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Thread: Disable Drowning

  1. #21

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Quote Originally Posted by Frons Von Frik
    leave drowning as it is..

    its lame to walk under water and not drown..
    Totally agree, dont even know where someone get the idea its not fair dragons can do that, why cant i do that, its like the 6 year old in the middle of the winter kicking and screaming wanting an icecream.
    100 Warrior |100 Guardian |100 Healer
    Unity [former Ice]

    wich one would you pick ?

  2. #22

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Totally agree, dont even know where someone get the idea its not fair dragons can do that, why cant i do that, its like the 6 year old in the middle of the winter kicking and screaming wanting an icecream.

    Frons Von Frik - Order

  3. #23

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    hehe - umm, instead of disabling drowning - lets add swimming.
    Putter'er of Crafts and Near Miss-Adventurer on Chaos
    Guild Leader - Council of War
    C.O.W. : "Milking the WA Daily....fear the cow"

  4. #24

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    We Gifted can leap off the highest heights and land softly. We can wade through molten lava, and stay warm and toasty in a blizzard while wearing Kirasanct Weave. But put a little water around us and we are slowed to a crawl, suffocating slowly ...

    I'd rather have swimming and breath potions, for speedier motion, but I don't think it's lame to let us slowly trudge through the depths unharmed other than dealing with trenches (or maybe, just maybe, sharks etc).

    As to Saris and water -- well, ever watched tigers on a hot day? They happily swim around, loll in the water, etc. I'd think Saris closer to the Great Cats than to housecats. (And yes, I have with my own eyes seen tigers doing this, at Wild Animal Safari in California and at the San Diego and National Zoos).

    -Levity Merrel, Crai Aisling, Sans AoP high and dry above Aiya's pad
    100 Blacksmith/70 Fitter/45 Mason/45 Carpenter/87 Reaver

  5. #25

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Im still wondering where a Biped would like to walk under water to?

  6. #26

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Quote Originally Posted by Levity
    We Gifted can leap off the highest heights and land softly. We can wade through molten lava, and stay warm and toasty in a blizzard while wearing Kirasanct Weave. But put a little water around us and we are slowed to a crawl, suffocating slowly ...
    watch lord of the rings again :P

  7. #27
    Merriweather Honeythorn

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Hasia
    [img]/Web/Themes/Generic/images/icon-quote.gif[/img]Levity wrote:We Gifted can leap off the highest heights and land softly. We can wade through molten lava, and stay warm and toasty in a blizzard while wearing Kirasanct Weave. But put a little water around us and we are slowed to a crawl, suffocating slowly ...

    watch lord of the rings again [img]/Web/emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img]
    More like Unbreakable. :)

    As for the topic, your concern about the safety of bipeds if dragon riding gets implimented with ARoP should be put to rest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Amon Gwareth
    The ability for bipeds to ride dragons is something that many players have asked for, but at this time the game does not support it.

    - Amon
    Granted, that doesn't sound like it is never going to happen but it sounds to me that it isn't going to happen anytime soon either. So by the time they ever get around to putting it in I'd think they'd have swimming in. In any case they would add safety coding to prevent griefing of bipeds in such a manner. But that's an entirely whole other discussion (which was discussed in full on the old Tazoon boards; shame they are gone).

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Search for hoard, must find hoard!

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    I hate to sound rude but it looks like the main reason to get rid of drowning from the original posters' PoV is because dragons can fly to the target where as a biped must port or can't go (isle of machiens).

    It doesn't seem to have anything to do withgame playjust that adult dragons can get to target A so everyone should be able to get to target A just in an alternate manner.

