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Thread: Colored Text

  1. #1

    Default Colored Text

    Hi all! The Golden is back! :)

    That's the way i greet in chats and guild channel when entering the game!
    How to do that? ... simply, read what follows!

    i got this information from an old topic, but i don't remember who was the poster, sorry

    - the command line is very simple: /destination <!--color r=*,* b=*,* g=*,*>TXT
    - but it works only as a text command of a hotkey button


    /destination is where you want the colored text is shown; for example /gu for the guild channel, /shout for shouting it around, /chat scaled for the scaled chat channel or simply nothing if you want to say it

    *,* are numbers from 0,0 to 1,0; those numbers set the color of the text following the RGB color mode, where 0,0 is null value, 1,0 is full value and intermediate number are intermediate value

    TXT is the text you want to show (you can use variables command in your text too, as f.e. %T% or %R%)

    examples and probleme solving:

    - writing in group channel: Sighted a %T% rating %R%!:
    first you have to edit a empty hotkey button, choose from the left menu the "text command" option and write in the empty row on its right as following: /g <!--color r=1,0 b=0,0 g=0,0>Sighted a %T% rating %R%! click on the + on the right of the text, select an imagine for the button and save it; button is now ready for use.

    - writng in Dragons chat channel: Brothers and sisters, nice to see you again.
    as in the example over here, edit the hotkey button and write the following text: /chat dragons <!--color r=0,0 b=1,0 g=0,0>Brothers and sisters, nice to see you again.

    -be sure do not leave an empty sèace between the > at end of the command and your TXT; and for this reason texts that begin with a space will not work.

    - don't exceed the 1,0 value and don't use negative numbers; the range of the *,* is from 0,0 to 1,0 (so 0,0 0,1 0,2 ..... 0,9 1,0)

    - all the colors setted at 0,0 will mean black text, i suggest to not use black text, for because many players have black chat windows and your text will be simply unnoticed and unreadable (and yes all at 1,0 is white text)

    - if you have problem at finding out the RGB combination you're searching for your wonderful color, do as follow: on a chat window clik on the "chat setting" button on the bottom right of the window; a new window will pop up, now double-clik on any of the color-filters for to "play" with the RGB palette; there will be 3 "levers", by moving them you can see the corrispondenting color in the same window; lever at full left is a 0,0 value, lever at full right is a 1,0 value, for intermediate position simply go after proportion

    hope it is helpful to somebody, and sorry for my bad english

    Drarak The Golden
    Helian Dragon
    Legion of the Golden Dawn

  2. #2
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Northern California

    Default Re: Colored Text

    Great piece of info. I would note that in North America, we use "." rather than ","in decimal numbers. Although I have not tried this yet, thatmay be a consideration for NA users.
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
    None Genuine without this Pawprint `',''

    Achiever 86%, Explorer 60%, Socializer 46%, Killer 6%.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Colored Text

    Nice hope thats get clear players asking other how they do that :P
    Onnidrah: Half Gaint - Retired
    Warrior: 100 Cleric: 100 Mage: 100 Spiritist 100
    Armourer: 62

    Unity [Formerer ICE]
    Old Beta Player
    Tazoon irc: IRC

  4. #4

    Default Re: Colored Text

    Hello) Well there is another way to talk in Colors that does not need a hot key although Those are nice this will help you talk in Group, Says, <nameofchat>, Guild, andShout. This is using the Alias command built in to the game. Also this will NOT go way when a patch comes down So here it is and I hope it helps But Plzs remeber The Rolepalying On the Order shard, Some can frown On the use there is Puplic Chat.... Follow these Instuctions

    Copy and paste the Script below, here is where you need to place it C:\Program Files\Artifact Entertainment\Horizons\prefs\<ShardName_CharNam e>Then go the the UICommunicationPrefs and Place this at the Bottom of the File and save it. you Will not have to redue this One each patch As Its a Alias. so... If you Look at THe File you Will see that there is Peramters for each string. like this... /'R will have you talking in Marketplace with red chat! why? The ' key is now a alias for Marketplace chat macro and the R is making everything red as its now hooked the Macro as well. So again... you Will need make a Ledger of each of the Alias like THis...

    ' is marketplace chat - or any Chat you want to Add to the list below just follow the same Scripting rules Foundhere Making a new key for the Alias Marco like ( * & ^ % as examples. butremember to make one for each Color on that key-
    [ is Says chat
    ; is group chat
    . is guild chat
    ] is Shout chat

    So all you have to do to talk in Color after putting this in that file Is /;r then a Space then text and you will get <text in red in group chat> or /.y <text in yellow in guild chat>

    Colors are the letter for each R=red B=blue y=yellow G=green P=purple

    Ok place this at the bottom of that UIcomm file...

