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Thread: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

  1. #1

    Default Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    How much should I budget for cotton or silk bolts/weaving on mah guildhouse?

    How about the essence work?

    Post here if you'd like to be contacted and give me a ballpark amt per unit please. [:)]

    Zharifa/Wynken/Zharri on Chaos

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Albany (East Greenbush) NY

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Here's the "average" pricing's

    -Tier 1 350/450 (350 for the lesser skill.. up to 450 for the items that need more skill)

    -Tier 2 500/600

    -Tier 3 650/750

    -Tier 4 800/900

    Some crafters might want more, some might take less money, but that is a general rule of thumb for you, I hope it helped!

  3. #3

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Helps tons! thanks, Alexis_Aris!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Albany (East Greenbush) NY

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    You're welcome! I'm glad I could help :)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Here's what I normally charge... (cpu=coppers per unit placed)

    Flax Bolts: 200cpu
    Flax Tapestries: 400cpu
    Kenaf Bolts: 600cpu
    Kenaf Tapestries: 800cpu
    Cotton Bolts: 1000cpu
    Cotton Tapestries: 1200cpu
    Silk Bolts: 1400cpu
    Silk Tapestries: 1600cpu
    Ironsilk Bolts: 1800cpu
    Ironsilk Tapestries: 2000cpu

    ...Which is cheap given that ironsilk is surrounded by T5 and *T6* mobs.
    TIGRIS EUPHRATES and TEKKA RUNECLAW. Istarian Veteran, The Original Order Shard Herald, Herald of the Spirit Shard. Storm Disciple, Flame Disciple, Spirit Disciple, Ice Disciple, Monk, Ranger, Healer, Druid, Spiritist. Grand Master Biped Crafter.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Id have to agree more with Tigris's price range.. Id be more than happy to pay those prices!

    Lets hope we hear from other high lvl crafters on this.. its certainly an important issue now that constuction is underway..

    Im a lvl 77 carp and certainly dont want to overcharge or underprice the competition so Id like to know what the others are planning on doing..

    Istaria Holding Co.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    I think Tigris prices are well calculated.

    I guess I will tune in the same charges :)
    -- || knoccest of the tailors. period.
    Watch the Guild Movie on Youtube
    member of Order of Reclamation

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Germany| Bavaria | Unity

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    one Earth it take the same money for weaving as Tigris wrote, even if I am not so high yet.
    Lauryav|Unity| Lvl 100 Wizard- Lvl 8x Mage - Lvl 82 Weaver

  9. #9

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Tigris is on the money. There is No way you would get me anywhere close to your T4 weaving job for the first prices. Unless you plan on Collecting all the Silk yourself and all I have to do is make taps + Bolts and place them ..Then I "Might" think about lowering the price to the 1 silver range.

    And for Ironsilk very honestly it should be more like 2.5-3 silver for the time, work and MOB dodging needed. You can be certain for stone, metal, wood and essence T5 you will be paying that. Not sure why the weavers get stuck on the short end of the coin value. Not that I am complaining as I really don't do much work outside of free guild work anyway.

    Gronar Stonebreaker

  10. #10

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    I can make more cash selling tools than what Tigris has listed for T5.
    Why go to the extra hassle of porting/hauling for 50% of what I could be making?
    As it stands, I usually only build for guild and friends sometimes a referral or two.

    Some ones mentioned the mobs already, so I wont cover that.

    It really comes down to the builder enjoying their work enough to take the "paycut"


  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Albany (East Greenbush) NY

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    I only gave a general Average , of ALL construction types to give an Idea somewhat .. raising / lowering as needed. :) Especially since I started weaver school after I replied to this post.. I'm glad Tigris was able to give a much close estimate :)

  12. #12

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    It's not the money aspect alone.
    Sure.. I want a fair pay for
    - the time investment to become high level weaver
    - the time investment to collect the resources
    - the time investment to haul the units to the plot
    - the porting fees

    actually, since my porting fees rose and for silk you have to port to Aughundell (which is not for free!), and since the unlimited vault will be gone soon, the prices will have to adapt the portal costs, too.

