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Thread: How does one begin to build a house?

  1. #1
    Member j-Xiti's Avatar
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    Default How does one begin to build a house?

    I would like to build a house, but looking at the plots and thierv respective information it looks like I'll be doing a lot of crafting and gathering of resources. So for those who have beuilt a hous or any structure how long does it usually take for 1 (one) individual? Or are these mostly constructed by many people?

    Thanks [Y]

  2. #2

    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    It depends on the size of the plot and house and your own skills and crafters you can afford to hire (or get to work for free, in some cases).

    A Tier 2 human house can be built in a matter of hours with the right folks helping, but it might take months for a Tier 6. All have different requirements.

    You'll need to employ 5 different types of contractors, or learn the skills yourself: Mason, Carpenter, Weaver, Enchanter and Fitter. Not all structures use all five. When you design your structures, the design window will tell you which craftsmen you'll need.

    If you plan to pay for the work, it will probably cost you from 500c to 1s per unit per tier.

    Good luck. If you're on Order, give me a tell. I do all 5 schools.
    Brassandyn and Landowyn
    The Steelworks. Realm of Order

  3. #3

    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    I am fortunate to be in a small but intensely active guild. Using only the guild members, we put up a saris house, (medium? large? two stories in any case) T1 GuildHouse, some silos, some tents and some trees in well under a week.

    Admittedly, none of these structures required anything beyond T2 resources, so if you plan a plot with expert shops and the like, expect it to take a little longer, depending on your level and your friends levels...

  4. #4
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    Quote Originally Posted by j-Xiti
    I would like to build a house, but looking at the plots and thierv respective information it looks like I'll be doing a lot of crafting and gathering of resources. So for those who have beuilt a hous or any structure how long does it usually take for 1 (one) individual? Or are these mostly constructed by many people?

    Thanks [img]/Web//emoticons/emotion-21.gif[/img]
    Hi j-Xiti!

    Building on a plot is one of the bigger projects in this game. It's almost like having a real house built as far as time & energy put into it. I think most folk get help to get their plot built, since to do it all yourself you need 5 craft skills and preferably 7. They are Carpentry, Enchanting, Fitting, Masonry, and Weaving; with Gathering and Mining added to help aquire the raw resources at maxium efficiency. I happen to be one of the crazy ones that have a character that does all seven skills (at Tier 2 or lower) and actually enjoys building. It is very satifying to me to see something I've worked hard & long on finally pop!

    But, except for a few things like tents & tier 1 human houses (which look like very, very ugly brown tents) most things will take some if not a lot of time to finish (unless you're very lucky to have a crack building team available). It took from the end of the Autumn auctions, when Azure Twilight won Carmo, until recently to get most of the plot owners plots in Carmo finished. This was with me & Skirnir pulling sometimes over 12 hours a day working and all the plot owners& some others also working on them. Pop down there to Carmo and take a look to get an idea.

    The higher the tier that is needed in a building, most likely the longer it will take to get the building built. This isn't always true, but it's a good general rule of thumb. So if you want storage fast go with tents, Tier 1 Human houses & silos, they don't take a lot. For machine and commercial shops stay with Beginner and Tier 1. But if you prefer bigger, better, and prettier, than plan for it to take awhile to complete or plan on alot of cash spent to attract enough builders to get it done fast.

    If you do decide to pay for work on your plot, you might want to hire some high level builders for at least the most difficult work. Usually there will be someone on Marketplace Chat who knows someone or is such. For the low level work, if you don't want to contract with a builder to do it, just put the money that you are willing to pay for the work done in your construction window and then advertise in here on your shard's appropriate board and again also in Marketplace Chat. If the new, beginning builders know you are paying a reasonable amount and where your plot is, they will come. (This also does work for the high level work, but not as reliably)

    I hope this helps a little! [:)]

    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    of Azure Twilight in Carmo on Order
    (Guild Builder who's taking a little vacation to get up her adventuring) [:$]
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  5. #5
    Member j-Xiti's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    Thanks for the information. It helps a lot.

