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Thread: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

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    Default Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    I'm posting this in general as a service to all players of Horizons. Even though it discusses cnf issues, it also talks about the future of ambrosia, DP removal, and how these proposed changes affect EVERY class.

    [09/09/05 19:59:05]
    [Confectioners_Trade: Vandellia] I want to start this off by saying thank you for agreeing to come into this chat and talk to us about the re-envisioning of the confextioner shcool
    [Vandellia] please rectrict your questions to the confectioner shcool for now untill we release it to other topics
    [Manga_twilight] You are most welcome Vandellia
    [Vandellia] when you all are ready we are all ears on what your current plans for the rebuild of theconfctioner shcool
    [Manga_twilight] Actually first we would like to hear from the Confectioners about, how they see the current school, and what direction you all would like to see happen for the school, just to get a bit on context for this discussion.
    [Vandellia] or we can discuss our concerns and issues about how it is now :)
    [Kix] going to add more areas to get EOB or increase the bonus rate for them?
    [Vandellia] ill start the the ball rolling If the school stayed they way it currently works the time off has to be adjusted to make food workable
    [Manga_twilight] workable vs. ambrosia
    [Vandellia] if you doubled the time off per tier it would make food more valuable
    [Manga_twilight] About the EoB's, i'm guessing the conf's would like to make food than ambrosia ?
    [Vandellia] absolutely
    [Indygo] Correct
    [Ani] yes. nobody wants to buy food now
    [Indygo] Nobody really even wants free food
    [Moirainia] burden doesn't equal value
    [Contessa] No reason to buy food if you have ambrosia.
    [PersonalJustic] there's 2 issues: undesireablity of food as a product, and incompleteness of the confectioner school as a whole
    [ViceroyX] food was also ridiculously pricey in many occassions and bulky
    [Contessa] Only food worth purchasing is the special ones that give you bonuses.
    [Guaran] Even those are not worth much when they take up a gift slot
    [Manga_twilight] Ok let me catch up
    [Katscratch] I don't see where you can remove Ambrosia til after you have food at least leave it on Ambrosia Vendors
    [Lasombra] food takes up to much cargo room, and its a pain in the butt to each 1 of each food to remove 1h 1/2
    [Vandellia] i want to see amb 8 and9 but never put them on venders
    [Smeglor] Perhaps to help limit ambrosia it should have an 8 hour recycle time?
    [Vandellia] thats why i think remove tier caps on foods and double time off per tier is a possible solution
    [David_energy] Manga: perhaps we can present the framework first? This will help lead the discussion in productive direction.
    [Manga_twilight] OK so the first topic will be ambrosia vs food.
    [ViceroyX] does this equate to confectioners wanting to sell more..while players detest food and undoubtedly prefer ambrosia.
    [Vandellia] food should work better then ambrosia
    [Krystine] if food had other value besides DPs it would be more desirable
    [Smeglor] We're not going to make food a requirement
    [Vandellia] if passive dp removal was adjusted ...
    [Guaran] there should be no forced dependencies on food imho
    [Manga_twilight] ok, lets start with the basics...
    [Ani] what if food had less bulk?
    [Manga_twilight] Confectioners make food and beverages (soon)
    [Krystine] i had suggested using it in a mannor similar to hoard, stocked then used for some abilities
    [Manga_twilight] We all know that the current implementation of the food is to reduce DP timers
    [Manga_twilight] and we can discuss that towards the end of this discussion
    [ViceroyX] amby could also work like weap dyes/chromas, in terms of comps. so peole who hunt naturally get more amby comps. while the utility of food is improved
    [David_energy] Please let Manga finish...
    [Manga_twilight] What we should discuss is what else would confectioners like food to do, besides DP timers, we have our own ideas, but we would like to hear the confectioner's idea
    [David_energy] While remembering that other school's have roles that should not be usurped.
    [ Ani] I'd like to see the potential of food reducing death penalty timer - not just death point timer
    [Vandellia] how about anti mez and anti spell bind buffs ?
    [PersonalJustic] reduce the effects/length of the death penalty
    [Drevar] slight increase in HP regen and reduce skill reset timers
    [Moirainia] or help you work faster like alacrity
    [Contessa] A purifying type of food
    [Merriweather] HP regen is covered by Alchy's
    [Drevar] immunity to some blight effects
    [Lillyjo] something like the speciality foods like the pie and the apple but higher levels
    [Ani] and the specialty foods not taking a gift slot
    [Manga_twilight] lilyjo: social foods we will save for later
    [Klaus] Any kind of buff infringes to some extent on alchemy.
    [Lillyjo] ok..
    [Contessa] But does a food that removes bad effects infringe? I'm not familiar with alchy
    [ Katscratch] how about one to increase capacity when overburdened in field
    [Akuluxtraxas] ayep as will mosyt effects infringe somewhere. its just trying to minimize it as best able
    [Merriweather] Skill boosters outside of gathering, damage shields, alacrity (spell/melee), % chance for an extra item when mass producing, % change for extra attack...
    [Vandellia] anti mez and anti sppell bind are not in the alchs current bag of tricks
    [Klaus] Food removing debuffs would be very nice, but possibly too powerful
    [Contessa] Well I'm thinking something like purify or cleanse. It's been rather difficult to keep cleansing my dragon while fighting alone in blight areas.
    [David_energy] We would first like to hear ideas within the framework of: food and beverage can change things within the game... currently DP, what else as long as it doens't impinge on other schools.