    But, the main aspect for me always was that I hated Pawnbroker runs so much. I like to see a real outcome and effect on what I invest my time in. And while I could make goods for the PB there is nothing left after that except the money.

    I rather spend my afternoon working on a plot, generating less money but seeing the structure pop after that.
    To know that I helped building this house, bridge, artifact, etc. is the motivation that keeps me logging in to HZ.

    --- this might also be the reason why I am always broke. but hey, it's a game!
    -- || knoccest of the tailors. period.
    Watch the Guild Movie on Youtube
    member of Order of Reclamation

  13. #13

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Let's look at some numbers here.

    T5 tools make each mithril bar worth about 76c at the PB. (I forget the actual value but that's close.) Mithril sheet units take 30 bars at full efficiency. That makes each T5 metal sheeting unit "worth" 2.28s to the fitter.

    Mithril is relatively easy. With guards or simply following hunters in the nodes are abundant, guardian mobs produce worthwhile resources when mined. There are smelters nearby now (on Chaos at least) and a portal not far away. It's still no cake walk. If you don't find other folks who are hunting it can takea long time to sneak in and out with a diskful of ore.

    I understand ironsilk is much harder, more guardian mobs which are not harvestable, resources are further from portals, towns and shops.

    All essence work is tough, there simply aren't enough wisps in game meaning every building unit take much more time to collect the resources.

    T4 resources are, in some cases, more difficult than T5. Cobalt... every fitting sheeting unit takes 30 iron bars -> 30 steel bars -> 30 cobalt bars; 40 bars for joining units. Cobalt is difficult to get to, no practical way to use the machines in the field, lots of porting or running through lvl 60+ golems to get to it. Obsidian is quite far from anything, difficult to get to, no chance of player owned stone shops in the area.

    I expect T4 prices to settle around 2s and up, T5 prices 3s and up depending on difficulty of the particular resource and travel time. Prices for units delivered to plots distant will be higher than for plots close to easy ports. Rarity of crafters may work into it too. There are lots of T5 fitters and masons, fewer carps and many fewer enchanters and weavers. Wouldn't you take the job offering you more?

    Ilsefa WeeWolf - from Life to Chaos
    miner, fitter, tinker and more
    Bad-attitude gmone

  14. #14

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Hi Everyone!

    First off, let me announce myself as a T4/T5 weaver that is looking for work!

    I think the number of Weavers that are in-game, and willing to work for others is very low, making the weaving work a bit of a premium.

    For the next few weeks, I suspect I will be very very busy, so the base price that Tigris has suggested while very reasonable, is likely lower than can be expected, if you want your work done soonest.

    Having said that, I would also like to stress, that I'm not currently willing to go harvest ironsilk, due to the T5/T6 mobs guarding it... (I'm a bit of an adventuring wuss -- If you're willing to collect the ironsilk, and make spools, I can apply the bolts / taps for you :)

    Send me a PM, email, or find me in-game as "Borak" on Chaos, and we'll talk!

    85 weaver
    Legion of Hope
    Life Shard

  15. #15

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    I also think the prices listed above are a little low. I agree with Ilsefa - the effort required + the limited amount of crafters is going to raise the prices significantly. I suspect (at least through this initial building phase) that the prices will fall into a "1 sp per tier" schedule. Thus, Tier 4 work will be 4sp per applied unit.

    I just did some T2 weaving (kenaf tapestries) for 2sp a unit, so it is happening now.

    Chaos Server

  16. #16

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    ROFL I strongly disagree... the day tier 1 goes for 1s a combine is the day I'll leave the game and I'm a Plot builder! that's not normal at all, that's Extortion. The reasons things are so costly right now is only because of the Re-Building phaze the world is in trying to get their plots re-built. When things calm down the prices will lower quitea bit- of corse also based on supply/demand AND the availability of work.

