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Thread: New with questions

  1. #1

    Default New with questions

    Hi everyone. I had some questions about Horizons, thanks to anyone that can help. I'm an Atari employee and had worked on Horizons way back when, and received a free copy of the game once it shipped. That copy, of course, offered a one month trial which I never used. Today I was going to finally use it and due to what's transpired since the game was released it doesn't seem the Tulga signup is geared toward honoring this free month; can anyone confirm this? I'd like it to be honored.

    Next, what is the general view of the game as it stands now and is there an active community online? If my free month isn't honored I'd like to get an idea before I plunk down a payment to visit a game I was quite familiar with long ago. And last, how has it changed from release vs. now? Better, worse, vastly different?Thanks for the help everyone!

  2. #2

    Default Re: New with questions

    hmm well..

    How is it not setup to honor the free month ?

    Cause there are still some copies for sale out there albeit small they really have no choice but to honor it.

    Perhaps they didn't think there were any unused boxes out there still ?

    I'm sure Amon or someone will reply.

  3. #3

    Default Re: New with questions

    Well i'm on the Billing page now and the minimum option is 3 months at $35.85 and no indication of honoring free months. My gut tells me the Tulga alternative to the free month with retail copy (when it was under AE) is the 7 day trial. I'm just being wary, because as much as i'd like to create some spicy carrot soup or mutton jerky I'm not sure I want to lose $35.85 in the process. Doesn't mean I wouldn't pay after the 1 month free (remains to be seen based on experience and what you guys say about the current state of the game), but yknow.

  4. #4

    Default Re: New with questions

    it's been a long time.. but as I recall there isn't and option for "free month"
    the free month is automatic, and you choose the billing cycle you would like to have After the free month. choose anything here, you can change it later or if you so choose cancel before you are billed.

    Pillaging the land and spreading Pandemonium Amongst Chaos
    Stranyr Al-Qroni
    Knight of Creation/Sorcerer
    GuildMaster of Pirates of Pandemonium

  5. #5

    Default Re: New with questions

    Alright, here I go then. Worst case I call Tulga stating I have an old version with the month free [8-)] Which server do you recommend, and is there a class you recommend?

    Still no one's mentioned how the game is, population, etc. But thanks for the answers on account / free month!

    Edit: Got email, no charge wil April 12th. Must make spicy carrot soup [:P]

  6. #6

    Default Re: New with questions

    If you come to Order, seek me or anyone else from House of Morrigan. we all would love to help you.

  7. #7

    Default Re: New with questions

    Thanks padishar. I should be on Order in a little while. Not sure how i'd find you, it's been a long while since I tested Horizon's and i'm not an MMO player anyway (well, except for the most maissively multiplayer game ever called O U T S I D E) heh.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New with questions

    You're playing in US right? Order is the roleplay shard while Chaos is the non-rp one. Your choices of character class are pretty clear-cut too, as most of the classes with odder-sounding names are 'prestige' classes. That is, you need 15-20 levels in one or more base classes before you can join a prestige school. Right off the top of my head, the base schools are warrior, scout, cleric, mage, druid, monk and spiritist. While the first four schools can be joined in tutorial, druid trainer is hiding in Dalimond, monk trainer on an island near Kion, and the spiritist trainer in Kirasanct.

    Prestige classes can be described as mixes of base schools. Except perhaps bloodmage.. and of course dragons, whose classes (adventurer and crafter) are a chapter of their own.

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  9. #9

    Default Re: New with questions

    Obviously I have to get a lot of updates, best way via logging on with Full Scan or by manually finding and installing?

    I ask because i'm trying to play via Full Scan and the Play Horizons button is inactive, i'm stuck on that screen :( Actually the button doesn't work whether I choose Full or Standard.

  10. #10

    Default Re: New with questions

    HZ launcher uses ActiveX controls, so you need to use IE to log in. I know, it's a pain, and it is the only thing I myself use IE for. Devs have said they'll be looking into a standalone launcer later, but now we'll have to do with what we have.[:S]

    edit: Oh, and use full scan to update HZ... depending on your b/w, you may be in for a long wait...

    Dragon adventurer 100 | Dragon crafter 100 | Dragon lairshaper 84

  11. #11

    Default Re: New with questions

    I shoulda guess that thanks. Launching wheee!

  12. #12

    Default Re: New with questions

    Battle grape Chaos is a fine sever to join on. many great people on chaos. unlike those on order we are chaotic and we live on the wild side. not so sure what i can say about the inactivce button. I was able to just log into chaos now. open a support case at

  13. #13

    Default Re: New with questions

    Will probably try out Chaos tomorrow Blue Hasia. Got it working using IE. It will definately be some time before I get all the updates, at 2% now and I have 1.5mb lol.

