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Thread: [RAID] - Backlash

  1. #1
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default [RAID] - Backlash

    Four Days Prior - Aughundell
    The black essence orb sits uselessly on the table before Gaileach. Ever since the Gifted returned victorious with their loot, Gaileach, among the Dryad masters of magic, has been working day and night on cracking its mysterious. Gifted have gone to and fro from her desk, passing along any news of the silence from the greater armies of the Aegis. After their precious orb was stolen, the Aegis once again went silent.
    Whatever this orb does, Gaileach has little idea. Every spell she could dredge from the depths of her mind, every experiment, every resource… everything had no reaction. Yet this orb still radiates darkness and energy. The magic is infuriating - you can feel the power from it! Yet it behaves nothing like a normal enchanted object!
    Clutching her head in her fists, Gaileach leans backwards in her hovering position. What is the secret? If she can guide the Gifted to defeating the Myloc Queen herself, she can figure out this orb’s power…

    Three Days Prior - Harro
    “He’s... talking, sir,” a tired guard reports, leaning against a cave wall. After the failed assault on the Eastern Outpost and Harro, the skeletal prisoner was moved deep into a Dragon’s lair in Harro, safe from the Aegis. Lord-Commander Jatell looks up from his notes, surprised. “Talking? The skeleton?”
    The guard’s irritated and tired look confirmed the question.
    “And? What’s he saying?” Jatell demands, standing up.
    “He’s… he’s talking about the parchment. It’s a map … an enchanted map, but only the Aegis can unlock it.” The guard stands up a bit straighter, squaring his shoulders to look more appropriate for his commander.
    “We’ll see about that.”
    Two Days Prior - Aughundell
    Gaileach yells out her success in the middle of Aughundell, perhaps waking up half of the population in the progress.
    “I got it! I GOT IT!” She screams, punching the air with her fists. The orb vibrates slightly in front of her, lifting off the desk.
    A few curious Dragon heads poke into her study, startling her. Both Gifted, it seems, and eager to hear her results. Many Gifted have been hanging around her study lately, waiting for news. “What’s going on?” One of the Dragons asked, the fins around its face perking in anticipation.
    “It’s… it’s a catalyst. An energy source - those Blight portals, remember? This! This powers one! The portals; they draw energy from this orb and rip open a wormhole between realms, I think. I need to study it more but using this… we could close their portals!”
    Both Gifted look to each other excitedly, but are interrupted when a newcomer walks between them. “Gaileach?” He asks politely.
    The dryad looks to the new arrival, hands still raised in victory.
    “We have a situation,” the person, Jatell, says.
    One Day Prior - Harro
    Gaileach stares at the skeleton before her, unsure what to think. “It’s a leader?” She asks after a minute.
    Lord-Command Jatell nods curtly. “Yes, and he speaks… when he wants to. We received a piece of parchment from the Gifted to study as you received the orb. This skeleton informs us that this piece of parchment is an enchanted map only the Aegis can unlock. Apparently forcefully removing the enchantment that keeps these bones moving at a very slow pace is akin to torture for us normal folk. Anyway, he cast the spell to make the map visible and screamed at us - amongst various obscenities - that it shows the most recent battle plans in real-time. The Aegis can deactivate it at any time, but they might not know which one we have or don’t know we have it.”
    Gaileach nods slowly, following. “How does this involve me, Commander? Does my orb come in?” She begins to dread the possible reality of being wrong about the orb being a catalyst.
    Jatell simply holds up the enchanted parchment, now showing an actual map with glowing green writing enchanted onto it. The writing moves occasionally as the owner changes some plans, but it’s very clear what it shows.
    It’s a map of Aughundell. And Gaileach’s study is circled.
    “They know you have the orb.”