    [Drevar] probably not available in the simulation tech, but a really good meal might make you fight as 1 level higher in your current school, or something along that line
    [Araevin] What if the products were to give a + in something and a minus in another, eg a + in str and a - in dex
    [Lillyjo] a drink that gives you a burst of energy
    [David_energy] In a couple of minutes, we will end this part, and see how this matches with our plans, and see if we can expand to fit some of the new suggestions.
    [Vandellia] double time off on existing foods per tier a t 1 soup is 3 a t 2 soup 6
    [Krystine] is there any intent to introduce beer and wine?
    [Vandellia] taht would give confs a reason to level and imporove the product as they level
    [David_energy] Merriweather: correct
    [Lillyjo] no wine kids play this game
    [David_energy] If there is a derailment, we will pull it back.
    [Klaus] Alcohol elementals, Lillyjo :-)
    [Drevar] dont tell Lilly about the Pickle, heh
    [David_energy] We have a T rating...
    [Vandellia] a t4 roast format 24 minutes is more usable then the current 6 minute form
    [Lillyjo] but we kill them right lol
    [Merriweather] An accuracy booster to increase chance to hit
    [Drevar] carrot juice to improve eyesight + to hit with bow
    [Klaus] Sugar-based treats that reduce delay
    [Ranqthas] how about an instant heal (with a use delay) and a small-ish heal?
    [Krystine] but leave you sluggish when they wear off
    [Ani] fish that are reachable from shore
    [Pilwyn] LOL
    [Ranqthas] lol
    [ Klaus] hehe
    [Manga_twilight] Those are some great suggestions about the alternate usage of food, and refreshingly enough (no pun intended) fit with what we have discussed internally
    [Seranthor] I love that one Ani.
    [Drevar] I think the heals are off the table, too infringing on the healer adventurers
    [Indygo] Not all fish are supposed to be reachable ;)
    [Krystine] btw i love the fishing animation
    [Contessa] Okay fish that you don't have to go up to your waistline to reach
    [David_energy] OK, this is derailed...
    [Manga_twilight] to touch on the reachable fish real quick, we now have the tech to put them closer to the top of the water so we coud have more fishing off piers etc
    [Ranqthas] bah :P not like eating something would get you 1/2 of your hp back
    [Ani] ty Manga
    [Manga_twilight] Now, that we have some of the feedback on food
    [Manga_twilight] What would you all like to see done with beverages
    [David_energy] Context: we'd like to see a difference between the two, food and beverage
    [Aboroth] drink something and get the druken stupor like the beer golems haha :)
    [Krystine] i would like to see rare forms for some foods and beverages
    [Klaus] Social animations
    [Kephren] alchoholic beverages should provide short term boosts of some kind followed by penalty periods
    [Vandellia] well i could see some beverages having a anti cold spell effect
    [ViceroyX] drunk == plus to dmg, minus to accuracy
    [Contessa] Alcoholic products would be nice for some. But grape juice. Actual drinkable milk ... or other types of juices.
    [Ani] maybe the food is more working against DP, the beverages are some kind of buffs
    [Drevar] I would like to see a synergy between some drink and the DP foods. Drink would give you a buff that would double the effective time of the next same tier food you eat.
    [Merriweather] Alcoholic and non-alcoholi for sure.
    [Illusionist] beverage ale types could increase resistancews to pain dmg etc but also slow you down lower accuracy etc
    [Drevar] Drink a t5 wine and then eat a T5 food, and you get double the DP time reduction for that food.
    [Kephren] the danger with giving bonuses to drinks is they just become potions
    [Krystine] perhaps quests to receive some forms
    [Ani] do buffs that don't match anything potions currently do
    [Lillyjo] that resistants to pain from drinks are in real life..but the next morning you feel it
    [Contessa] Perhaps buffs to help with crafting?
    [Aamer] Please folks lets show respect ... we all WANT these answers
    [Klaus] Drunken stupor ads a buff, sure, but also a matching debuff - thus different from a potion
    [Illusionist] yes something like that could be interesting
    [David_energy] I will point out that beverage does not equal alchohol, but might include alchoholic brews.
    [Vandellia] as i said alchaol increases strength but decreases dext
    [Ani] -and decreases focus and power
    [Illusionist] if fighting multiple mobs mayhap you miss intended mob but hit 2 others instead
    [Ranqthas] do beverages have any effect currently?
    [Ani] there aren't any
    [Indygo] There is none
    [Drevar] there arent any beverages yet
    [Klaus] Coffee - speed & alacrity buff, debuff when it wears off. Hot chocolate - cold resist buff.
    [Ranqthas] that would be a no, then ;)
    [Kephren] the other prob with food that gives bonuses is what is the rational for a food being able to give that bonus and not a potion (or vice versa)
    [Katscratch] how about when drunk you hit hard but do damage to yourself or member of group
    [Krystine] chocolate of any type would be nice
    [Illusionist] thats a good idea Kat
    [Ani] no - someone would do it on purpose for a cheap pvp
    [Merriweather] I really don't know if there can be a theme differentiation set for foods and drink. I can see both types giving alacrity, damage shields, accuracy, etc
    [Drevar] I see most drinks being social, or used as quest components. David, think sake for the drunken old man in AC.
    [Katscratch] then make it self damage only
    [Manga_twilight] Merriweather - that is what we were going after
    [Ranqthas] chow about modifying interaction with npcs?
    [Moirainia] would prefer positive things/outcomes
    [Ranqthas] consume a particular beverage in front of an npc, and they'll trade for you at sane prices
    [Piira] While all these different effects on a particular food form would be nice, wouldn't it cause an exponential increase in the number of forms for CNFs? I mean, wouldn't have a form for every effect be so narrow that it would take hundreds of hours to supply the world with each players food needs?
    [Ranqthas] heheh. or "use it" on them
