currently it'll place a marker for every resource, entity (non PC), or object that's sent to the client. This means that if you have a sector in cache and it doesn't need an update, you won't see every tree, plot, and player structure on the map, but if you go somewhere new, you'll see more than you want to. If anything, you'll see more markers with this program, since I don't think the marker removal code can tell when to unload resource node markers (objects and ents unload correctly)... but when I'm finished, it'll only be markers in your area, not on the whole map.

I built in a filter array but it's been long enough since I looked at the code that I can't remember if I made a user interface for adding things to it. :-p I'm at a friend's house right now, and my home machine I develop on is offline due to a phone service outage in my area, and won't be back onlie with that system until Sunday. You're the first person to show interest in this for a while, and it IS still buggy alpha software. if you choose to use it, feel free to comment on what you think could be improved.