    Why is that I worked my butt off again to get to adult? Seemssome bipeds want to have all the same abilities without doing the same work [st]
    Gliding Frost
    Dark Defenders
    Adult May 16, 2004
    Ancient October 2005

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Holland (Wind, Unity now Chaos)

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Quote Originally Posted by Levity
    I'd rather have swimming and breath potions, for speedier motion, but I don't think it's lame to let us slowly trudge through the depths unharmed other than dealing with trenches (or maybe, just maybe, sharks etc).
    I agree with swimming and breath potions...
    Maybe some spells to increase the time underwater...
    Underwater mobs would be fun
    Last but not leastspecial underwater only loot (or maybe water golems):
    Pearls!! for maybe jewels with pearls?
    Quote Originally Posted by Levity
    As to Saris and water -- well, ever watched tigers on a hot day? They happily swim around, loll in the water, etc. I'd think Saris closer to the Great Cats than to housecats. (And yes, I have with my own eyes seen tigers doing this, at Wild Animal Safari in California and at the San Diego and National Zoos).
    Quote Originally Posted by Dragonboy
    Normally cats are not too fond of getting wet so it would be a bit strange to see a Saris in full battle gear walking underwater for 5 minutes...
    Never said anything about swimming... Only about walkingon the bottom of the water for 5 minutes... lol
    Rvlion- LvL 100:100:100 - 59.3M - Lunus Ancient
    Gallinthus- LvL 100:42:41 - 6.9M - Hatchling
    Lohasbrand– LvL 4:3:0 – 1.0M - Hatchling
    Sslion- LvL 25 Mage, 25 Warrior, 10 Cleric, 6 Druid, 6 Monk and a few Craft Schools

  10. #30

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    I do not think drowning should be disabled but I do think it should be slowed down. Since the game is real time hours then if we are sticking with real time, since it takes the average person 2 minutes to drown then how about giving us at least 1 minute real time in game to get out of the water. For being Gifted we sure drown fast :P
    Ability to swim would be nice addiction as well ;)

  11. #31

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarod_Chaos
    I do not think drowning should be disabled but I do think it should be slowed down. Since the game is real time hours then if we are sticking with real time, since it takes the average person 2 minutes to drown then how about giving us at least 1 minute real time in game to get out of the water. For being Gifted we sure drown fast [img]/Web/emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img]
    Ability to swim would be nice addiction as well [img]/Web/emoticons/emotion-5.gif[/img]
    Isnt the game time faster than normal time ? From daylight to darkness ingame.. this is probably much faster than irl, never timed it thought. But slowing down drowning making it take longer time and make swimming avalible would be good [:)]
    100 Warrior |100 Guardian |100 Healer
    Unity [former Ice]

    wich one would you pick ?

  12. #32
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Washington, land of shivering in June.

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Do not disable drowning. Perhaps, add swimming, but do not disable drowning.
    Not drowning removes all the limitations of a landdweller. Dragons never fly across *that* much water unless they have something to prove. Dragons port just like every-naka else.
    Dragons can fly because they undertake the nigh impossible to solo RoP, which is a grand and celebrated achievement, and achievements take work. Unless bipeds must undertake a quest, and not a pansy one either, they really don't have a place to be jealous of the underpowered dragons.

    We can fly. You guys can solo Mhedon. There's your justification.


    Aegis Shatterer - Scourge of the Scourge - Blight's Own Decay

  13. #33

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Lets see Dragon undertake a boooorrriiing quest kill 10,000,000 satyr island mob , purple tarantulas and hardened fyakkis + 10,000,000 purple necro flies and Indestructable Fyakkis,, you get to solo Mhedon

    Uberpeds do a buggy quest(quest giving npc not spawning for weeks and when you finally kill the boss mob the quest dont update ect ect. youre all dragons so you know the rutine)very similar to Dragon RoP quest. we get to trod underwater
    and we are all happy.[:P]

    I personallydont want to have drowning removed i rather want swimming added but not for dragons (I would most likely resemble a dog swimming and you guys are stuffed with enough doglike moves even your spellcasting looks like a Terrier standing on its hindlegs beggin for a treat, not saying this to mock you dragons cuz it takes guts to be one you have my respect but you all know what im talking about *dig dig*) besides why wet your scales when you can fly. Yes yes i know loose connection dragons flying over ocean drowns, swimming bipeds should have the same sick conditions and the swimming should be no faster then the trodding underwater is now.