    [ Katscratch] how about a food that gives you a luck increase on coin drop
    [Manga_twilight] Piira: those would be considered speciality foods, some would be rare forms or really hard to make
    [Drevar] nah they can consolidate forms by category rather than individual product. Manga LOVES fiddling with stuff like that..hehe
    [Aamer] Is that enough context to hear what you have planned now David?
    [David_energy] The ideas are starting to slow down... Manga, can you explain some of the 'meals' concepts... and social foods please?
    [Lasombra] I think we need to simplify the conf forms before putting drinks in
    [Merriweather] I would like to see an animation when drinking that shows the particular drink appearing in the persons hand and drinking it. If non-alcoholic then the animation is an actual drinking animation while an alcoholic one would be a "down in one" animation
    [Manga_twilight] One thing we have discussed internally was the idea of "meals"
    [Drevar] Could you do chain combos with foods to arrive at a final effect?
    [Manga_twilight] You would make a baked potatoe, rice pilaf and a steak and "combine" them into a "meal" for an additional bonus
    [Lillyjo] that sounds smart
    [Krystine] good
    [Ani] ooh, that sounds fun
    [David_energy] This comes directly from player feedback
    [Ranqthas] sounds neat
    [Merriweather] *cheers for her conbined food idea finally getting in*
    [Vandellia] im for that Unless it requires even more resources time and labor
    [Manga_twilight] that would be for "mundane" food, mundane meaning all it does is do DP removal
    [Drevar] conbined? this isnt cotton :p
    [David_energy] Drevar: packed into a nice bento... picnic basket...
    [Merriweather] Well, after 2 years of hearing it from me you guys know I'm all for that. : P
    [Lillyjo] fried chicken and potatoe salad and have a picnic
    [Manga_twilight] for the speciality food we have discused, if I ate ice cream, david ate cake, and smeglor milk, we would be an "aura" effect to each other
    [Manga_twilight] lillyjo: exactly
    [David_energy] Please explain the nature of the effect, Manga
    [Drevar] the only effect one person eating a food would have on another is if the first person got gas
    [Merriweather] Is that based on the premiss that you are, for lack of a better word, sharing?
    [Manga_twilight] The aura effect would be ice cream gives othe players around me say a slash resistance, but I could only have one on me, the cake would give crush but I couldn' have both at one time
    [Rawdge] You got it Merri.
    [David_energy] The social nature of food, and it's consumption by groups in friendly environments is a major part of the social bonding in most cultures.
    [Manga_twilight] if we coordinated with cake, ice cream and milk, with two other players, we could have all the melee resistances up at 1 time
    [Vandellia] yes give taverns a purpose
    [Drevar] the issue I see is how the heck does eating cake give you a resistance to being cut?
    [Manga_twilight] Drevar: those were examples not actual items
    [Akuluxtraxas] which also promoted grouping and interaction which i highly support
    [Kephren] hmm, I'm all for social effects of food, but how could one person nearby eating something affects others around them?
    [David_energy] Manga spoke of resistances... which is incorrect... resistances are the domain of alchemy
    [Manga_twilight] hehe just an example as we know that cake gives the anti-going out and playing outside effect
    [Akuluxtraxas] only melee damage types mostly
    [Lillyjo] lol
    [Piira] I'm really sorry, but I don't seem to get where this is going. How does the introduction of "specialty foods" *fix* the confectioner school? I mean, where's the beef? (pun intented).
    [CeLana] Same reason spreading Ruxus Heart on your bow would give you a good powershot:P
    [Drevar] sharing a keg might give everyone a combat buff/debuff, but the effects that would be useable are pretty thin
    [Akuluxtraxas] I dont know if there are magical resis types
    [CeLana] comps don't have to make sense: they are magic
    [Merriweather] Kephren, because it is being supposed that if you are eating or drinking something that compliments another persons food/drink in your group you would "share" yours with them and vice versa
    [Manga_twilight] Next up would be Social Foods, foods that just are for a social activity, like wedding cake etc
    [Krystine] i think ice cream would be better against flame
    [Ani] I'd like to see holiday foods - like sugar cookies
    [Ranqthas] hm.. i think that there will need to be a concession and allow some degree of overlap with other schools in terms of effects
    [Klaus] Be nice if there was an in-game recognition of wedding that the cake facilitated
    [Manga_twilight] Festival foods is something we have planned
    [Akuluxtraxas] yes Klaus :)
    [Vandellia] id love to see some j-man versions of the fall festival foods
    [Kephren] social food should be visible! (big cakes, punch bowls, wine flutes, etc)
    [Lillyjo] to have wedding cake we need weddings, ..sounds too complex
    [CeLana] ohoh. Amon is getting restless;). *heads out to kill anchor*
    [David_energy] Klaus: we could introduce a marriage penalty tax!
    [Piira] Social foods? Specialty foods? Where are the regular j-man and expert crafting food forms?
    [Manga_twilight] One idea would be to make a cake that you could right click and it would split into cake slices etc
    [ViceroyX] such social food will be nice, if it could sit on a talbe in yoru plot
    [Ranqthas] manga: only if it can be thrown at other players ;)
    [Lillyjo] what table, you putting in furniture?
    [Ani] I'd llike to see a bar, fireplaces, stage, tables etc. in the taverns
    [Uzziel] the cake sliced thing is a good idea
    [Manga_twilight] Ranqthas - we talked about throwing eggs and pies
    [Ranqthas] hm.. what about making 'social' foods with a root side effect?
    [Drevar] haha eat to much and you get to fat to move
    [Ranqthas] yeah, you get some big bonus, but ya gotta hang around for a min or two to eat with your buds
    [Drevar] Will the buffs be good enough for the ADD adventurers to bother standing around eating though?
