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Thread: A tale of "errors"

  1. #1
    Lady Caireen

    Default A tale of "errors"

    After reading through this forum and noticing the different problems that individuals are having since the new patch, I realized that I have a combination of all of these and it has gone from "okay, no problem, I can handle this" to "what the blazes do they mean they can't download?" (um, thats the polite terminolog as thishas now beenongoing for two days) [:@]

    First, when I downloaded the patch initially, I was politely informed in such a way that the patch files did not take. I ended up downloading the patch 4 times until I finally got to the point where I was actually going intothe game then I got hung up on "waiting for area to load under character". Okay, this is getting a little silly now but still no big deal, I backed out and relogged in. [:(]

    This time around I start receivingthe noticethat a "resource_debug.def" is missing. Incidentally this happened after the patch before this one as well). My solution, uninstall and reinstall, which I did, and did and did. At this point I went to support.istaria. com and communicated to them my problem; this was early evening yesterday. By the time I gave up last night I was now receiving the message "Cannot download files". [:S]

    This morning I receive a message from support stating that I must have a corrupt file and should uninstall and then reinstall the game. Now why didn't I think of that![:#]

    Well, giving it that "one more time!" I did uninstall and reinstall hoping that after a restful night, mypc would have erased all memories of my unfortunate misdirected anger. [;)] Apprently it was just not meant to be [:'(] I still received thatreally annoyingmessage "cannot download files". I decide to go back to the message I received from support and gave them an update on the now current situation [8o|]

    So, it is with great pain and sorrow, as well as numberous cups of [C], I await the swift andenlightening reply from support [|-)]


  2. #2

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    I for Waun have the same problem. I reinstalled, against my better judgement, and am now in your coffee clache club hoping to get in game soon. The game was running fine except for a minor problem too. <sigh>

    Why is it when weknow we shouldn't do things we do them anyway?

  3. #3
    Lady Caireen

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    According to a post in they have made several suggestions as to how to overcome this problem; this is listed in the Knowledge Base. So far I have tried all of the suggestions and I still cannot download the necessary files. I have uploaded the necessary file to support, hopefully they will figure out what is going on.

    If anyone has any luck in getting the files to download that has previously been having problems with this, let us know :)

  4. #4
    Enlil Huyuk

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    I, of course have had the same problem [:(] It keeps telling me I can't download the necessary files. I did the whole uninstall reinstall thing and it still doesnt work. I read the post in the knowledge base, tried all those things and have achieved nothing. There has to be something we can do, seeing as alot of people have managed to download the patch. I put in a ticket yesterday but haven't had a reply yet... not sure what to try in the mean time.

  5. #5

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    If you are uninstalling ( and deleting the Horizons folder afterwards ) and then reinstalling and it still happens than there is something wrong with windows on your machine and/or the registry. You can try a drastic solution of getting a reg cleaner and removing all references to horizons that may be left over from the uninstallation.

    Then reinstall....


    it could be that something in the patch doesn't like the old setup at all. Might try BEFORE downloading the patch after a reinstall deleting the contents of the world cache folder and letting the game redo it from scratch. But I don't think this folder is even filled up till you log in the first time.

    These are of course complete shots in the dark.

  6. #6

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    I had an error when trying to dl the patch. Ill tell what I did, maybe it'll help.

    When I tried to DL the patch, it said it DL a file, I forget which one sorry. I tried it again and same thing.
    I deleted the world cache and then rebooted. THen it worked.

  7. #7
    Enlil Huyuk

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    Still no reply on my ticket.. still nothing is getting it to work. Even uninstalling and reinstalling again didnt work. hmmm

  8. #8

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    What kind of connection do you have?

  9. #9
    Lady Caireen

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    Been there and done that [:S]
    Have even gone to these drastic lengths with no resolvement of the problem. To those who have gotten in and are enjoying the game, thank your lucky stars.

  10. #10
    Enlil Huyuk

    Default Re: A tale of "errors"

    I played my blight character for a few minutes before the live shards went up so someone suggested to me that maybe patch files I downloaded for blight may have somehow corrupted the live shard patch. I am going to try deleting my blight character and world cache and see if that works...

    When I try to enter my blight game I am getting a really really slow system scan. I have an ultra high speed dsl connection so it shouldnt be this slow. I guess I'll wait it out and see [^o)]

  11. #11
    Lady Caireen

    Default Re: A tale of "errors" UPDATE

    Well my friends it has been one long continuous process of repeating steps, altering a step or two, etc., but believe it or not I am actually patching with the game.

    I am not sure how much this will help anyone, it mainly was through a process of elimination that I arrived at this point. Many of you probably do not have the same programs on your pc that I do but perhaps as I list the steps you can sub as you need to. Many of these steps I had already done; maybe it was the sequence or what that made the difference but here goes.

    1)Deleted all, and I mean every single file, pertaining to Horizons on every drive byuninstalling then doing a search for all other files and deleting them. Horizons was installed on an auxillary drive but I also had some files that kept showing on my hardrive.

    2) Made sure that and were both in my trusted internet sites

    3)Completely shut down my firewall (Zone Alarm)

    4)Used Norton Systemworks to check for any and all errors in Windows

    5)Did a reboot

    6) Reinstalled Horizons on my hardrive but as a directory of its own, not under programs, etc.

    7)Patching now downloading

    Hope this helps but after working on this for two days, well actually more then two,I am glad that my persistence paid off. Work neglected but Horizons not :)

  12. #12

    Default Re: A tale of "errors" UPDATE

    I too was able to patch after recieving a response from support indicating that the patching server had been updated with the missing file.

    Any one who had this problem should try again now that the patching server is updated.

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