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Thread: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

  1. #1

    Default Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    I undersatnd this has been around for a while, but i saw it in action for the first time tonight.

    A biped was pulling mobs and climbing/jumping up sheer cliff faces to a) escape from bad pulls , or b ) reduce the number of mobs following on the pull.

    I'm not sure, but i also expect that exploit is what allowed bi peds to farm the final arop mob.

    There are places in this game that bi peds are not supposed to be able to get to, certainly when lairs come in I had always planned to locate mine in a bi ped inaccessable place.

    I dont want to turn this into a draggy vs. bi ped thing, but this is simply an ability that bi peds were never suppossed to have by design.

    AE was quick to fix the draggy perching ( and rightly so ) , lets see if they are as responsive to what is so obviously an exploit.


  2. #2
    Member Seranthor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    Setscale doesn't allow you to do things like that... its a visual feature, example, if you get stuck in a guildhouse or something you could setscale to get out, or if you get stuck in various places in the game geometry you can setscale to get out. What you saw was not setscale as its client side only.

    And additionally, with no world model the mobs can climb sheer cliffs, walk through walls and other objects. So I'd venture to say that even if a player could climb a sheer cliff the mobs would be able to get at them anyway.
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  3. #3

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    Subtle inquiry's told me it was set scale.

    I'll take your word for it Ser, what did I see then ?

    And how did bi ped's get up to the top of the bluff that Umy was on ?


  4. #4

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    Well I've been dragged behind a mob I was in attack mode with before when they were running from me.

    Dragged me all over Istaria one time up cliffs no one could ever climb before but I thought the code to make them run from you was removed.

  5. #5

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    try it yourself. using setscaleMy bipedcan almost get to the dragon in the small cave above dralk.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    setxploit is indeed the correct target.

    Although as for Umyarr, the arop chamber, and Kelekhan they're biped accessible without it. (Although arop chamber requires a shorter character for better jumping ability)

    Nevertheless it boggles my mind howTG been so unwilling to move on this. Given how long its been known about.
    PersonalJustice the Demon Slayer - Chaos

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  7. #7

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    in IRC, people have been encouraged to use setscale before by devs, they don't seem concerned.

  8. #8

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    Fix the glitches in Tazoon (and other places)before fixing setscale.

    When sucked into the landing pad in Tazoon, using /setscale was the only guaranteed way to fix the problem for me.

    Edit: Furthermore, fix the targeting box (or whatever it's called) on adult dragons, before removing the /setscalefunction. When fighting in a group of, say, 7 adult dragons, it becomes ******** near impossible to select mobs, corpses, or other players during intense combat. /Setscale 0.5 reduces the dragons down to hatchling size, making combat coordination much easier.

    For me /setscale is a very useful tool when in a group, not an exploit.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    It's a useful command, but should be fixed. I can even pass through redwalls using setscale.

  10. #10

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    You don't need /setscale for a biped to get in to the cave above Dralk - you just need to know where to jump from.
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  11. #11

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    I hate to say it, but I personaly don't care what Bi-peds are using it for, so long as it is availible to me. The Dragon selection box needs to be reduced to about 25% (by volume) of what it is currently. If I walk up to a player or NPC, it is imposible to click on them from third-person view without turning 90 degrees to the side first, clicking, then turning back to face them. Or what about mobs like Golems? Big, amorphous blobs of rock.. Kill a couple of them and have them land on top of eachother, and it becomes almost imposible to loot them all. And someone has already mentioned the effects of having several melee dragons in a party. What happens when we are all ancient? Go and use setscale 1.6 on some draggies in your party if you want an idea.

    Furthermore, how about crafting? If I am flying back to a shop to process something, I first land, then hit Kuhtit, then wait for it to actualy happen, then go inside, hit dragon (to get my stats back), wait for it to actualy happen, craft, hit Kuhtit, wait for it to actualy happen, leave the shop, hit dragon, wait for it to actualy happen, then fly off. It adds up to a good ammount of time sitting there drumming my fingers. Or I could just do /setscale 0.4.

    And, as far as what the OP said about using it to escape pulls.. Well, I'm not saying it couldnt be done but I'm not sure how /setscale would allow it to happen. Mobs will follow you pretty much anywhere, over clifs, walls, anything... If bipeds are using it to get places they shouldn't, well, that is unfortunate, but it is a direct result of not having a world model for the server. In the mean time, I don't want to see an incredibly usefull tool removed because of the poor actions of a few.
    Lumineux Talar

  12. #12

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    Quote Originally Posted by Lumineux
    ....In the mean time, I don't want to see an incredibly usefull tool removed because of the poor actions of a few.
    Hear, hear.

  13. #13

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    I've never used setscale, but I can see the usefulness. The glitches with it need to be fixed though.

    A world model would help too.
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  14. #14

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    I would have to say the positive uses outweigh the negative uses.

    And Umyarr can be walked to no tricks needed.

    If they manage to get into the Council of Elders, the Ancient dragons threaten to eat them.

    they could "fix" a few of the misuses by limiting the range allowed.

    A hatchling in my guild, upon completing his ROP, and getting the khutit quest started, proceeded to recall and get stuck inside the house at the bristugo pad.

    If it wasn't for setscale, he'd probably still be caged there.

  15. #15
    Member Seranthor's Avatar
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    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    Caged dragons are bad? [:P]
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  16. #16

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    I agree, the setscale is SOO helpful to be able to fight and craft around dragons and golems. Since we don't have a 'next target' button, we have to click on all the monsters, get 3 golems on you and you aren't clicking anything. Let alone fighting next to a meleeing dragon.

    It does bite that people can exploit it like that. HZ's architecture goes against everything I've ever learned about coding. "The Client is in the Hand of the ENEMY, trust nothing it sends you." Since things like walls, drowning, movement, TIMERS and all seem to be client side calculations it's just asking for griefers and exploiters to mess with the system. The only thing that keeps them away is that we're mostly a mature audience game and it's no fun to bet 1337 at us, we're boring because we have no PvP. ;) Also, monsters care not for these walls and 'unclimbable' walls. If you are in range they will follow you up mountain and down dales.


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  17. #17

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    pretty sure the timers are server side. haven't tested in a long time, but casting shining blades, and reloging will still make shining blades un-castable.
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  18. #18

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    Well personally , ive used setscale but only to help me loot golems if i get a lot of them all at once. For me personally its hard to keep track of where one golem begins and one ends when you have a ring of dead ones surrounding you.
    If they do fix it I would hope they make it so that once a creature is looted and/or harvested it disapears instead of sticking around for several minutes.

    100 paladin/100 Druid

  19. #19

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    Quote Originally Posted by padishar
    It's a useful command, but should be fixed. I can even pass through redwalls using setscale.
    now everyone knows.

    butsetscale has seemed perfectally fine to me
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  20. #20

    Default Re: Stop the "set scale " EXPLOIT

    I think the rezzing mobs are "Event" only. For now. :)

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