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Thread: Game Feedback text channel

  1. #1

    Default Game Feedback text channel

    So ive spent one entire day back in istaria and man, do i already have some gripes.

    The main of which is the game feedback (channel) the game gives.

    This ain't feedback anymore its spam and im trying not to be angry but i afk'd for like 20 minutes and came back to an entire wall of "Istaria is using a lot of memory. Performing immediate cleanup an dpull back of view distance."

    And between two uses of sprint, thats a 1:30 recycle and you bet i click it as soon as it was ready to go again, theres at least two of these danged messages.

    Now my computer isn't the best, i cannot stop or even lessen these messages because i can't just up and improve my hardware/computer to something that can reasonably run istaria. Even if i lower my view distance they don't stop, so i'm keeping it out (to 25%) because i'm not forsaking that quality over such a miniscule change in performance.
    So now i just have to deal with the constant flow of this and you can bet im not happy about it. Rest in peace my client logs and any info on the combat text window i've ever wanted to see before it gets pushed out of the way.
    Man, i know others even have gripes about it automatically, against their will, taking back the veiw distance but personally it's never actually changed my view distance so lmao.

    Then, theres the "Sorry for the bump. Preparing cache for (entity name) so it will load faster next time."
    Every single time i enter a city, everytime istaria crashes (i need to relog a lot because it always bugs out), i get spammed with this. I am extremely agitated by it. It fills up my combat chat box instantly. Look istaria, i don't care that it took a while to load. Just stop spamming me with the messages.

    I would seperate my game feedback into seperate chat box if if 1. don't like more than two chat boxes showing at one time due to aesthetic and gui space and 2. the other portion of the gamefeedback, such as when gathering and exp gains etc are actually useful. It's only these two messages that make me frustrated.

    I mean c'mon, at least make them optional or something.

    rip /rant done

  2. #2

    Default Re: Game Feedback text channel

    the memory feedback message has been reported and is going to be fixed.

    the bump one...honestly should only happen once unless you delete your world caché a lot, though I have heard of multiple people getting messages over and over.

    not trying to come over as condecending or anything like that (I know I sound like it sometimes >.<). I do agree though that these messages should either have to option to be invisible, or get their own chat option/colour. (Debug? pretty sure that's ingame and nearly 99% of the players don't use it)

  3. #3

    Default Re: Game Feedback text channel

    Quote Originally Posted by meepsa View Post
    ....the bump one...honestly should only happen once unless you delete your world caché a lot, though I have heard of multiple people getting messages over and over....
    i never clear my cache unless needed (in order to reduce lag) and they still happen so.

    EDIT: everything gets cached anew on each relog, which i geuss shouldn't be happening? idk tho.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Game Feedback text channel

    Quote Originally Posted by Azath View Post
    EDIT: everything gets cached anew on each relog, which i geuss shouldn't be happening? idk tho.
    No this should not be happening. Could be you need to be set as Administrator, and/or Firewall, Antivirus is blocking Istaria from saving files.
    Dacurly Dac : Phoenix Fellowship Guild : Chaos Server

  5. #5

    Default Re: Game Feedback text channel

    Quote Originally Posted by Dacurly View Post
    No this should not be happening. Could be you need to be set as Administrator, and/or Firewall, Antivirus is blocking Istaria from saving files.
    Oh that sounds pretty likely actually. Will try it thanks !!!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Game Feedback text channel

    Yes, Dacurly nailed it. if you see the same NPC names say sorry for bump over and over, then it is likely you have game installed in C:\Program Files (x86) and don't have administrator set. Once you visit a city and it caches an npc, it should never do that again until you manually clear world cache. Once cached, it's cached (files written to world_cache folder) forever and shouldn't repeat.
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
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  7. #7

    Default Re: Game Feedback text channel

    The ability to turn off those messages, and put them in a different window, has always been possible.

    Right click the main chat window, select chat settings. Find the checkbox for Game Feedback, and uncheck it.

    If you want to relegate it to its own tab or window, open the new tab or chat window, right click it, select chat settings, then uncheck everything except Game Feedback.


    I always move game feedback to the right window as it best belongs with all the combat feedback. This keeps the left window much cleaner for group chat and guild chat. Follow steps above to accomplish this.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Game Feedback text channel

    the thing is, this gets rid of ALL game feedback, including what you loot, which is something I'd like to keep in my "general" tab (which contains everything aside from say, tell, etc.)

    I'd like to see what I'm looting or what else is going on without being drowned in messages.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Game Feedback text channel

    It would be nice if loot messages had their own checkbox. For now i'd just recommend putting Game Feedback in its own window or tab.

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