  14. #34

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    I have to agree with you on this one Sasantiz, i think Swimming should be introduced!
    Uther Truthbearer Lvl 80 Bloodmage/ Lvl 65 Healer / Lvl 26 Carpenter / Lvl 23 Fletcher

  15. #35

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    The game is not real time hours. If you translate game time to real time it takes you about 40 minutes game time to drown(guesstimate). If you want to see how fast time actually goes ingame go to the NB trainers cave and look at the clock on the wall.

  16. #36

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    At the present drowning serves little purpose, However,in the future with the addition of new lands it may once again be necessary. Leave it as is. For those that are worried about what a dragon may do if you hitch a ride well you have to trust the dragon,don't you? "NEVER TRUST A SMILING DRAGON"! Disconnect while over water and drown? Again that is a choice you make knowing the risks.

    I would rather have a world model in place and more realism then take away from what we have now, even to the point of implementing falling damage.

    There is one and only one reason right now to remove drowning and that can be fixed by other means. That is Confectioners,Gatherers out fishing. The fish are just too far from shore to reach without wading in over your head. Try it as a Dwarf! [:$]
    Bori Grimbattle --->The Dwarf
    Sinistre Azazael---> The Fiend
    Adramaleck Flerious--->The Dragon

    ~Mystic Blades~

  17. #37

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Quote Originally Posted by Raptress
    Dragons can fly because they undertake the nigh impossible to solo RoP, which is a grand and celebrated achievement, and achievements take work.
    I am sorry, I missed something.

    I have seen dragons leveled in 1 week.
    Sure it might be impossible to solo, but I am pretty sure, not many dragons have done the "entire" ROP alone. Much less many of the steps alone.

    Dragon flight is an ability of the dragon and a feature.
    Dragons never fly across *that* much water unless they have something to prove. Dragons port just like every-naka else.
    Funny, the dragons I work with fly everywhere. The cost of porting, the lack of porters near where they need to end up, and the speed difference for flying straight line vs following roads usually means flying is the way to go. I don't see all that many dragons of adult age walking.
    So they use it as their motive ability. As many of them have 2 scales with velocity (them being dragons I work with) it makes more sense to fly then run. And more sense to fly then port. As many of htem have a speed of 90 when flying (velocity of 90 to be accurate).

    We can fly. You guys can solo Mhedon. There's your justification.
    So flight is worth aproximately 3 level 100 schools. Ok, that puts a cost. Mind if I use that in the threads where dragons are complaining about being under powered?

    -Digit Dryad

  18. #38

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Heh, Dragonboy, I was responding to the part where you say "normally cats are not too fond of getting wet" and implied *that* is why it would be odd to see a Saris underwater :).


  19. #39

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Off Topic:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bori Grimbattle
    There is one and only one reason right now to remove drowning and that can be fixed by other means. That is Confectioners,Gatherers out fishing. The fish are just too far from shore to reach without wading in over your head. Try it as a Dwarf!
    Might wanna try stepping back out of the water after you've initiated the gathering process. Sounds to me they let the gathering initiating distance fall back to what it use to be at again.

    Pre-merger, and back when Graccus was still with us, this had been fixed allowing the initiating and gathering distance to be pretty far from shore (but when they first put in the new distance the initiating distance was far shorter than the gathering distance).

  20. #40

    Default Re: Disable Drowning

    Sometimes you can get close enough to initiate the gathering by walking underwater, then back away until you can breath and still gather. But some spawns are so far out that you can't even do that, even staying under and jumping for breath. The trout spawns north of Dralk are all very far out, probably half are unreachable.

    But back to drowning, I'm against removing it. Water right now provides effective barriers to everyone who does not have flight, it encourages us to rebuild the bridges (which are mostly all built now I think), gives us something even the mightiest biped cannot defeat. Where is the challenge to going to the unnamed tier I island or the Sorcerors Tower if you can just walk under water to get there? Why would I fight my way to the gate east of Mahagra if I can just walk to Corvus underwater? Removing drowning would just put one more chink in the fragile illusion of the reality of the game.

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