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Thread: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

  1. #21

    Default Re: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

    I had fun, even though I had3<FPS<10for most of the combat parts (turned off all levels of detail, combatspelleffects false, and decreased the number of characters displayedto about 10. Made healing difficult hehe).

    As PJ (I think it was PJ) said, I liked how people didn't shout out "Stop KSing!!!!". Numerous times I was killing the same mobs as other people. In fact, it was impossible NOT to do so under the circumstances. Didn't end up looting anything that I didn't solo, so I didn't get any good loot, but it was still fun:).

    Now if only they could damage buildings (with special "building damage repair" needed, not actual reconstruction. And never let more than a certain % of damage. And Don't let it completely eliminate the functionality. Like for a silo, max damage would indicate perhaps a 50% reduction in bulk capacity. For a woodworking station, the bonus (+XX to Carpentry) would be taken away, but you could still use the station to cut logs or create timbers.

    Then it would be even more fun:)

  2. #22

    Default Re: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

    As far as I understood from what rawdge said after we killed the blight spectre on order, is that IF there will be any damage to buildings it probably will only be to community structures (he did say this is not an offical statment).

    But I also think that any kind of damage to buildings will be good. players would be more willing to come and help if this is going to happen.

  3. #23

    Default Re: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

    My understanding from day one was that community buildings were the only buildings that would ever be damaged and player buildings would not be damaged. I always thought that they could already damage community building but guess I was wrong.

  4. #24

    Default Re: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

    I had some fun killing the old wd style mobs :)

    FPS wasn't too bad for me. Got a few nice drops. No DP's.

    I got to harro just as last mob died, then went to aug, which apparently was over but then group member found some more to the north. Wasn't too many of us there so no lag deaths. Kinda fun for a spontaneous thing. We needed a kick in the pants to make things interesting.


  5. #25

    Default Re: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

    I had fun with the attacks. Was there for first aug attack and later in eve for ML, last stand and Harro attacks. Only problem for me was tremendous lag ( now i relate some of this to my vid card as my laptop doesnt allocate enough vid mem). The fight for harro was fun, those of us who were there dispatched the mobs and thought are we done? then wham another 30 or so mobs popped on top of us killing most very quickly and left saying "can i get a rez?". Very funny amon [:D]

    But all in all it was a much needed respit to the normal ever day grind, a big thanks to Amon and all else who had a hand in the WA attacks.[Y]

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  6. #26
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

    A more powerful command yet is /setpref effectson false. This cannot be left on, as some buildings and cave mouths will not load. Oshik was telling us this. I did fine at Aug, staying above 10 fps, but at Selen (Order) dropped to 1 fps and desktop. Using Oshik's suggestion, I stayed above 10 at Selen.
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
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  7. #27

    Default Re: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

    have no idea if it makes a difference butI use,

    "/setpref combatspelleffects false" to turn them off

    "/setpref combatspelleffects true" to turn them back on

    I've never seen anybody use = off or = true

    The differance being that it looks for the True setting, if it's not true than it doesn't show them :)

    you could technically /setpref combatspelleffects = NotrightnowthanksIneedtosee
    to turn it off
    so long as you use /setpref combatspelleffects = true
    to turn it back on :)

    I stand corrected (not that anyone said anything) but the Combatspelleffects and the effectson prefs will not change from false to true, pretty wierd.. need to log out and change it in the .def file at the top of the prefs folder.

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  8. #28

    Default Re: The WM run event on Chaos today... what are YOUR feelings?

    I know I'm late replaying, but I really loved the events. Yes, it was laggy, but it felt GOOD doing something as a community. I thought the ebons camping the incoming portal at Morning Light was brilliant strategy. So we got a dp on arrival, we ported nearby and ran up to the city after that. And it was a real kick seeing some of the old mobs we hadn't seen since end of beta.

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