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Thread: Can you transfer characters between accounts/token question

  1. #1

    Default Can you transfer characters between accounts/token question

    Hi guys,

    I was just wondering if it was possible to transfer a character from one account to another. Is that what the Character Transfer Token is for or does it only apply to transferring characters between shards?

    Also, as for the Character Recovery Token...I had purchased it but it gave me no info about the process and what I was supposed to do, so I feel like $24.95 USD just went up in the air for me. Can anyone give me the steps on how I can recover a character?


  2. #2
    Staff :: Developer Sarsilas's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2016
    Beyond the Great Barrier

    Default Re: Can you transfer characters between accounts/token question

    Hi there Mathilde!

    A Character Transfer Token is for transferring characters in between servers - from Chaos to Order, Order to Chaos, or from Blight to the live servers (although the last has some more strict criteria). Transferring something between accounts is - for now - free.

    Transfer tokens can be used in the launcher. Simply select a character you want transferred, then select the token in your 'Deliverables' section and use it. The character will then be queued for transfer automatically. Alternatively, you can send in a ticket at and ask for a specific character to be transferred, which may garner a slightly swifter response.

    To move characters between accounts, you simply need to go to the aforementioned website and mention you want to transfer X character to Y account. Our account manager will guide you through any extra steps you may need from there.

    For Character Recovery Tokens, for now you must send in a ticket. Again at support, create a ticket and give the name of the character you deleted and our account manager will attempt to recover it for you. If we cannot manage to recover the character, then you will be refunded the price of the token.

    I hope that answers all your questions. Thank you for playing Istaria & good luck with your characters.

    Avatar by Scaleeth

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