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Thread: Taverns?

  1. #1

    Default Taverns?

    One of the staples of fantasy RPGs is that adventurers congregate in taverns, sharing stories of adventure and organizing forays into dangerous lands for adventure, loot and conquest.

    But not in Istaria.

    Hardly anybody pokes their noses into a tavern for more than a minute at a time. Taverns, as currently implemented are merely a place for a vending machine that sells only food.

    Now, if Taverns had a function other than being a container for food for sale, maybe things might change. If taverns had a beneficial effect like other tiered shops, maybe people might linger. Let's say a T2 tavern added 20% to the effect of food consumed (so soup, which might reduce the DP penalty by 3 minutes, would reduce by 3 minutes, 36 seconds each serving) if it was consumed on site. Takeouts would not be affected.

    This might actually make eating at Taverns happen, which might make them good places to hang out and chat...(and stuff their faces)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Taverns?

    hmm didnt even knew we had taverns.. so they areplayer built on plots then ?? or do we have any official in with some npc's and fun quests ?
    100 Warrior |100 Guardian |100 Healer
    Unity [former Ice]

    wich one would you pick ?

  3. #3

    Default Re: Taverns?

    ^ proves my point.

    No there aren't any official taverns with NPCs and quests (also a reason why nobody goes in a tavern)

    They are currently vending machines for food.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Taverns?

    The operative word being "currently" ...

    They did say when announcing the new structures that taverns would eventually get increased functionality. I am sure looking forward to that, along with furniture. Barkeeps need a bar, and taverns need tables and chairs and fireplaces and wall decorations etc.

    Our RP group on Order, Ye Olde Pub, has just purchased a lot in Aiya and after the layout is generally agreed on, will be building a Large Human Tavern. Yes, with T6 construction, it will take months (anyone who wants to play around with adamantium or travertine etc is more than welcome to participate ;) ). But in the end, we will have something almost exactly as our RP text has described it. Main room, west hall with bedrooms,kitchen.

    Hopefully by then, having such a structure will be handy for more than just RP. But since RP is what is keeping me so avidly interested in HZ ... well ...

    My point is, be patient, use the taverns for what you can, and rejoice once their use is expanded.

    -Levity Merrel

    PS Sidebar note on furniture ... have things Dragons can use, please. The Pub has a number of large stones for dragons to rest on, something like that would be nice to be able to put in biped buildings as well as lairs.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Taverns?

    Aye! It would be nice to be able to get a drink of ale without havin' to drag me keg with me all the time. Be able to free up some room in me cargo disc. We built a tavern in Jambi but there be noplace to store kegs of ale. Just food!

    On the same topic taverns and houses should have the added fucntionality of lowering or removing death points or death penalties rather then just storage space for junk or food. If I make the effort to go home after a day of hunting and garnering death points, and crawl into my imaginary bed I should reap some sort of benefit. A speedup of deathpoint removal would be just what the doctor ordered.

    Then tomake it even more interesting if you can get visited by an equal level Cleric/Healer at your home while you are bedridden by your battle wounds a one time removal of a death point every 24 hours would not unduly unbalance anything but would help the roleplay immensely!

    So Death Penalty can be lowered by visiting a tavern and indulging in food and drink. Death Points can be removed by staying in bed and having a Cleric/Healer visit you.

    Thems my ideas! [8-)]
    Bori Grimbattle --->The Dwarf
    Sinistre Azazael---> The Fiend
    Adramaleck Flerious--->The Dragon

    ~Mystic Blades~

  6. #6

    Default Re: Taverns?

    That's a pretty neat idea.

    Although I have to say, with vault space being so expensive (if you want more than 2000 bulk) a house has enough functionality to justify its existence...taverns, not so much.

    Yes, they can carry more items than a consigner. No, I don't think it's enough to really matter.

    One other thing that might make Taverns cool hangouts is that you could work out some sort of communal food-sharing deal where you could group up with people in a tavern and let all the members of a group share in the food effect (at a reduced rate) so people would have reason to eat in groups. Or even create some food that is designed for communal consumption. (the culinary equivalent to group health) Food is a typically communal affair. Many of our most powerful rituals involve food. It would be a nice element to incorporate this very primal element of group bonding in game.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Taverns?

    actually i read a post not long ago about people thinking it would be neat to add sleeping to the game, but it adds no benefit, what if, by sleeping in an inn or home ect the rate at which dps are removed is double or even tripled, basically it would add sleeping to the game, but give it some sort of perc. and maybe a well rested character would get a decrease in dps time. so say you rest up get your 8 hours sleep in, when you get your first dps its timer is cut in half. so would take 4 hours outside an inn or tavern to vanish. or maybe instead when you have gotten your 8 hours you automatically get rid of 1 free death point when you gain it. so you rest get 8 hours and you come in die you should have 1 dp but since you were rested your still have 0

    Of course it would have to be restricted so people dont exploit it. so you can only lose a max of 2 dps with a full 8 hours rest, or maybe you lose 1 dp and timer cut in half on second one. thats just for being a well rested individual.

    As far as taverns and stuff, that was the ONLY thing i thought was really awesome about the original EQ. the fact that you could go to the tavern get sompletely wasted and actually have to play as if you were drunk. fell off the tree in kelethin once while doing that, and of course add that alcohol tollerance skill and bam, a real use for taverns

    <screams> HEY, someone get a wheel-barrel for bori, he passed out again.

    and of course your drunkedness would pass faster when you are resting as well.