    Looking forward to seeing how the game is these days. I do wish it was better supported because in truth if you're going to do an MMO you have to be willing to go into debt making it great and supporting it well in order to make it profitable in the long term. A lot of the things in Horizons I found very cool and innovative; but again I don't play MMO's so maybe I have no clue here. I so wanted them to impliment a game crafting system whereby users could craft various public domain games (chess, dominoes, so on) out of various materials and put your initials or name on the item. Then impliment a "want to play a game" function. Yknow, got done with a giant battle or story arc, "******** I need a break, play some chess?" :)

    25% now :)

  14. #14

    Default Re: New with questions

    Greetings from EU Unity.....

    Yes there were a lot uf Updates in the past, but the most of your downloaded patch are has changed 3 times now :)

    A lot of bugfixes for client strability and game content are there also in, like dyable armor, weapon tricking (was announced for beta once), world changes.......feel free to explore the world

  15. #15

    Default Re: New with questions

    Quote Originally Posted by X900BattleGrape
    .... Which server do you recommend, and is there a class you recommend?
    I'd suggest Chaos, but then again, I'm biased, as I play on that server.

    Really it doesn't matter which server you choose. You can start alternate characters on separate shards, I'm pretty sure.

    Still no one's mentioned how the game is, population, etc. But thanks for the answers on account / free month!
    I'll take a shot at it. As for how the game is? I like it. It started out a little troubled, but now it's vastly improved, and is constantly being upgraded, improved and otherwise made better with practically every patch.

    Tulga employees are quite busy, and we haven't seen an official "Event" for a while. They seem to have been replaced with frequent "WM Events," where the World Masters for the shard sets in motion some action. On Chaos, our WM (Amon Gwareth) has subjected us to strategically placed invasions of some very unpleasant critters. We can't tell where, exactly, these will take place, or when, so when they do go down it's always a treat.

    Will not compare it to other MMOs, since I don't play any others. Online reviews of HZ indicate our crafting system is superior to most other MMOs.

    The population seems fine to me. Just listen in on the Marketplace Channel and you'll see that this game is most certainly alive and kicking, contrary to what some may say. We get new players pretty consistently.

    Edit: Got email, no charge wil April 12th. Must make spicy carrot soup [img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-4.gif[/img]
    Welcome aboard!

  16. #16
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
    Northern California

    Default Re: New with questions

    Some general comments. Dragons are a bit weaker than most other classes, so I would suggest them after you have acclimated a bit. I'd recommend taking ALL the classes in the training hall. Maybe even twice. Ingame tutorial really does not exist, so maximize the training hall time.

    New Brommel is the most popular training island, and you will find more people and trade goods there.

    I personally prefer the hybrid classes; I use Ranger as my core class, which is a mix of scout and druid, and can use some heals, resurrect, nature spells, and almost all spells that I have earned the requirements for.

    Be sure to join the Marketplace channel, and if a dragon, the dragon channel. On Order, General is watched less, but is good too.

    There is more content in the game than might appear, so be sure to check into the quests and the specialized areas, like the tier I island near Parsinia, and the Abandoned Island for tier II. You indicated that you will join a guild. That is almost a necessity for information and supplies.

    afterthought: in reading the forums, remember that people tend to take the good stuff for granted, and don't post about it.
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
    None Genuine without this Pawprint `',''

    Achiever 86%, Explorer 60%, Socializer 46%, Killer 6%.

  17. #17

    Default Re: New with questions

    Appreciate the details on the game and what's critical. The tutorial always had issues, i'm not surprised it's "gone" because honestly there are better things to put your resources (as a developer) into and as I can see there will be those who know MMO's ready and willing to bring noobs up to speed.

    Since i'm sure much has changed and i've forgotten tons and wont read the manual *stares at the manual* i'll probably be on wobbly legs for a while as I get into the groove of how to join a guild or hotkey things and all the basic stuff you need to know. Hopefully some of it is still the same and once in game i'll remember things lol. Was a blast working on the game at the time, 98% and here we go.

  18. #18

    Default Re: New with questions

    Welcome back! Whichever server you pick (don't forget Blight!), I hope you find good times and many good friends.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  19. #19

    Default Re: New with questions

    How do I seek people such as padishar?

  20. #20

    Default Re: New with questions

    Quote Originally Posted by X900BattleGrape
    How do I seek people such as padishar?
    Type : "/who Padishar" (without the quotes to see if he is online). If he is, send him a message by typing "/tell Padishar" followed by your message.

    If you want to see who is online generally you can type "/who" and then sort by class, race or level. Also, on Chaos make sure you join the marketplace and general chat channels. Possibly the dragon channel as well.

    EDIT: Padishar is on Order shard, if you joined Chaos, you won't find him there.

    Fireclaw Longtail - Chaos Shard - Ancient Lunus Dragon
    100 Dragon Adventurer / 100 Dragoncrafter / 28 million hoard

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