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Thread: Horizons Beta tester back to play

  1. #1

    Default Horizons Beta tester back to play

    Hello, I had beta tested Horizons just before launch and played just after. Our guild had collectively purchased South March and I, skilled at enchanting, helped my guild be the first to activate a magical device that resided in the town. The devs then decided is would be fun to try and stop of from adding the last materials needed to make it work and as a result, many creatures appeared and tried to stop us. We prevailed though and our magical device began to whirl into action. I never knew what it did though.

    Today, I am back to see how the game has advanced. I decided to start a dragon named, Diadem Silverscale, A Celestrial Dragon. I hope to get to know you all as I adventure in Istaria.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    It depends which server board I think is which.

    Default Re: Horizons Beta tester back to play

    Welcome back to Istaria

    I think I've seen pictures of that attack on South March, but I'm not sure anymore. If what you built is what I think it is, it's meant to ward off the aegis.. and still stands today!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Horizons Beta tester back to play

    Welcome back, hope you enjoy your time in Istaria!
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  4. #4

    Default Re: Horizons Beta tester back to play

    Thats what it was, Aegis of Magic? Fun times. and thank you for the warm welcome.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Horizons Beta tester back to play

    Welcome back. The game is bigger now with a lot more quests.

    If you know your old login email and character names, the dev's can possibly restore your old character(s) and/or merge them with your new account. Sometimes you can find old rare items on the old characters depending on how long you played into 2004.

    What shard did you play on back then? What shard is home now?

    The Artifact of Magic (the rotating rings like near South March and Morning Light), was supposed to boost craft skill for certain trades, but they couldn't get that to work quite right and instead, the craft bonuses come directly from the craft shops. But they left the statues in anyway, they look good. We can still think of them as what gives our shops their craft skill bonuses

  6. #6

    Default Re: Horizons Beta tester back to play

    Quote Originally Posted by LunaEclipse View Post
    Hello, I had beta tested Horizons just before launch and played just after. Our guild had collectively purchased South March and I, skilled at enchanting, helped my guild be the first to activate a magical device that resided in the town. The devs then decided is would be fun to try and stop of from adding the last materials needed to make it work and as a result, many creatures appeared and tried to stop us. We prevailed though and our magical device began to whirl into action. I never knew what it did though.

    Today, I am back to see how the game has advanced. I decided to start a dragon named, Diadem Silverscale, A Celestrial Dragon. I hope to get to know you all as I adventure in Istaria.

    well alot has changed.. and the Aegis attacked NT..
    When the time to eat a knight is to Roast them till there ready as COOKED spam...
    What can i say? im a Classic dragon looking for a free easy meal?
    Or facing my family... Isent always a Wise decision..

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