    When: Saturday, the 15TH of September at 7:00pm CEST/1:00pm EST/10:00am PST
    (Timezone not listed? Use this converter.)
    Where: The raid begins in Aughundell, but its conclusion is wherever the Gifted push the raid to, similar to last time.
    Goal: Defend Gaileach. She cannot move her studies elsewhere without possibly being intercepted. She will hide within the mines, but if the Gifted fail to keep the Aegis back, there will be consequences.
    There will be crafting sections in this event so bring your tools!
    The outcome will influence future raids.

    Other information: The Event channel will be used to give status updates and story. Please join this channel before the event begins to form groups and decide plans of action!

  2. #2

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Where did the Raid eventually end up? I missed seeing it again. Too low level to help fight, of course, but still wanted to see it. Also I recently sold food to the tavernkeeper in Kion if anybody wants it. It's tier 1 though.

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  3. #3
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Quote Originally Posted by flamestar View Post
    Where did the Raid eventually end up? I missed seeing it again.
    Last time the raid ended up in the far north east of the Eastern Deadlands within a cave/overhang system. There's a summary here

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013
    Don't worry it'll change in 5 minutes.

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    To clarify the date, will it be saturday the 17th or today the 15th? 0.o

    Istara's Chosen Guildmaster
    Experienced Hunter, Healer, and Grand Master Crafter

  5. #5

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Quote Originally Posted by Sarsilas View Post
    Last time the raid ended up in the far north east of the Eastern Deadlands within a cave/overhang system. There's a summary here

    Quote Originally Posted by Machaeon View Post
    To clarify the date, will it be saturday the 17th or today the 15th? 0.o
    Wait--Saturday? O_o So THAT'S why nothing was going on in Aughundell when I checked in earlier. I thought I was two hours late.

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  6. #6
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Saturday the 17th is correct - I was looking at today's date by accident when writing it down. Sorry for the confusion!

  7. #7

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    That's ok. Gives me plenty of time to cook up more food for the after Raid death point feasting.

    My first venture into Istaria fanfiction: link and my other fanfics: link and artwork: link

  8. #8

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Let`s hope Janne doesn`t accidently land up in Augh XD

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  9. #9

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Murphy probably carried over with her along with her cell so...she will probably end up in there

    ____________________Never forget to appreciate each other and stay UNITED!____________________

  10. #10

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Nah This time I'm bringing Kestrell. Next Raid though... Lol maybe!

    My first venture into Istaria fanfiction: link and my other fanfics: link and artwork: link

  11. #11

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Hi there. Raid already over? Didn`t have the time to join it. Was in cinema XD.

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  12. #12

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    yeah it's over

  13. #13

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Wasn't as involved as last time but it was fun defending aughundell.

  14. #14

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Could you make a report like last time for hatchies/nakas that can`t take part in it or werent on? Would be nice thanks ^^

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  15. #15
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
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    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Summary of Events

    Gaileach had very little warning for this… far too little to move all of her equipment out of the city! She had so many notes and tools spread around her work area and, of course, the mysterious orb itself. So when the Aegis mapped their plans to invade, she bunkered down in her building and let the Gifted defend her.

    It was a valiant fight - a wave thick with ghosts and undead hit the town first alongside a Lesser Anchor, probing its defenses. After they fell, a Greater Anchor was sent in alongside various Fallen Plague-Dragons and -Warriors. Blood was shed, but this Anchor too fell alongside its predecessor without much issue.

    However, after a slight lull in the action, Reklar himself surged forth to try and reclaim the valuable orb with force.His great ripped wings blotted out the sun and permeated the air with the stench of death, followed by his deadly legion of Plague-Dragons. The Gifted fell swiftly under the first attack, but kept harassing him and keeping him busy. Gaileach, meanwhile, worked eagerly on the orb in the corner of her study. It was reacting to the magic in the air! Oh, how much she can learn from this…

    The Gifted rose again and again to strike at Reklar, who laughed as he trudged through blood and broken bone on the ground near the shrine. All is silent for a few moments as the broken bodies vanish and reform elsewhere, only to reconvene in Aughundell and strike back! Reklar falls, finally, under this attack, succumbing to the combined forces.