    [Merriweather] Drevar: Unless the DPTRs are increased, having a fattening effect on eating too much is not going to work.
    [Lillyjo] we could sell more foods if they had hoard value lol
    [Ranqthas] (obviously the middle of a raid would be a bad time to go and break out some kcake :p
    [Contessa] The social foods sounds like a good idea... but not all of us adventure in groups all the time.
    [Uzziel] What is the Dev teams "vision" for what food should realistically provide to consumers?
    [Moirainia] well i wouldn't mind being able to toss a bone at a monster and it gets distracted or somethng fun at a wisp so it will follow me home nad stay at my plot
    [David_energy] The effects of food and beverages that have been proposed internally that we can discuss at this time are: Height, Girth, Endowment (temporary), range, chance to hit, max dam, bonus damage, HoT outside of combat, recycle timers. There are other concepts we will need to explore to see if they are possible, all of these we know can be done.
    [Krystine] i wouldn't mind if a moderate amount of food intake were required to maintain peak health
    [Moirainia] i vote for teh no dependencies plz
    [Merriweather] Is it possible to make a food or drink that makes you look like a different race?
    [Contessa] ditto... I'd forget to eat...
    [Drevar] yeah, cant make it mandatory..but it has to be good enough to bother with
    [Merriweather] It just randomly pic a race unpon consumption?
    [Ani] what about racial specialty foods?
    [Ranqthas] well, you could have a maintainable "boost"
    [Uzziel] cat nip for the kitties!
    [Klaus] Catnip stuffed mice
    [Lillyjo] how about foods to make you inv to monsters so you can pass safely lol
    [Valkire] what about a food that gives you the benefit of another race
    [Contessa] I vote yea on the catnip!
    [Krystine] why i suggested using it same as hoard, just for special abilities
    [Ani] it's a regular food to all except the given race - that race gets the buff
    [Ranqthas] got your base stuff, and eating enough food gives you a boost on top of that
    [ViceroyX] People already often spend more on amby than they ever do buying clubs from blacksmiths. Thus, let's not make food too essential. Better buffs than something mandatory.
    [David_energy] The one effect of racial specialty foods that we can announce at this time is a recall to racial city effect.
    [Klaus] Ahhh
    [Ani] ooh, nice
    [Uzziel] if Bipeds had a "Food Hoard" amout per day that they could use periodically to boost (fillblank) would be cool
    [Klaus] Like that a lot
    [Valkire] what about like Dwarven toughness for a non-Dwarf?
    [Merriweather] Very nice!
    [Indygo] So as a dryad where would I recall to?
    [Ranqthas] the middle of nowhere?
    [Klaus] Satyrs have hte same issue
    [Nayuaka] or a stayr....
    [Pilwyn] whered would i recall to as a gnome?
    [Indygo] NR :/
    [Valkire] new rach
    [Pilwyn] gotcha
    [Ranqthas] or a dragon hatchling?
    [Ranqthas] hehe we have two choices
    [David_energy] You misunderstand, your race doesn't
    impact...the food determines the location
    [Manga_twilight] Speaking of the "missing forms" the direction we have planned to go with the current food that is out there is this. (typing)
    [Drevar] Are the mechanics of the school going to change or is it still going to use the horrid clay system?
    [Aamer] let manga finish please
    [Drevar] Id prefer a ton of permanent tools rather than all the clay. Or at least allow us to recycle the dishes after the food is consumed.
    [Manga_twilight] Finish the "missing" t4, t5, foods that are currently out there and add them to the game doing the same functionality as before (DP timer reducers)
    [Lillyjo] well that is a plus
    [Vandellia] as stated before change the times on the foods please ?
    [Manga_twilight] The "speciality" foods would be added in addition after those are finish
    [David_energy] With better bulk balancing
    [Drevar] bulk and resource balancing, some things take lots of sub steps yet give the same or less effect than something that just takes straight resources
    [David_energy] We are watching the ARoP on Blight, as soon as it is ready to move on to Live, we will be devoting the vast majority of the content team's efforts to correcting this situation.
    [Vandellia] okay what are the pans then time wise for the current foods are you going to adjust the time off on them or not ?
    [Ani] yes. conf takes a ton of storage right now
    [Chima] Something that is not in the game that would be a very nice plus would be a food item that when eaten, would give you extra strength for X number of minutes.
    [Krystine] would be nice if we could sell our products like fish oil for uses such as lamp fuel
    [Smeglor] Yes the DP time reduction for foods will be re-evaluated to be appropriate to their creation requirements
    [Moirainia] off topic but not, plz consider hving gardens where conf can grown things
    [Drevar] Chima, you can get str potions from alchemists
    [Moirainia] on their plots
    [Merriweather] Covered that discussion already Chima
    [David_energy] Chima: strength is currently impacted by potions
    [Guaran] I had an idea that taverns could give extra kick to foods eaten inside one. give the structure a purpose ( sorry to butt in)
    [Manga_twilight] On of the reasons the original design team stopped at t4 was the fact that you take journeyman steak, steak, potatoe, carrots and they ran out of ingredients and just were going to rely on tiered bowls for the rest
    [Aboroth] i have just one question realy quick, how come there is a ten minite time limit after eating something, say ambrosia, you eat it and have to wait 10 mins to get the full effect afterwards?
    [Akuluxtraxas] also it might be looked at how to make those foods more useful as currently ambrosia will just kill that market
    [Manga_twilight] what we would like to do is take 2 ingredients and make that a T1 food
    [Drevar] How are you going to determine locations for all the potential new food ingrediants?
    [Manga_twilight] 3 ingredients = t2 food
    [David_energy] Ambrosia will be adjusted
    [Ani] would the clay part be one of those 2 ingredients?
    [Manga_twilight] Ani - no
    [Smeglor] The ambrosia issue will be addressed