    <ponders> what would a drunk dragon look like while flying?


  8. #8

    Default Re: Taverns?

    don't drink and fly!

    (at least we don't have to worry about hatchlings doing that!)

  9. #9

    Default Re: Taverns?

    On Unity there is a tavern right next to the bristugo portalcluster... but they are currently rather boring buildings, they might as well be a house or a guildhouse for all i know, without clicking them...

  10. #10

    Default Re: Taverns?

    when you activate a tavern, you should be allowed to name it as well...

    'real' taverns and their fantasy world equivalents always have memorable names, never anything like T1 human tavern.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Dralk and in my lair, where else?

    Default Re: Taverns?

    'real' taverns and their fantasy world equivalents always have memorable names, never anything like T1 human tavern
    but it sounds good with the artificial and mechanicistic feeling of rest of the game [;)]
    Vahrokh Vain - Ancient dragon level 100 adv 100 craft 34M of untainted, fireworks and other crap free hoard.
    Isarion - Reaver Healer Spiritist, many craft classes.

  12. #12

    Default Re: Taverns?

    Quote Originally Posted by cattoy
    when you activate a tavern, you should be allowed to name it as well...

    'real' taverns and their fantasy world equivalents always have memorable names, never anything like T1 human tavern.
    Would be good to be able to put signs on them with a name of choise.. mabe have some way of importing graphics into the world, and use this for making guild logos on armors and shields also.
    100 Warrior |100 Guardian |100 Healer
    Unity [former Ice]

    wich one would you pick ?

  13. #13

    Default Re: Taverns?

    I dunno, I'm not sure I want to see a flood of large shields emblazoned with "Eat at Joe's" signs on them... [:S]

    but guild symbols would be pretty cool, though.

  14. #14
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Taverns?

    Quote Originally Posted by cattoy
    I dunno, I'm not sure I want to see a flood of large shields emblazoned with "Eat at Joe's" signs on them... [img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-7.gif[/img]

    but guild symbols would be pretty cool, though.
    I've already put in the suggestion box through the tech support page a blurb about allowing guilds to make their heraldic flags, something to distinguish one guild from another, and to be able to display them on buildings. It'd definitely add more of a feel to the game than just buildings.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  15. #15

    Default Re: Taverns?

    I would havelogos as a guild only function. A guild would have to submit its logo to the CS people to be approved, then if it was it would be uploaded onto the server:). This would eliminate the stupid logos like the "eat at joes" logo mentioned above.

    Individual guilds can only change their name after they have 5 people right? So perhaps you could set a number (say 20 just to pick a number out of my.... out of the air) and have it so only those guilds with 20 or more people could submit a picture for a logo.

    This logo could then be embrazened on certain items (breastplates, flags, signs, certain funiture, brands to be used on dragon hides[8-)]) by crafters. They crafter could ONLY use their own guild logo.

    You wouldn't have to do it this way, but this would cut back on the number of crackpot logos out there.

  16. #16
    Member C`gan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Acul, Trandalar and Tagath's in Mala, Genevia Island

    Default Re: Taverns?

    EXCELLENT ideas there, gopher65. I hadn't thought about that snag of others being able to pull the logos, but you've got the solution already.

    And IF you're going to be putting the logos on dragons, I'm voting for a general barding slot (much like the current "cape" slot on bipeds).
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  17. #17

    Default Re: Taverns?

    I'm thinking that it would have to be some sort of 'magical' tech because it would either need to vanish or change if sold or given to a guildless individual or member of another guild.

    We don't currently have any mechanisms for non-transferrable items, do we?

  18. #18
    Merriweather Honeythorn

    Default Re: Taverns?

    Quote Originally Posted by cattoy
    I'm thinking that it would have to be some sort of 'magical' tech because it would either need to vanish or change if sold or given to a guildless individual or member of another guild.
    And I'm thinking that right there may be why we haven't been given the ability to add logos. TMK "guild" shrines can't even differentiate between who is in the guild and who is not in regards to who can bind there. I doubt they would be able to code in that sort if individuality for logos.

    Quote Originally Posted by cattoy
    We don't currently have any mechanisms for non-transferrable items, do we?
    No, we do not have "no drop" items in Horizons. I personally think that having some (read: very, very, very few) items tagged no drop would solve a lot of issues in regard to "special" loot (ex: a snazzy looking staff you can only get doing a specific quest, etc).

  19. #19

    Default Re: Taverns?

    lol so you mean i could not sell armor that said Aqua or Aquarius TM on them ;PP

    Would be like Horizons own Nike or Rebook ;P

    Abit offtopic but would still be fun to be able to import various designs to use for making stickers to place on armors etc.. if needed all files would be sent to Tulga for approval of course.
    100 Warrior |100 Guardian |100 Healer
    Unity [former Ice]

    wich one would you pick ?

  20. #20

    Default Re: Taverns?

    I'd like to come back to the original posting by cattoy.

    Taverns are places for friendly gatherings (yeah well, and some general drunkenness). So if there is something that makes it more attractive for players to spend some time together there (be it more tasty/nourishing [pi] [^] [B][D] or whatever) than lets by all means implement that.

    We gather more or less without intending to in front of teleportals, machines, consigners or quest-givers -- all sort of work-gatherings. Lets find a way to have some leisure-gatherings, then. [:)]

    snickel wigglsniff (retired) Twilight Crusaders on Unity
    poggle wigglsniff (gnomish crafter and mage) semi-retired on Order
    A gnomish house should not just sit there, it should definitely DO something!

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