    Gaileach scuttles from her study in the eerie silence afterwards, claiming she’s made a breakthrough! The orb’s magic radiates outwards and connects to nearby portals via a magical link. She asks the Gifted for their assistance; she needs resources to box in the orb and isolate its power. She asks for 50 Adamantium Bars and Travertine Bricks, 100 Radiant Essence Orbs, and a Mithril Rune Stylus. The Gifted respond very swiftly with these resources, bringing up the various ingredients from their vaults or plots. Within minutes she has what she needs in her arms and not a moment too soon.

    The instant the Dryad touches the orb with the Stylus, the orb shoots out a physical energy link to a portal of its own. The portal rift opens in front of Aughundell. Inky blackness swirls within, giving no hint to the land beyond. Seconds later, the corrupted monsters of the Rift surge forth in the Realm of Prime, their half-existing bodies faint in the sunlight. The Gifted hurriedly mow these monsters down only to be faced with one of Elial’s Guardians itself, disturbed from its usual duties by the portal opening nearby.

    The ancients among the Gifted lead the fight against the Guardian of Bone, having done so before in their ancient rite of passages . Weakened from being separated from its realm, the Guardian falls swiftly and silence falls.

    Gaileach manages to encase the powering black orb in a sphere of adamantium and travertine, enchanted with the radiant essence to create a protective magic-proof container. The orb, contained, loses its link to the portal and it closes in on itself, leaving nothing but a touch of magic in the air in its wake.

    Celebration, however, cannot come yet. The Aegis are catching on to Gaileach’s progress and shut down one of their own portals, presumably to protect their deeper homeland. The map that shows the battle plans suddenly loses the northernmost symbol, as well. The identical southern symbol still glows bright, and so Gaileach sends the Gifted out in that direction, to find the power source of the remaining portal.

    It takes a few minutes, but finally the little green orb is found hidden behind a tree. After being carried back to the town in the safe arms of a Gifted human, it, too, is trapped in a magic-proof prison.

    But the portal doesn’t close.

    The Aegis have concentrated their power on this final portal, forcing the Gifted to step through and close it manually, by destroying the mages on the other side. As there is no apparent other way, Gaileach encourages the Gifted to step through for the sake of the town, as there’s only so much time before the Aegis send another force through. Complying, the defensive force of Aughundell steps through the final portal, into the depths of the Blighted east nearby the shores.

    They are greeted by a large force of ghosts, skeletons, undead dragons, and a few phantom mages. These are torn apart by the Gifted, without mercy, who then plunge deeper into the deadlands, killing the deadly guards sent to protect the distant mages, who power the connection. Fafnir, Son of Gigaroth, and Valkor all fall. Finally, the mages are torn apart by the Gifted’s swords and claws.

    In Aughundell, Gaileach, who was watching the portal nervously, sees the surface shimmer before it collapses in on itself. She shouts out her victory in joy; they have done it! They sealed the portal!

    Turning back to her study, the dryad rubs her hands together. Now… time to use this new knowledge of power sources to figure out how to close portals from one side only!

    Fluttering up the path, Gaileach pauses. That isn’t the only mystery...

    Why - and how - did the Aegis create a power source to connect to the Rift?


    Pryzm, I was just typing it up this morning since last night it was far too late to start.

    Romirez, I'll try to make the next event have more choice and variation, but I can't give many branching paths with every raid simply due to time constraints. It takes many hours of planning and also many hours of execution to make it work, but I certainly won't make it a rare thing!

    Thank you all who came for attending! I hope you all enjoyed yourselves For those who didn't come - I hope to get you killed next time!

  16. #16

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    yeah, these things take time to make. this one was fun though. could enter this last one as the 4th siege of aughundell.

    the crafting part was also very interesting. first time i've seen that kind of thing implimented beyond community projects.

  17. #17

    Default Re: [RAID] - Backlash

    Thanks Sarsilas ^^. I`ve already been welcomed into Order! I guess i`ll stay a bit and make an ancient here.

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

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