    [Moirainia] confectioner shop and gardens....
    [Klaus] Romoving clay or not counting it?
    [Manga_twilight] no counting it
    [Manga_twilight] *not
    [Moirainia] oh and greenhouses please
    [Krystine] chicken coops
    [Klaus] SOunds like plot resource nodes
    [Ranqthas] can food decay?
    [Ani] I'd like to see the chance to build a community farm
    [David_energy] Klaus: doesn't it.
    [Krystine] seeds and tilable land?
    [Merriweather] Err, Tinkers sorry
    [Manga_twilight] But back to the missing foods for a bit
    [Camalena] butter
    [Vandellia] thank you manga
    [Ani] new tool, butter churn
    [Krystine] yes would be good to have all tiers of foods already in game
    [Moirainia] for the naturalists that don't like alchemical approach ...
    [Aamer] go on Manga please
    [Manga_twilight] The fact that there are so many types of "soup" for example is one thing we would like to cut back on, the need for deer, fish, grouk, beef, chicken, soup for example, would be that you wouldn't need to make all 5 soups to get a decent benefit
    [David_energy] You should also know that we have some scheduled artist time for this project. New resource types will become available as well.
    [Katscratch] food that reduces lag <major market>
    [Manga_twilight] as you would for making chicken soup and beef stew
    [Klaus] Chicken noodle soup buff your resistance to Blight diseases?
    [Drevar] Will higher tier foods use lower tier foods or would they be made purely from base ingrediants from the same tier?
    [Manga_twilight] We feel that the conf school wants depth instead of width in the DP reduction aspect, that you don't need 10's of different foods to accomplish that fact
    [Ani] question: why are the fish tiered but all other meats and vegis are not?
    [Manga_twilight] Drevar - higher tiered ingredients will be made availiable
    [David_energy] Ani: to be blunt, because the artists and designers did not finish that portion of the game.
    [Ani] okay, ty
    [Lasombra] tier the meats, increase dp reduction time
    [Manga_twilight] One idea would be to re-skin the cows and tier them as a first step
    [Contessa] Well if you did something like Vexator Steaks it would make it rather difficult for those of us who are mainly crafters and not much into adv.
    [David_energy] If you look, you will see that there is a bison model on the launch version of Horizons... meat was going to be tiered.
    [Drevar] not sure what good tiered meats would do, unless you want to dodge thornwood treants to get rare effalump meat
    [Krystine] could we get some sauces and marinades?
    [Merriweather] Yes, I did see that David and oftened wondered/asked what happened with that
    [Smeglor] Guaran - yes there is a proposal to have eating food while in a tavern be more effective
    [Katscratch] call Expert Confectioners Gourmets
    [Akuluxtraxas] hehe
    [David_energy] Guaran: significantly more effective, to make it worthwhile
    [Manga_twilight] Drevar - you'll have to quest for that =P
    [Merriweather] Manga: Is there any concideration to "deconstruction" of food to recieve cookery back to better facilitate levelling at all?
    [Manga_twilight] Merriweather - o_0
    [Drevar] heh garlic foods would make them turn thier nose as they hit you
    [Smeglor] Merriweather - experience is going to be modified to offset the lack of deconstruction
    [Klaus] For levelling, tasks to make MRE for the Empire might work
    [Contessa] Glad the xp will be looked at considering I'm getting extremely frustrated at trying to level
    [David_energy] I can hear him
    [Ranqthas] sorta like blighted stuff.. but not blighted
    [Merriweather] Well, being able to recieve the cookery (clay component) would at least reduce the need for the clay drudger part of cooking.
    [David_energy] You'll like this.
    [Klaus] Reskinning & tiering cows - like T2 Angus, T3 Longhorn, T5 Kobe?
    [Rawdge] Regarding the marinades, one of the things we were discussing internally is being able to apply techniques to certain kinds of food, post-creation (like the armor and weapon dye kits) so that different foods can be seasoned differently.
    [Drevar] Thats why i would like to see the clay stuff returned on consumption, same with vials for potions. The xp is negligable. Its just busy work.
    [Rawdge] Obviously, these differently seasoned foods will have different effects depending on the "tech" (or in this case, the seasonings) that are applied.
    [Lillyjo] clay gives you more exp then making foods
    [Ani] interesting idea with the seasonings
    [Klaus] Racial seasonings?
    [David_energy] This would fit nicely withthe marinade suggestion made earlier
    [Jayne] Like Jamba juice, they have these boost for different things
    [Contessa] Yes, if we are to have social foods, should perhaps make some kind of seasoning that is racial specific
    [Katscratch] then you could also do seasoned meals
    [David_energy] OK, let's look specifically at Amrbrosia now
    [Manga_twilight] Please no other suggestions at this time other than Ambrosia
    [Aamer] yes please do David :)
    [David_energy] We would like to phase it out entirely.
    [Vandellia] yes
    [Akuluxtraxas] agreed
    [Valkire] why?
    [Uzziel] Ambrosia should be dragon creatable too...
    [Klaus] First question I have on that is, 'how is passive DP reduction goginto be impacted?'
    [Manga_twilight] I would like to see it only as monster drops and very rare at that
    [Contessa] Someone mentioned earlier about changing the recycle timer for Ambrosia to 8 hours. Perhaps a hour recycle timer?
    [David_energy] With the improvements in food, especially meals, it becomes unnecessary.
    [David_energy] It might be a useful, extremely rare, special.
    [Klaus] Huzzah
    [Uzziel] mobs dropping ambrosia would be a decent idea...
    [Foxfire] What about dp removal over time. Should it be removed?
    [Akuluxtraxas] if foods and adjustments are improved as discussed removing it entirely is imo the only way to make food a market
    [Valkire] ahhh ineed..what about the death PENALTY?..have you addressed that?
    [Foxfire] I'd rather have that, than ambrosia romval
    [Akuluxtraxas] DP removal over time imo shouldnt go
