Quote Originally Posted by Dragoniade
[img]/Web/Themes/Generic/images/icon-quote.gif[/img]Kyran Foxfire wrote:
Sprite: *Solitare* A question. Will there be a reevaluation of the hoard costs associated with the new abilities? Especially Primal Rez. A lot of players are expressing a signifigant amount of anger at the hoard cost of an ability that returns nothing to them.
Manga-4tw: *Solitare* The Hoard cost for those abilities is as stands, but keep in mind that these are abilities available to all Ancient Dragons for completing the ARoP and that these are the first levels of each ability. Further Ancient dragon advancement and specialization will have an impact on the additional tiers of those abilities. As far as nothing returning to the player that casts Primal Rebirth on a fallen comrade, I think the caste
Manga-4tw: I think the caster did earn the gratitude of the risen friend.
Manga-4tw: ><

What a load of BS.... Gratitude ISN'T worth 50 silvers. No way. You know what, they should have at least offered a Tier 1 equivalent to that Rez spell, rather than go all the way to an unusable ability.

I'm looking at all those answer, and I don't really have any answer. Mostly evaded and vague answer. "It is planned" "We hope to"... Look like we got to be a politician to be hired by TG.
If you think the cost is too high then don't do it.

Bipeds or people with twinked dragons don't understand, but the hoard cost is high enough to hurt. Probably as it was meant to.

I'll probably only use it in the Rift on for rezzing the only rezzer in the group. Or MAYBE in an important fight if an important member (read only decent fighter) goes down since it's very effective in combat. If anyone else wants such a rez they can give me a shiny.