  6. #6
    Member j-Xiti's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    Quote Originally Posted by Brassandyn
    ....If you plan to pay for the work, it will probably cost you from 500c to 1s per unit per tier. Good luck. If you're on Order, give me a tell. I do all 5 schools.
    Done and done!

    I'll be on right now and later tonight PST tomezone. Saturday

  7. #7
    Member j-Xiti's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    Quote Originally Posted by Unicorn's Lady
    They are Carpentry, Enchanting, Fitting, Masonry, and Weaving; with Gathering and Mining added to help aquire the raw resources at maxium efficiency. I happen to be one of the crazy ones that have a character that does all seven skills (at Tier 2 or lower) and actually enjoys building.
    Thanks another one for the tell list!

    Quote Originally Posted by Unicorn's Lady
    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    Which one should I send a tell to?

  8. #8

    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    She's usually on as Nellie, I think. Her husband is Herman, he's on more often, so you can /tell him for aid.

    I also do a lot of construction ... in wood I go to elm braces, in stone I do slate keys, in cloth I just do flax bolts (lowest level, but I can make a tree), in essence just dim spheres (ditto). That's all plenty for trees, walkways, walls, and tiles.

    In metal, well, *hugs self* I just love metal. I can do up to Adamantium, in theory, haven't actually processed any yet, but I can certainly do to Mithril joints.

    Catch me in the right mood and I'll haul a few loads and apply them to your place *grins*

    -Levity Merrel, Crai Aisling, Sans AoP by Aiya's pad now boasting giant tree
    100 Blacksmith/100 Fitter/45 Mason/45 Carpenter/25 Scholar/14 Weaver/13 Enchanter
    100 Reaver/56 Ice Disciple

  9. #9
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    Yeah, I sneak in at odd hours. [:)]

    I can do T1 in all the areas of construction and T2 in Fitting and Masonry. (I'm working the rest up) Ochre is my builder, so if you see her in Order I'm most likely roaring around building something (although I am working on her adventuring so she can handle the gathering of T3 resources).
    But of course you can still talk to me when I'm Nellie! I'm on as her when I'm feeling completely perverse and am working on confectionering. [;)]

    Yup! Herman's my RL hubby and so msgs can be left with him. Although you may want to back them up with a PM in here, he can be a tad forgetful sometimes. (He gets lost thinking of a new gadget or strategic series of moves)

    I'm mainly a guild builder, but with Carmo pretty much done, I'll be able to be a Secret Construction fairy a lot more often. So when you have your plot planned out, drop me a PM telling me where it is, and I'll do some work on it! [:D]

    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    of Azure Twilight in Carmo on Order
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  10. #10
    Member j-Xiti's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    I can honestly say I have no idea what you two were talking about. Well, it terms of my own experience. It's just that with my previous crafting experience in Star Wars Galaxies -- I can see why Horizons gets the platinum star. That said, I just discovered that I will need to become much more wealthier to afford a plot. This the one thing I hate about ALL online games -- the division between the rich and the poor, and the sick need to generate cash flow. Ugh! There just games.

    Anywhooo, it seems most plots can't be bought for less than ~300s or so. I have about 65 or 6....I can't recall, I had no reason to keep track of my money since playing this game, because I never made it a priority. I really enjoy playing without having to buy everything like other games (ahemm ahem, SWG...cough, aack EQ). I did buy some new clothes once when I became a Monk, but that's really it, and some new tools.

    So I'll design my plot using that spreadsheet someone shared with the community and get back to you. Thank you for your help.

  11. #11

    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    There are residential lots in Morning Light for under 60 silver. Tiny, but affordable. And the lot nearest the ne gate is a bit bigger, for about 96 silver.

    If you just want to learn the fundamentals of housebuilding, get one of the tiny lots and play with the Planning screen. One cool thing is that you get to see the objects that will be built as if they are finished, and you can run around inside the buildings. Other people see you walking in the air ...

