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Thread: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

  1. #41

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    Hmm thats an nice idea Vah maybe u an option to add an search ability if the devs even makes the NPC so they can search for stuff they want to know
    Onnidrah: Half Gaint - Retired
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  2. #42
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    There does seem to be more newbie activity. I put 18 armor items on NB (Order) Saturday morning, all gone by Sunday evening. I also saw that other higher level players, (Flintt, and Hal`cyon for just two of several) had also been adding stocks, and that most types of wares were well represented. Bit weak on dragon stuff at that time, but generally verygood. [Y][B]

    As I was reviewing the consigner's goods, I was approached by a lvl 12 dragon, craft 1?. This was apparently a returner to the game, as the name was xxxx_Dawn. I had my alt, a level 20 Hatchling. I was asked, since I was "high-level" if I knew how dragons make things. We made a spell. Very tedious to go through it all step by step, telling which window to open, which button to push, etc. etc. Vault had to be reviewed as well. It took well over an hour. I think that the tutorial used for initial training needs to be accessible from within the game as well. And it needs to cover the mechanics of trading, vault usage, spell casting, and all the small factors of Istarian life as well, as pointed out above. This is a large and difficult task, much harder than it sounds. It might be helpful to introduce it in modules as it is developed.

    And surprisingly, many players simply are not aware of the community site, and it's resources. Whether they do not read, or have lost the window, I do not know. But if it could be accessed from within the game,even from full window mode, perhaps that would help.
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
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    Achiever 86%, Explorer 60%, Socializer 46%, Killer 6%.

  3. #43

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    Recently we had 4 new players on Order joining our Guild. We try not to spoon feed them and have them hunting with people close to their levels (alts) So naturally they go into Marketplace to purchase items rather then have the Guild provide them for free unless there is no other option.

    However, over the weekend I witnessed something that appalled me. One had asked a couple of times in Market for Level one Clerical spells. As I was on an alt I did not answer immediately but was suprised to see nobody take the time to answer him. The talk was on anything and everything but was not market related.He finally asked the question again in caps (shouted it) and got called down royally over it. This was where I stepped in and told him to wait until I could log in Sinistre and make him his spells. He did get a few other offers but politely turned them down after I told him in a tell that I would make them.

    Now I am NOT pointing any fingers and NOT suggesting anything more then the fact that sometimes we are our own worst enemies. The Forums themselves are not Noobie friendly in that near every topic is a slam/complaint against the game with little positive enforcement to entice new players to try it out. Then, when they do try it they get treated as "Noobs" and talked down to.

    I myself am probably guilty of the same thing over time but try to remain openminded in the fact that new players do need help and the right kind of help. Powerlevelling,spoonfeeding is not the right way to go.

    I just wish people would remember that we were all "Noobs" once. Nobody started the game, even in beta, knowing how to play it. Thankfully, those 4 new players all passed their 7 day trial and are now full members of our community.
    Bori Grimbattle --->The Dwarf
    Sinistre Azazael---> The Fiend
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  4. #44

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    I've worked with about five new players - mostly dragons, for some reason [;)] - and seen at least three returning players in the past four days. Dragon 101 is still fun - especially if I'm the first adult they've seen [:D] - but it's a little frustrating to see comments like, "Oh, OK, that's what that meant", "Now I get it", or my personal favorite, "They should tell you when you make your character to skip the tutorial and just ask questions in Marketplace."

    One wish expressed by both new & returning players is that they be allowed to return to the tutorial when needed. It would also benice if helpful Istarianscould meet new players in the tutorial area if needed.

    Including some lore,an explanation of the Merge, & the changes to the new Istaria would be very handy as well. In short, the starter islands need a library of game lore and a wall map of Aradoth & Trandalarpeople could click on to get information about those regions.

    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  5. #45

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    You realize Klaus, you just gave me a better way to extend Vah's player made info bot idea.

    Put one in the tutorial area that gives basic directions about channels, and where to find assistance.

    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  6. #46
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    Training island portals should include Genevia at least, and perhaps the Abandoned Island as well. Would need an alternative quest to get to the Abandoned Island, perhaps a crafting quest, like the choices offered in Tandalar. (Which I thought was a very nice idea. )
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
    None Genuine without this Pawprint `',''

    Achiever 86%, Explorer 60%, Socializer 46%, Killer 6%.

  7. #47

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    Quote Originally Posted by Aamer Khan
    You realize Klaus, you just gave me a better way to extend Vah's player made info bot idea.

    Put one in the tutorial area that gives basic directions about channels, and where to find assistance.
    You supply the sultry fiendish babe & I'll supply the Kira weave wear. That'll get the new player's attention. [;)] If that doesn't work, then we go for a male half-giant in Kion formal wear. [:|]

    Seriously, putting a bot or two in the tutorial area is a terrific idea. Explaining how to find and ask for help generally, suggesting that EVERY dragonjoin dragon chat, and welcoming them to the game on behalf of the community...Stick a hatchling in the dragon tutorial areawith a macro on setting up & using craft abilities...

    My second computer is a POS, but it runs the game. I don't always use it. I'm sure there are others in the same position. Take names of volunteers? Set up a coverage schedule? Write a common script?

    Vah may have created a monster... [H]
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  8. #48

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    My goodness your a font of ideas!

    Seriously, those are great ideas and yes ... let's take names of volunteers that are willing to cover all hours of the day, and start working on a common script that all use to keep it consistent.

    I have 3 character slots that I can devote to the rotation. And am very willing to help work out a good script, ( although I bet Vah already has one ) to use.

    Guess I'll be making a sulty babe and hatchling tonight ;)

    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  9. #49

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    I really appreciate what you guys are trying to do, but I wanted to warn you that there are multiple tutorial islands (all identical). Note your position while there. I think there are 8-12 copies. When the game was launched, we were concerned about there being literally hundreds of people crammed into the tutorial, unable to even see the NPCs, so we decided to duplicate it.

    This fact may change in the upcoming revision of the tutorial, but after that your helper bots shouldn't be necessary anyway.

  10. #50

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    Hmm - that actually explains some strangeness reported by people in the tutorial area...

    Given that information, perhaps focussing on the starter islands would be better.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  11. #51

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    Thanks Smeglor... that really does help.

    Ok.. as Klaus suggests, starter islands would be more appropriate.

    Now to get a standardized script ;)

    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  12. #52

    Default Re: AAA Searching for players: newbies tell why they quit

    The New Playerisle's...

    Easiest fix I can see is this one...

    The training hall portal has one new player town onits list...

    But from that player town you can get to the other 3 players towns after...

    Easy enough hey peeps...


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