe instead of changing footsteps sound,slow down tiny bit the original one. I don't like enw one as well. sounds like a walking gnome...
    never had problem with footstep sound before...
    Exactly. you sound like an inflatable dragon balloon..
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  11. #11

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    The players have spoken. The old dragon sounds were patched back out yesterday in addition to the track file's timing integers. Won't be too noticeable but sounds pretty natural to me.

    Colored text is fixed in next client, should be another one in a day or two.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  12. #12

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    Quote Originally Posted by Yfelvik View Post
    FIX: NPC Chat Window size adjustment for quest dialogue
    Is there a possibility to return the way the quest dialogue window used to open? I mean, it is really annoying when you are facing an npc, and the chat window opening slides to a side to see the npc you are talking to. (EDIT: I forgot to add, that is actualy pointless to have the npc uncovered, when you KNOW what npc you are talking to, and if you want to close and open the window more times, you just move your view a bit and done, but this way it doesn't matter where you turn, it will just be placed somewhere else on your screen.) I see this actualy very useless, and annoying because I used to have fix one size of the window that opened. But now I never know where the window will open. And not even mentioning when you are slightly turned another way and it just goes half of the window cut from your screen..

    Can it be turned back to not move when you open it?


  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    ^ Yes please! It's quite annoying to try talking to an NPC only to find your dialogue box has opened up hidden BEHIND your map and 50% off the screen so you have to close most of your windows to search for the darn thing.

    DEV: Client release 388.109 (on Blight) allows you to specify that chat is always centered. From the Options window / options tab, click Center NPC Chat. This value is stored in ClientPrefs_Common.def -> centerNPCchat. You can also set with /setpref centerNPCchat true
    Last edited by Yfelvik; December 20th, 2015 at 05:00 PM.

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    Quote Originally Posted by Cegaiel View Post
    The problem with the character creation is that it needs delta applied to Blight server, too. Two of the race lookup id (adult and ancient) isn't currently on blight. Delta is coming very soon, knock on wood this weekend. This will not only fix this problem, but also add about a dozen new tint colors. So please try the character creation screen out again when delta hits blight server
    Is orginal Ancient mod merged into the game? last i checked it was.. If this is the case more claps to the dev team
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    Quote Originally Posted by ArchDemon View Post
    Is orginal Ancient mod merged into the game? last i checked it was.. If this is the case more claps to the dev team
    I'd check but I severely, severely doubt it considering the fact that most people in-game likely do not want it implemented. It was removed initially because it was just too big and dragons had issues fitting into things and with clipping. (Look at when you run through lairs - your head frills go into the ceiling.) Devs wouldn't implement something cosmetic that causes other cosmetic issues. I also didn't see anything in the patch notes.

    If I'm wrong, color me very surprised.

  16. #16

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    Any idea on when is this going live? I know they sayd that it's going to be a Live Delta this month but I doubt they will be doing maintenance update at holydays.

  17. #17
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    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    Should be Dec 22nd (tomorrow). Double EXP was said to start tomorrow (though not in a 100% fashion) so I imagine the client will go live then, too.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.94

    The double exp involves crafting exp too? To start stacking some silos

  19. #19

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.108

    This update will be released on December 23, 2015.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Blight Client 388.108

    But the Blight Delta is going out today?

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