    [ViceroyX] Please carefully consider a change for 12 crafters that negatively effects the whole adventurer player base. Why does food need to be so valuable, when amby alrady is?
    [Vandellia] having the penality stay unles s you eat wouldnt be a horrible idea
    [David_energy] Death point removal over time is not up for discussion.
    [Contessa] If made rare are you speaking as only lootable from higher level mobs or any level mobs?
    [Manga_twilight] vice - where do you get amby from ?
    [ViceroyX] ghostitm, previously ani and lasombra
    [Katscratch] Confectioners
    [Manga_twilight] vice - why not get food that is = or >> to ambrosia and let confectioners make food that do the same thing so that they can actually do their chosen craft profession
    [Ranqthas] rather than remove amb, why not make it more inconvenient to use?
    [Akuluxtraxas] Ambrosia is too powerful imo
    [Ani] if food worked better and had less bulk, would that be viable to you instead of ambrosia Vice?
    [David_energy] Ambrosia is currently useful to adventurers because food is a royal pain in the ****** to use. We messed up. We are fixing it.
    [Merriweather] Hear hear Manga!
    [ViceroyX] yeah, but it was very expensive, compared to amby. so even if it's utility is improved im still concerned about gouging.
    [Seranthor] yea, Manga.
    [Manga_twilight] "Food of the Gifted" instead of "Food of the Gods"
    [Contessa] Yes, don't think ambrosia should be totally removed... but perhaps a bad effect to get people to not use it as much?
    [Aboroth] i think ambrosia is a gift from the gods, and should eb kept, but if foods are out there, then one would choos,e ambrosia, or foods, depends on the needs and power
    [Aamer] that will level itself out Viceroy
    [Indygo] But technically if conf is fixed up nicely, more people would train it up and prices would (technically) lower
    [Akuluxtraxas] theres no forcing to buy food
    [Jayne] Yes confectioners need that
    [ViceroyX] Amby keeps players playing.. Hunters hunting is a good thing. People play to have the fun they want to have
    [Aamer] I dont use amb at all Vice
    [Aboroth] as of now one thinks confectioner, one thinks ambrosia, thats there top of the line trade
    [Indygo] I don't use amb either
    [Foxfire] *stuck for suggestions that don't involve modifying dp decay*
    [David_energy] The creation of Ambrosia will continue for the moment, we will phase it out except as a special over time, and not until the corrections to the other food is done.
    [Contessa] Increase recycle timer.. and perhaps a negative effect upon usage.
    [Merriweather] I really like the idea of Ambrosia becoming one of the rare drops. It adds to the lore of "food of the gods" because it can be said that finding an ambrosia on a dead oponent is a gift of the gods for a job well done fighting the WA
    [Lillyjo] what about the ambrosia dealser do they go too
    [Drevar] What lore is going to cover the loss of crafted ambrosia?
    [CeLana] I have a question: Will Essense of Blight continue to be useful in some other foods other than ambrosia?
    [Ranqthas] consider, that as a food consumer, you're given the option of eating food or eating ambrosia. in one case you get some small buff and a moderate dp reduction, in the other, you get instant dp removal and some inconvenience (say an increased penalty)
    [Aboroth] i think ambrosia should be kept until the demand of food is greatly improved, as of now i think to keep the peace as players, leave it be as is until then
    [David_energy] Lillyjo: yes
    [Manga_twilight] Aboroth: that will be how it is done
    [Drevar] Make your ambrosia now and hoard it! heh
    [Ranqthas] death nerf lasts 3x as long if you use amb
    [Manga_twilight] until a sandwich = or > ambrosia
    [Akuluxtraxas] :)
    [Aboroth] ok, sorry, read david wrong :)
    [Contessa] I like the idea someone just said about making it a reward (rare drop) as a reward from the gods as a job well done for fighting the WA
    [Moirainia] interesting idea Ranq
    [Klaus] THat's a point - what about making ambrosia now & hoarding it? Will the dropped ambrosia be a different items & stockpiled be ineffective?
    [Valkire] ok that's all fine and dandy but what about this death penalty goin away from a food too?...cause i've gotten multiple Dps from your BIG attacks before
    [Vandellia] in the mean time increase the recycle time on ambrosia to better then 1 hour between uses
    [David_energy] Thank you all for your many suggestions. Continue this in the suggestion forum... We need to go back to work on fixing stuff thanks :-)
    [Moirainia] thanks for coming in an talking
    [Uzziel] Thnx for coming to chat with us about it!!!
    [Merriweather] Thanks for coming guys. I appreciate your time
    [Foxfire] Thanks guys
    [Ani] ty
    [Kix] ty guys
    [Krystine] thank you for your time
    [Ranqthas] thanks for coming in
    [Moirainia] don't forget the greenhouse plz
    [Contessa] Thanks for coming!
    [Manga_twilight] I will be compiling this list and putting our plan for confectioners up on the community site soon
    [Lillyjo] thank you for coming to visit us
    [Merriweather] And your patience. : )
    [ViceroyX] ty that was invaluable
    [Vandellia] Again thank you all for your time we appreciate it
    [Klaus] Thanks for the time :-)
    [Katscratch] how about fises to player built machines to give bonuses to schools that can use them
    [Katscratch] fixes
    [Lasombra] Thanks
    [Uzziel] hehehe *piece out!*
    [Camalena] nite guys
    [Vandellia] well at least we have some idea know of posisible plans for confectioner thanky all of the tulga people for showing up tonight
    [Vandellia] thanks rawdge and manga and david annd smeglor a lot :)
    [Manga_twilight] You are most welcome
    [Rawdge] Not a problem Vandellia. We're looking forward to finally getting Confectioners taken care of. =)
    [Lillyjo] goodnight all
    [Manga_twilight] Take care all
    [Klaus] Night
    [Merriweather] Ciao Manga!
    [Uzziel] i'm looking forward to eating! :P
    [Rawdge] Take care everyone, and have a good weekend!
    [Merriweather] Ciao Rawdge. You guys do the same
    [Vandellia] thanks to everyone that attended as well glad to see you show up :)

