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Thread: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

  1. #1

    Default Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    Ok first things first this isnt another "istarias gonna die" rant (no disrespect aimed at anyone on the forum).

    You all have to admit though this game is currently at a stand still. While i say this i also know the devs maintain this game and every so often attempt content updates so im not gonna take any credit away from them. I also read amons comments on another post and i agree with the concept of not holding hands in regards to quests.

    Anyways as time moves on, so does society and with that player preferences also change. What worked years ago do not work as efficently in the present.

    For new players when they look at finding new mmos they look at all things listed in the previous rant post (UI, Graphics etc etc) while i also agree the UI is perfect/ user friendly and shouldnt change. They also compare graphics to games like WoW/ LOTRO/ DDO/ FFXIV. Im assuming the devs are still working on Unreal Engine and honestly cant wait to see the finished product but for the current generation of players these old 2003 graphics falls under the minimum requirement expected by them.

    I have been playing this game since 2010 and had a mixture of good times and bad times (mostly fun times) but now find myself not wanting to log in because i get bored very quickly. I know thats not the devs faults and do not intend to blame them for this however i do honestly think this game needs a fun twist added to it and although i like the new skalkaar revamp i feel that the effort the devs put into that nice looking update maybe could have been used in an attempt to bring something new or even target some of the players who got bored and left. Im no expert and as said in the title these are just my thoughts.

    Sorry for yet again another post about how istaria changing but happy crafting and happy hunting


  2. #2

    Default Re: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    No need to say sorry LordSeth,
    its precious input.
    I know what you mean- though it does not fit for Flame and me.
    We just returned after few months break-forced by rl.
    So we have lots of things to do and to play.And we have never been bored in all those years..
    But as said- I know what you are talking about.
    Any idea what that kick could be- that is needed to hold bored players.?
    I have none atm.. can someone be bored with Istaria if he/she does not play endgame?
    Obviersly yes..
    Are endgame players bored too? I don`t know..
    So its important to remind us that Istaria is an old game- which surely needs regulary face lifts..
    So any idea is most welcome
    And posts like yours keep some (like me^^)
    from feeling too safe (that Istaria will be there until end of days) or satisfied (why bigger changes? its fine the way it is).
    So thy for your post- it woke me up somehow- and will make me think about what I could contribute to the game to fight boredom.
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    Thanks for taking the time to respond LOVWYRM. I certainly cannot talk for everyone but i do know that in every game old and new the developers/designers have to think of things like: how do we keep the players interested/focussed, what can we do to make the game replayable things like that but i do genuinely think the end game peeps are just as likely if not more to be bored same as lower level people. I have seen so many people work hard enjoy the game as hatchies who love gliding from towers to being so excited and proud of the accomplishment of finishing their first ROP and being able to fly for the first time to finishing AROP and sitting in dralk or NT. This isnt the case for every player others do like to keep busy but the point im trying to make is in order to keep players interested in any game there has to be a sense of achievement/accomplishment aswell as a long term goal keeping them determined to be the best player they can be. In almost every MMO ive played their levelling system has always been grind based. For lower players who lack the experience they may find the grind for levels boring and lose their motivation. Just random thoughts here but what about testing some more mini epics say level 50 similar to our level 100 epics but with lower level rewards which can maybe recieve lesser epic weapons/ armor/scales it may give lower levels a reason to group up but then again it may have no effect what do you think? as for end game players i havent come up with anything yet but it wont stop me thinking about it.


  4. #4

    Default Re: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    I can think of one thing. Early in the game we helped the Elves free Feladen from the WA and then we liberated
    the Satyr race. How about, ahem, doing something to fix Rachival? One of the best things of Istaria is the group
    effort on our World Projects. So there are a few gnome locations that could use some effort.
    Not that I'm biased or anything.
    Gnome Extraordinaire
    Join the GLF! *Gnome Liberation Front

  5. #5

    Default Re: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    Actually, i seen some videos about games, even if istaria look's like very retro, game creation is very hard, even more harder than make movie, for one player can be masterpiece of virtual interraction, for other one can be piece of virtual junk, i can only say, we need give a time for dev's make this game better day after day, basically for game now, we need 6 months, 5 years, or less, but made by developers, this sort of games like istaria, we players are creator of progress in game, quest's visual effect's new places, ewerything that is mix of decisions of developers and players work and ssugestions, ewerything will be in time, nothing is perfect, and istaria never will be perfect too, but this game is very special, where developers and players cooperate for make this game better.

  6. #6
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Jul 2006
    le palais du fromage and industrial complex, cliffside, shepherd's mountain, blight

    Default Re: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    well said, vast
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
    check out my game blog:

  7. #7

    Default Re: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    It is far far in the future but i still believe that the Eastern Continent will be added one day. One big project it is tho. After the revamps and unreal update far far in the future XD. As for me i actually dont get bored. I am crafting alot, adventuring as well and i found the fun in writing storys as well. Maybe make a quest one day. Tho some players dont see the fun they could have after reaching lvl 100. Some dragons used to constantly sit in NT. How about guiding new players, going on Epic hunts or just simply working on a plot? Sure for new players some requirements are not given since alot of people seem to love HD graphics. his game beeing made 2010 (i believe) does not count to their wanted graphics. But they dont see the lore and gameplay behind this. They basically need to be convinced in the first 15 levels they are allowed to play free here. In my opinion the old owners made some mistakes as well. The game was kinda on hold for quite a long time. Im so glad this changed with the current devs. Someone told me a long time ago that there should be some things redone like the music. Dont get me wrong the music is good but still from 2010. Why not hire someone to do a remake of the music? That takes money again. Maybe there isnt enough currently. Try a kickstarter campaign? I would surely give some money there. Rewards? Maybe plush dragons or something. Stickers and other stuff that isnt too expensive. Would be worth a shot. Same with the webside. Still the same since a long time. There surely are some artists who would draw something really cool for a background. I personally don`t really like the current one. Maybe cuz of the used dragon model. I dont like that head but that is my opinion. Maybe a picture showing some epics like the one with reklars fortress launch picture. And then there is the trailer. Im sure that one hasnt been changed for a long time as well. Showing some mobs i dont even know of. Why not make a competition? Who makes the best trailer wins and their video will be the new trailer. I would surely contribute.
    As for the end game players @LordSeth why not try coming up with some new questlines only available for level 100 or even higher ratings as a ped? i could get to writing right away XD.

    @Ming big events are quite the idear. But im sure there is no time currently with the revamps, updates and the still ongoing unreal update i hope. Freeing Rachival sounds cool but i bet the WA are pissed then. Why not go further and make them take over another part of Istaria as result? These kind of events would be quite big. Imagine them taking over a big city. All NPCs would move elsewere maybe in a camp to rest for a while and search new homes. Scrolls, tomes, librarys destroyed or held by the WA. New quests to free them. And then the new event with retaking the city and then? Rebuild it ofc! Crafters to the work! THAT would be a massive event needing planning and time. And alot of work by the devs. Rachival is not the only part captured btw. The islands of Dahibi, Alged,Corvus and Elnath have been captured a long time ago. Tho the gnomes concidered Rachival their home and looking at the size it was quite big. I hope for these events to come one day.

    We just have to keep one thing in mind. @vasteel is completely right. It will take time.

    So far my suggestions and thoughts on this.

    "If being of fire means blind arrogance and the elevation of violence above reason, then let me be of water!"

  8. #8

    Default Re: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    Quote Originally Posted by Pryzm View Post
    It is far far in the future but i still believe that the Eastern Continent will be added one day. One big project it is tho. After the revamps and unreal update far far in the future XD. As for me i actually dont get bored. I am crafting alot, adventuring as well and i found the fun in writing storys as well. Maybe make a quest one day. Tho some players dont see the fun they could have after reaching lvl 100. Some dragons used to constantly sit in NT. How about guiding new players, going on Epic hunts or just simply working on a plot? Sure for new players some requirements are not given since alot of people seem to love HD graphics. his game beeing made 2010 (i believe) does not count to their wanted graphics. But they dont see the lore and gameplay behind this. They basically need to be convinced in the first 15 levels they are allowed to play free here. In my opinion the old owners made some mistakes as well. The game was kinda on hold for quite a long time. Im so glad this changed with the current devs. Someone told me a long time ago that there should be some things redone like the music. Dont get me wrong the music is good but still from 2010. Why not hire someone to do a remake of the music? That takes money again. Maybe there isnt enough currently. Try a kickstarter campaign? I would surely give some money there. Rewards? Maybe plush dragons or something. Stickers and other stuff that isnt too expensive. Would be worth a shot. Same with the webside. Still the same since a long time. There surely are some artists who would draw something really cool for a background. I personally don`t really like the current one. Maybe cuz of the used dragon model. I dont like that head but that is my opinion. Maybe a picture showing some epics like the one with reklars fortress launch picture. And then there is the trailer. Im sure that one hasnt been changed for a long time as well. Showing some mobs i dont even know of. Why not make a competition? Who makes the best trailer wins and their video will be the new trailer. I would surely contribute.
    As for the end game players @LordSeth why not try coming up with some new questlines only available for level 100 or even higher ratings as a ped? i could get to writing right away XD.

    @Ming big events are quite the idear. But im sure there is no time currently with the revamps, updates and the still ongoing unreal update i hope. Freeing Rachival sounds cool but i bet the WA are pissed then. Why not go further and make them take over another part of Istaria as result? These kind of events would be quite big. Imagine them taking over a big city. All NPCs would move elsewere maybe in a camp to rest for a while and search new homes. Scrolls, tomes, librarys destroyed or held by the WA. New quests to free them. And then the new event with retaking the city and then? Rebuild it ofc! Crafters to the work! THAT would be a massive event needing planning and time. And alot of work by the devs. Rachival is not the only part captured btw. The islands of Dahibi, Alged,Corvus and Elnath have been captured a long time ago. Tho the gnomes concidered Rachival their home and looking at the size it was quite big. I hope for these events to come one day.

    We just have to keep one thing in mind. @vasteel is completely right. It will take time.

    So far my suggestions and thoughts on this.
    Launch was at December 2003 actually.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Just listing my thoughts here feel free to comment/suggest/disagree

    All real good ideas, Pryz. I like them all
    and would support to install them. Beginning with webside- up to freeing Satyr Islands.
    (or at least on of them -- uhhh Ming sry.. yes , sure- Rachival comes first^^P)
    Make all lots of sense to me.
    Whatever you ll contribute will be great artwork and good ideas!! Like you always do.

    So thy for your post and sharing your thoughts.
    I`m sure devs will read and keep in mind..
    YOU told me to play a dragon!

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