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Thread: Chaos or Order?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Saskatchewan, Canada

    Default Chaos or Order?

    I,m not sure if this question has already been ask, but can someone pleasetell me the differences between the Chaos server and the Order server. When you have to choose which to play on it says that the Order Server is a Role-Playing Shard only and the Chaos Server is a Standard-Play Shard. Can someone please explain what this means.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Chaos or Order?

    There is absolutely no difference in Chaos or Order except for the following.

    1) Plots and world structures
    2) People playing on the shard; who and how many
    3) The amount of role-playing (people who play in the character of their avatar rather than thenselves)

    To elucidate a bit on points 2 and 3...

    2) There are more people playing on Chaos than Order. This doesn't make it any more of a desireable shard than Order, it just means it has more players.

    3) You will find in your travels far more players role-playing on the Order shard than the Chaos shard. While Chaos is not devoid of role-playing it is not as prevelant as it is in Order. Order also has a "no real world chatter in open channels" rule as well as a few others in their policies while Chaos does not have these restrictions.

    Both shards have WONDERFUL people to play with whichever you decide to choose. My primary shard is Chaos but I do tend to take strolls in the world of Order from time to time (I've got friends there I like to visit ;) ). So basically choose a shard that suits your own desire in play style. If you want role-play heavy choose Order. If you'd prefer a more relaxed environment in this regard, choose Chaos.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Saskatchewan, Canada

    Default Re: Chaos or Order?

    Thank You so much for clearing that up I was a little confused with the wording. You've been a great help.

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