    As a new dawn rises over Istaria, may we all band together to meet the challenges!

    Continuing Development of Horizons... SWEET!

  2. #2

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    Thank you for putting the notes up Aamer. It was a good meeting. (even if SoG crashed the party at the end [6] ) [:)]

  3. #3

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    [David_energy] Ambrosia is currently useful to adventurers because food is a royal pain in the ****** to use. We messed up. We are fixing it.
    Best sentence out of the whole meeting. Yay David, way to say it straight!
    kitty: 48 Mage 22 Healer + others
    80 MIN 65 GTH 69 TNK 70 MSN 55 SPL
    41 BLK 41 SCH 47 CRP 38 JWL + others
    dragon: 91 adv, 100 craft, 22 lair
    elf: 49 ELAR, 31 Healer, 51 Fitter + others

  4. #4

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    WOW... very nice! :D

    :: looks forward to playing gatherer to some confectioners again! ::


    HratLi SnowPelt : From Bounty to Chaos : Eyes of Istaria
    MultiCrafter, Spirit Disciple, Walking Bleed Attack.
    HratLi's Bucket of Fury : A Saris in cargo gear appears and beats on your foe.
    Damage :
    50-150 Attack Type: Bucket Duration: Until Dispelled Frequency: 0:02

  5. #5

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    "[Manga_twilight] until a sandwich = or > ambrosia"

    Nothing beats a nice MLT with the Mutton sliced real thin.

