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Thread: The curious behavior of wisps

  1. #1

    Default The curious behavior of wisps

    The radiant wisps are zooming along so quickly I can hardly catch them. I was harvesting from an enriched one and filled up. I wanted another player to get the rest but if I walked away, no matter what I did, the wisp followed me. Meanwhile, 2 more wisps came over and attached to me. I couldn't get rid of them.
    Gnome Extraordinaire
    Join the GLF! *Gnome Liberation Front

  2. #2

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    yes, Hyper-active wisps, need to apply some ritalin to the game or adderall

  3. #3

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    also, most of the radiant wisps in lower South east of Harro are missing from the north and south fields. enraged are also gone from that area. Basically just wisp poo is left now

  4. #4

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    The radiant wisps move the same speed as any other wisp. Checked settings and visited various wisps in the world. "Zooming along" isn't a term I can apply to the radiant. They move insanely slow like any other wisp on my end.

    After harvesting any version of radiant wisp, they never follow me. However, I suspect they would behave the same as a cow. If you aggro them in any way (but do no damage). ie Cast Dispirit Foes, have a pet equipped that does damage, such as Flame Elemental.

    If you are near an enraged wisp, they will attack and follow you.

    I'm wondering if something unique is happening to you. The radiant wisp shouldn't behave any different than the pale wisp or bright wisps, from what I see in it the defined parameters. All wisps have the same walk speed.

    Maybe if you can reproduce, tell me exactly the step by step and what wisp (weakened, regular or enriched, or enraged) that was encountered, that'd help.
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  5. #5

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    ALL radiant wisps are zooming around. I walk around looking for wisps. From a distance I see them. I don't do anything to them. Did not even target them. Just looked from a distance. A big distance, I have my distance view cranked up all the way. They are zooming by faster than I can move my mouse to target them. The same thing was seen by Slimey and Malicore. No enraged wisps were around. Weak wisps, regular wisps, enriched, all zooming. I can't say about other wisps, just talking about radiant ones. Also, it is now possible to target them from 250 meters away, which seems very odd to me.
    Gnome Extraordinaire
    Join the GLF! *Gnome Liberation Front

  6. #6

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    Flew around chaos and order in the thornwood hills east of harro. Saw enriched, normal and weakened radiant wisps. -All- of them moved fast, did not see a single "normal" speed wisp (aside when they were stationary).

    Quote Originally Posted by Ming View Post
    ...Also, it is now possible to target them from 250 meters away, which seems very odd to me.
    I think this is a sperate thing - but yeah, you can select things very far now. Was mining mithril in a group the other day and a mithril boulder golem went to chase my friend who was 120m away lol. For me at least thigns seem to load in 120m and deselect and unload and 220m away. (seperate issue still - just saying though it's normal. idk about intended bc i didn't pay much attention to most recent patch & delta notes)

  7. #7

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    Yes, most of which are either in Thornwood treants, or on top of the mountain. the 2 normal area's for gathering are near empty less the ground resource wisp residue. Cegaiel, I am not sure how you are seeing them move at normal speeds. I can watch them simply fly across the screen at a rate in which it is very difficult to target them by trying to click on them. Which brings us back to targeting bug as well. I hit keyboard F11 for target next enemy while standing in an area of just wisps and get a Thornwood treant 450 meters away, instead of the nearest wisp. This is not right. I see the enriched usually at normal speed.. but radiant wisps are acting like they now have jet propulsion. You are again welcome to let me know what time you wish to check, and come onto my computer and see for yourself. Must be a form of lag? I do not know. but I do know I am far from being the only one having this issue
    Last edited by Malicore; July 31st, 2017 at 04:44 PM.

  8. #8

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    As of 11 this morning PST, around the woodshop near town there was one weak wisp, just standing. After I left it, I could target it from about 500 meters. There were no more wisps until I got to the top of the mountains north 28825 23541. There are a number of zooming wisps up here. A few were 1M away but I got message they are too far to harvest. A few I was able to capture.
    Gnome Extraordinaire
    Join the GLF! *Gnome Liberation Front

  9. #9

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    This is the speed I see on Chaos & Order. Try to turn your max view distance down a to 3/4 and apply settings. Then feel free to crank it back up. See if that does anything. The only server I didn't check was Blight. After maintenance tomorrow, see if anything is different as well.

    Are you playing patched to blight or just normal (not patched to blight) ? Perhaps a full scan could help.

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  10. #10

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    Alright, I was told to look around 28681 24344 and I do see some examples of the wisps with speed buffs. We'll investigate this since we see some now. I'd really like to see if this continues after maintenance tomorrow.
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  11. #11
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    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    I'd like to tag onto Cegaiel's post to add that the distance at which enemies are loading in is intended. I believe it was set up so that mobs load in around 150m away and unload at 200m away, though it will vary slightly depending on how fast your character is moving.

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  12. #12

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    As stated by Cixi, the wisps are acting very hyper. It has not changed. You can have a wisp right beside you (even 3 or 4) and game will say wisp is too far away. Hopefully maintenance will fix this. The other thing happening in same area as Radiant Wisps is Thornwood Treants reacting and attacking you from 100m away. I have set my view as low as 75% to 100% and it makes no difference. I can be harvesting Radiant Wisps up the hill and Thornwood Treants will come after me and attack. In the area of the burned out house are 3 resource buildings. You used to be able to use these without the Blight Hounds bothering you. Not anymore, if you are at one of these public buildings, the Blight Hounds now make eye contact with you and you know what happens next. I have noticed a longer range of even spiders reacting to you as you walk through a spider area. I am talking about 50 to 75m for small spiders like Dark Crawlers. The Wisps are a pain because we were trying to harvest for tunnel. Thank you. Slimey on Order

  13. #13

    Default Re: The curious behavior of wisps

    From what I am told. Things have started to settle after the Maintenance. Lets hope it stays this way. Wisps are back in the lower 40. Enraged are back as well. Keep your fingers crossed.

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