    I think Enchanting should be more expensive because of how hard it is to gather/find wisps. The devs Seriously need to address this issue. expecially when player A may be killing all the wisps to ger tainted essence for leveling and player B has to wait for things to respawn and race to catch the wisp before it's killed.

    I'm a level 100 mason by trade (first)... then comes the other building schools (for me). I think the price Tigris has posted above is probably what things will level off at once things even out, possibly even lower. This (ofcorse) doesn't include Enchanting prices or prices for Obsedian (which everyone I have talked to hates doing)

  17. #17

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    In the new world, Weaving is much easier at the moment than those damnable wisps. It's still harder than say Carpentry and those 2 dirty crafts, but easier than Enchanter. Given this i'd charge alot more for enchantingthan my following rates below for weaving.

    Flax 200 / 300
    Kenaf 500 / 700
    Cotton 1s / 1.2s
    Silk 2s / 2.5s

    The only real reason i charge alot for silk is because i'm not quite optimal on taps or spools, so it takes alot longer. Usually i tell them that if they provide the spools for anything i'll just do everything for free.

    Another nifty deal i work with many people is equal tier trade. I'll do the weaving if they'll do the masonry, for instance.

  18. #18

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Don't forget that soon prices will be inflating.People can make plenty of money now, and would be happy to pay 1s/teir prices for high teir work. I would.
    Crafter 190 Adventurer 149 Dryad - Order

  19. #19

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    Well First let me introduce myself as Master-Jeweler and ongoing Enchanter (lvl 84 and rising) on EU-shard (*sniff* my ICE is gone!).

    Here are my thoughts:

    As there are machines in the wispfields of t1 and t2 and it's very easy to get enchanter high enough do do this work, i'd suppose the units to be priced lower than 1s per tier.

    But talking of the higher ones, especially t4 and t5, i tend to go in that direction.

    t4: 3.5s - 4s

    t5: 4.5s - 5.5s / Unit

    As harvesting from Shining Wisps you have to fight /dodge either Yew-Treants or Purple Spiders/Bloodsnouts. I'm also lvl 100 monk and can fight quite well in cargo-armor but still it's a ******** pain, as it slows down the harvesting procedure. Not to talk of the long path to run as there are no machines near.

    Another thought: i did many (2000 of each) t4-Structures and stored them in vault. Dragging them to the pawnbroker, i get from 430 (Sphere) to 500+ (i do not remember the exact value now) per structure. So talking of a minimum of 2 structures per unit, the pawn alone would give me up to 1s per unit. That's why i think the above prices are ok.

    Looking forward to rebuild the new merged EU-shard, be named as it will.

  20. #20

    Default Re: Approximate Price Ranges for Weaving and Essence work

    I'm 100 Weaver and 100 Enchanter and here's what I did for guildhalls:

    For T5 Weaving was 2gp for resources + whatever they wanted to give for the work. 14000 spools were needed so it was around 143cp/spool - avg price is 150cp/spool. This translates to 5sp/unit for resources + tip. Ironsilk is a major PITA.

    T5 Echanter was 1.2gp for resources + whatever they wanted to give for the work. 10500 shinning orbs were needed so itwas lessthen 120cp/orb which is cheap - avg price is 150cp/orb. This translates to 4sp/unit for resources + tip. Shinning essence is alot easier to gather then Ironsilk so I charged less.

    I also did a bunch of T4 and some T5 work where people supplied the resources - for that I told them to pay me whatever (tip only).

    Mygoal has been to help other guilds unlock their subplots as quickly as possible and not to make money.I have turned down all non guildhall related work since I have too much to do withguildee and friends plotsbut I imagine the priceI would charge would be slightly higher then those listed above - unless I stick with the resource + tip method.

    In my opinionabuilder should not receive less per resource unit then they(or non builders)can get from a connie - otherwise there is no incentive to build.A Tailor can make 2sp selling spools, or20sp selling a cape thatuses the sameamount of spools. Builders should be able to do the same -sellresources atcost or a finished product for a higher value.

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