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "'"
    string Long = "chat marketplace <!--color r=0 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "'r"
    string Long = "chat marketplace <!--color r=1 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "'g"
    string Long = "chat marketplace <!--color r=0 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "'b"
    string Long = "chat marketplace <!--color r=0 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "'y"
    string Long = "chat marketplace <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "'p"
    string Long = "chat marketplace <!--color r=1 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "'t"
    string Long = "chat marketplace <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "["
    string Long = "say <!--color r=0 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "[r"
    string Long = "say <!--color r=1 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "[g"
    string Long = "say <!--color r=0 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "[b"
    string Long = "say <!--color r=0 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "[y"
    string Long = "say <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "[p"
    string Long = "say <!--color r=1 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "[t"
    string Long = "say <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ";"
    string Long = "g <!--color r=0 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ";r"
    string Long = "g <!--color r=1 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ";g"
    string Long = "g <!--color r=0 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ";b"
    string Long = "g <!--color r=0 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ";y"
    string Long = "g <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ";p"
    string Long = "g <!--color r=1 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ";t"
    string Long = "g <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "."
    string Long = "gu <!--color r=0 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ".r"
    string Long = "gu <!--color r=1 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ".g"
    string Long = "gu <!--color r=0 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ".b"
    string Long = "gu <!--color r=0 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ".y"
    string Long = "gu <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ".p"
    string Long = "gu <!--color r=1 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = ".t"
    string Long = "gu <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "]"
    string Long = "shout <!--color r=0 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "]r"
    string Long = "shout <!--color r=1 g=0 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "]g"
    string Long = "shout <!--color r=0 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "]b"
    string Long = "shout <!--color r=0 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "]y"
    string Long = "shout <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "]p"
    string Long = "shout <!--color r=1 g=0 b=1>"

    ALIAS 0
    string Short = "]t"
    string Long = "shout <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>"

  5. #5

    Default Re: Colored Text

    Okie let me try :P
    Onnidrah: Half Gaint - Retired
    Warrior: 100 Cleric: 100 Mage: 100 Spiritist 100
    Armourer: 62

    Unity [Formerer ICE]
    Old Beta Player
    Tazoon irc: IRC

  6. #6

    Default Re: Colored Text

    Here are a bunch of Colored Aliases for use in groups. You might be able to think of some others or a better way to impliment these if so reply to this and I'll add modifications.

    Here is a link to a screeny of chat window showing their appearance.

    ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "al"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.713043 b=0.347826>Add your Left <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0.443478>%T% <!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174>Rated %R%"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "ar"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.713043 b=0.347826>Add your Right <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0.443478>%T% <!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174>Rated %R%"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "ab"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.713043 b=0.347826>Add Behind Us <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0.443478>%T% <!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174>Rated %R%"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "at"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.713043 b=0.347826>Add Behind <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0.443478>%T% Current Target<!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174> Rated %R%"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "dc"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174>Dark Crystal Ready"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "gm"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174>MultiCast Ready"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "cd"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174>Casting Dark Crystal"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "cm"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174>Casting MultiCast"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "ht"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=0.026087 g=1 b=0.547826>Healing <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>%T%"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "nh"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>%T% <!--color r=0.026087 g=1 b=0.547826>Needs Heal"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "hg"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>Stay Close <!--color r=0.026087 g=1 b=0.547826>Group Heal"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "rt"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=1 g=0.486957 b=1>Rezzing <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>%T%"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "nr"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=0 g=1 b=1>%T% <!--color r=1 g=0.486957 b=1>Needs Rez"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "pt"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=0.634783 g=0.652174 b=1>Pulling <!--color r=1 g=1 b=0.443478>%T% <!--color r=1 g=0.552609 b=0.172174>Rated %R%"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "pl"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=0.634783 g=0.652174 b=1>Pulled too many!!"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "miss"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=0.837391 g=0.838696 b=0>My WhatChaMaCallIt Missed!!"
    } ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "run"
    stringLong = "g <!--color r=0.026087 g=1 b=0.547826>Run Like the Wind! <!--color r=1 g=0 b=0>or Die Like a Dog!!"

  7. #7

    Default Re: Colored Text

    i have :

    intChannelID = 1

    intChannelID = 2

    intChannelID = 3

    intChannelID = 4

    intChannelID = 5

    intChannelID = 6

    intChannelID = 7

    intChannelID = 8

    intChannelID = 9

    intChannelID = 10

    intChannelID = 12

    intChannelID = 13

    intChannelID = 14

    intChannelID = 15

    intChannelID = 17

    intChannelID = 18

    intChannelID = 100

    intChannelID = 101

    intChannelID = 102

    intChannelID = 103

    intChannelID = 104

    intChannelID = 105

    intChannelID = 106

    intChannelID = 107

    intChannelID = 108

    intChannelID = 109

    intChannelID = 110

    intChannelID = 111

    intChannelID = 112

    intChannelID = 113

    intChannelID = 114

    intChannelID = 1000

    intChannelID = 1001
    floatColorR = 1
    floatColorG = 0.426087
    floatColorB = 0

    intChannelID = 1002

    stringName = "UnityItalia"
    floatColorR = 1
    floatColorG = 1
    floatColorB = 0

    stringName = "Unity community"

    stringName = "GuildMasters-L.A.d.E. Channel"
    floatColorR = 0
    floatColorG = 0.652174
    floatColorB = 1

    stringName = "Armorer Tier1 - Antiteo"
    floatColorR = 1
    floatColorG = 0
    floatColorB = 0

    stringName = "Market"
    floatColorR = 0.295652
    floatColorG = 0.495652
    floatColorB = 0.730435

