Haha i thought my first question: Wich server r you on? Well then i red to the end :P. Ooof well alot has changed since you were gone. Just poke me or Cardia when you see us online. I`m glad if i can help. There is no strict line to follow when it comes to questing. Just keep in mind: The ability quests are important for dragons and you can get them in Dralk and Chiconis from the dragon trainers. Depending on how far you are and if you have already done them i would check on gerix in Kion. He is in charge of the beginner quests. Working together in groups is needed if you wanna get around faster. Istaria is after all made for exactly that . Any more questions? Go ahead! Welcome back! Dont`miss out on the current GM events to get some anniversary tokens wich you can trade in bristugo for some nice stuff. Post about the schedule is here in the Forums. There is also an ongoing double xp event til January 15th i think. Til then the account is for free! C ya online!

Edit: Btw if you are interested, Istaria has a discord channel. I bet you can get alot of answers there pretty quick! Here is the join link: https://discord.gg/ps9kZqx