    It makes a nice sandwich, a nice sandwich.




    Snibor (Adult Dragon) (42)Adv/(100)Craft/(100)Lair

  6. #6

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    Thanks Aamer for posting it! Sorry if I was a noodge. :P

    I was pleasantly happy with the meeting myself. It was definately nice to have verification from theeir own "mouths" that we've been heard and our requests and suggestions are being seriously concidered and implimented.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    Interesting... I give that a [Y]

    It is very interesting how things are carefully being planned out. I see evidence of coaching - and it is good coaching.

    Perhaps there is a hint of Chris T in the background? Dunno, but kudos to all involved (devs & players).
    Lone Lizard of the Apocalypse

    Champions of Honor

  8. #8

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    Really love the idea of specialty foods that make you recall to various racial cities, that is a really excellent new idea!

  9. #9
    Member Seranthor's Avatar
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    Chaos Ranger, 2100 crafting levels

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    Sajid, from what I've come to understand Chris T is no longer involved, he's divested himself of his personal financial interest in TG. That said I dont have all the information and I may not be completely correct in the information that I do have.
    25 months waiting for expert CNF forms. Tired of the intentional deceptions and being kicked in the junk.

    ADV: Centenarian Nature Walker; Rating: 162
    Craft: 1900 levels; Craft Rating: 234
    DRGN: Lunus, Adult, 100 DRAG, 100 DCRA, 100 DLSH, Expert Lairshaper (Chaos-04)

    No, try not! Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda

    If the enemy presents an opportunity, take advantage of it - Sun Tzu

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  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    Just curious, will there be a dev chat for the Confectioners on Order? or elsewhere?

    How about the consideration of a response to all the great idea threads that have been posted in the forums here over the past year?

    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

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  11. #11
    Member Helcat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    there's a Confectioner on Order? When did this happen?
    Got Cowbell?

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    There's LOTS of Confectioners on Order.

    Blondie, Lynara, Tsilaros, Wind, ...

    Erus Ex Universitas -- Erus Ex Istaria Guild Home

    1. Fix what is broken. -- 2. Finish what is not complete. -- 3. Start something new.

  13. #13
    Member Helcat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    I guess they cook only for themselves or
    something, as I never see anything for sale.

    Actually, I probably saw some items Blondie
    made about four months or so ago, but he
    hasn't really played since then.

    Got Cowbell?

  14. #14

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    Nobody buys it, no point in selling it.

    There is a tavern in Selen always full of food if you are looking....

  15. #15

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    I'vestarted on Confectioner again and can make the T4 stuff now. Will be announcing the grand opening of "The Shops at Sem" as we have a T6 PB and a Tavern, plus all of the confectioner machines. It's all close to a port in and a port out and there is a vault of course. It won't be long before confectioners are selling out of the Tavern. This weekend I'll try to at least stock 4 to 8 varieties of food. Look forward to seeing you there.

    PS Of course I like to make a profit but that's not the only reason I'm getting into this so any (reasonable) thoughts about pricing for foods would be welcome. Oh, another reason why I'd love to see some lower level confectioners selling T1, 2 and 3 foods is that Ihate to charge the same for all three tiers as many cannot afford them but it takes about as much effort for me to make the T4 as it does to make the T1 and it's not worth my trouble if the price is too low.

  16. #16
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    Sergon on Order is also a level 100 confectioner.
    ____Kulamata Quality Armor___
    None Genuine without this Pawprint `',''

    Achiever 86%, Explorer 60%, Socializer 46%, Killer 6%.

  17. #17

    Default Re: Chat log from the Confectioners Meeting Last Friday

    I consigned my last ever batch of Ambrosia VII in the early hours of Friday morning ! After the dev chat I figured there's good times ahead and I'm gonna stick to food only until they arrive so that people get used to the idea [:P]

  18. #18

    Default Did I miss something here? Tier 6 please

    I think I only read about expert confectioner forms coming out soon. Does this mean that when T6 forms are introduced, confectioners most difficult forms will once again be one tier below everyone elses? Maybe that just wasn't up for discussion but I think it's important that we know.

  19. #19

    Default Re: Did I miss something here? Tier 6 please

    The reason why expert confectioner forms didn't come out before was because they were essentially broken, TG didn't want to continue to fill out a broken line of forms (otherwise they just would have continued it quick enough).
    If they properly tier the foods, then we should see master out at the same time.

  20. #20
    Member Seranthor's Avatar
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    Chaos Ranger, 2100 crafting levels

    Default Re: Did I miss something here? Tier 6 please

    You'd think that AA0, but since that failed to occur 469 days ago with the expert forms and still hasn't yet one has to wonder.
    25 months waiting for expert CNF forms. Tired of the intentional deceptions and being kicked in the junk.

    ADV: Centenarian Nature Walker; Rating: 162
    Craft: 1900 levels; Craft Rating: 234
    DRGN: Lunus, Adult, 100 DRAG, 100 DCRA, 100 DLSH, Expert Lairshaper (Chaos-04)

    No, try not! Do or do not, there is no try. - Yoda

    If the enemy presents an opportunity, take advantage of it - Sun Tzu

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