    __________________________________________________ __

    who for add color only for me in my chat guild?

    after latest patchs system's changed?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Colored Text

    thanks for all this:). Good to know.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Colored Text

    only hotkey settings work..

  10. #10

    Default Re: Colored Text

    Message: only hotkey settings work..
    What do you mean? The aliases works perfectand I send out ciolored text as well...

    If you want to see wich aliases that is active, type

    If you want to add an alias and dont want tyo edit this file, type:
    /alias <shortname> <Longname>


    /alias hej Hailthere fair Lady

    this will produse:

    ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "hej"
    stringLong = "Hail there fair Lady "

    /hej Lanfea

    will produce:
    Hail there fair Lady Lanfea

    I use:
    ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "gla"
    stringLong = "Greetings and well met Lord"

    I think following is usefull to...

    ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "w"
    stringLong = "wavehi"

    ALIAS 0
    stringShort = "wb"
    stringLong = "wavebye"

    This can most likely be changed elsewhere
    The RP guild Kushan Sogd at Harro, Unity Shard
    Download and install Pekkas Map Pack v2.9 today and HCC 0.26 Beta is there too

  11. #11

    Default Re: Colored Text

    what id like to know is how you guys have 6 or 7 character long color values... where is a reference chart showing the absolute values in game?

    I am trying to make a golden colored text that is very specific to my desires...
    Horizons suggestions
    Dragon ideas
    Ill say it over and over until it is addressed...
    Take your suggestions here . Submit a help request and choose feedback from the list. They cannot ignore their inbox.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Colored Text

    Quote Originally Posted by Seikojin
    what id like to know is how you guys have 6 or 7 character long color values... where is a reference chart showing the absolute values in game?

    I am trying to make a golden colored text that is very specific to my desires...
    Wish I had seen this sooner. You probably already figured it out but if not here is a color chart for reference with not only the RGB values but the HTML hexadecimal notations and names of said colors.

    Color Chart

    Have fun!

  13. #13

    Default Re: Colored Text

    Thanks Snowdonia. That maybe useful... now to convert to 1.0 -0.01 versions, heheheh

    Edit: if you dont want to try and jury rig some math just open calculator and punch in numbers like this: XXX / YYY Enter key gives Z

    XXX = color number on chart (0-255)
    YYY = Max value of that color (should always be 255 for this)
    Z = Decimal value to use in Hz's system

    Also these color values on the chart are in R G B, and Horizons uses R B G, so swap the last value with the middle one and you should be gold...

    I have had major issues getting these values to work in game. I have been logged in, makijng the command prefix for my main channel do this and I have tried making an alias to no avail, but I think it may still be good when editing the config file.
    Horizons suggestions
    Dragon ideas
    Ill say it over and over until it is addressed...
    Take your suggestions here . Submit a help request and choose feedback from the list. They cannot ignore their inbox.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Colored Text

    at don't look like the kind of i wish to colot text. i'd like color it in main and group so that (you say) stay stays the same color, just what i say is colored, and same in group, and so that other players can see both.
    any ideas?

  15. #15

    Default Re: Colored Text

    For group,open chat settings and in Default Command Prefix type:

    /g <!--color r=0.0 b=0.0 g=0.0>

    you need to choose values from 0 to 1 for desired color.try double clicking any color in chat settings,that will show sliders. Find your desired color. On left side is 0,right side is 1. so anything between is 0.1 0.2 0.3 etc etc

    For main chat,use the above formula without /g . That means youll have to have 2 separate windows,one for group and one for main chat.

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  16. #16

    Default Re: Colored Text

    I whipped up a quick and visual guide on how to setup color chat on both main and group chat, at same time. It requires you two have to seperate chat windows. It also expands on an article, on the site, about how to setup color chat for main (say) chat + Group.

    It would also apply to other channels.
    Group is /g
    Guild is /gu
    Death points are temporary, Glory is forever!
    Need game info? Try Istaria Reference, Istaria Lexica Wiki or Istaras Chosen

  17. #17

    Default Re: Colored Text

    yes but /g stops say working and without it group is uncolored. i'm looking a way to get say and group colored on 1 window, as i have lots of windows open and have just half the spase you start the game with.

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