    Go back up to the first full answer to your question for some explanations. What might not be clear is that there are 5 construction classes: Mason, Fitter, Weaver, Carpenter, and Enchanter. Each one works with a particular substance. Fitters do metal, for instance.

    Each substance has two types of things to apply to a building. Metal Sheets and Metal Joints, Wood Timbers and Wood Braces, etc. The first is the easiest and uses less resources; the second takes more resources and more skill in the applicable construction class.

    For me to do the bronze sheets on a silo, I would go to the copper/tin nodes, gather as much as I can (with a pick), smelt it to bars (with tongs), and make those into sheets (with a mallet). At optimum, 15 bars make one sheet. Then I drag the sheets to the silo, and use the mallet again to apply them. At optimum, you apply 1 construction unit for 2 carried to the site.

    The main bottleneck is getting resources to machines and then to the site, since they are bulky things, 120 bulk each (used to be 150, ouch). And higher tier materials .. cobalt sheets, maple timbers .. take a lot of gathering and fighting to produce. Not to mention someone skilled enough.

    So when I say I am optimum on slate keys, that means that I have learned to make slate keystones at 20 bricks to 1 keystone and can apply them to a building at 2 keys to 1 applied.

    I hope all that helps. And I suggest that you design your lot while you are standing on it and seeing the 3-D rendering of what it will look like when completed. A spreadsheet might list materials but won't help with aesthetics *grins* and those who watched the Pretty Plot contest know I am very fond of good aesthetics.

    -Levity Merrel

  12. #12
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    *Nods* What Levity said!

    Some of the other old original towns that also have low cost plots are Lerena, Dikaina, Grayling, Harton Valley, Dryart, & Tishlar, with Morning Light & Lerena having some of the lowest. (as far as I can remember)
    At Elia you can get a pretty good return for your silver, the Empire price on all the plots there is 200 silver and some of the plots are as large as 45x45. But the nearest portals & pads are at Falathien & Aiya so you are in for a bit of a run.

    Since you're on Order, there is a wide selection of plots at this time, so have fun looking at all the choices! There's even still Guild Plots (ie guild communities)for sale, although they do take some serious cash. [:)]

    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    of Azure Twilight in Carmo on Order
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  13. #13
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    Something else, and I don't think was covered previously, is the lot zoning. When you click on a prospective plot for buying, look in the upper left hand corner of the plot window. There you will see at least one building. If you put your cursor over it, it will tell you either residential, commercial, or industrial. These tell you which building sets are available to that particular plot. For instance, in Harro, many of the plots are Residential only (R-- in the community window), meaning that only houses and guildhalls can be placed. In Slate Crest, most of the plots are Residential, Commercial, and Industrial (RCI in the community window). Those allow the broadest set of building options currently available with restriction only by size of the plot. There are rare C only and I only (may have been pre-merge), as well as RC and RI.

    So, that is another factor in determining where you may want to buy.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

  14. #14
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    I'm not sure if there are any 'I only', but you will run across some 'C only' in Selen. And several of the oldcommunities have RC & RI plots.
    ...Thinking about it the 'R only' and the RC plots are the common ones in all the old communities, with the RI plots being uncommon and the RCI plots being rare. [:)]

    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    of Azure Twilight in Carmo on Order
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  15. #15
    Member C`gan's Avatar
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    Default Re: How does one begin to build a house?

    The I only plots I think were changed during merge. I do know there were a few pre-merge, up in Morning Light. I was absolutely sure they didn't exist back then until I tripped INTO one.

    As for RI, I know they exist. I just bought one last night and it's not in a pre-merge settlement.
    C`gan Weyrsinger, blue Tagath's rider, WorldProjects Team Lead Emeritus
    Tagath, blue Lunus "for the breath weapon"
    Located in sunny Acul on Trandalar, Order shard

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