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Thread: Lore from hoard items

  1. #1

    Default Lore from hoard items

    After recently aquiring the below piece of hoardable stuff, I noticed that it had a rather interesting piece of lore attached to it, ie the name of the dyrad's racial town/city.

    I know a lot of the items only have descriptions of the item on them, but does any other items have lore related info on them?
    Also certain rare drop items such as the regal wpns also had lore info on them.
    Kaze Ancient Lunus Dragon 100/100 ~7 million hoard (Lv75)

  2. #2

    Default Re: Lore from hoard items

    a lot of it does i have a sheild that is orginaly from dwarves........ anda few swords,daggers,bells,rings,orbs and such
    100/96/21 32.2 mill hoard Killer 87% socializer 47% explorer 40% achiever 40%

  3. #3

    Default Re: Lore from hoard items

    Most of the hoardables just have a description of the item, but here's a few I've found with tidbits of lore:

    Ornamental Spear
    The Elves have always been partial to spears, and this one looks to be in keeping with what was documented of Feladan before its destruction. This spear could well have been held by a guard in the High Court -- more decoration than proper function.

    Antiquated Spear
    A long spear, adorned with silver-inlaid inscriptions along the shaft, and topped by a foot-long blade. This spear appears to have once been used by humans long ago during their wars against the Dragons. Portions of the shaft are scorched as if the one who wielded the spear were burned while holding it.

    Antiquated Shield
    Relief on the surface of this shield exclaims the victory of King Dralnok during the Siege of Aughundell. A mithril inscription reads "Without honor, there is no justice; without justice, there is no future."

    Ornamental Sword
    The sweeping designs of the etchings in this blade place its creation sometime during the Age of the Sorcerer, probably by a bladesmith of the eastern plains.

    Brass Bell
    A shiny bell made of brass. Its sides are covered with elegant etchings of a lost dragon city.
    (Draak perhaps?)

    Platinum Coffer
    A small box of platinum, lined with ironsilk, and covered with bas relief depicting the arrival of dragons at the Battle of Tazoon.

    Ornamental Helm
    Worn by the half-giants of old as they raided coastal villages, this cobalt helm is inlaid with mithril inscriptions of power and glory.

    Royal Bell
    A small bell, made of pure mithril, etched with the image of Dragon's Perch.
    (What is this place?)

    Ancient Barasavian Breastplate
    An ancient breastplate, worn by the ancient human Warrior-Kings who fought against the rule of the Dragons. Its surface is inlaid with a mithril crest of a forgotten king and studded with emeralds and rubies. A deep scar penetrates one side of the breastplate, likely left there by the claw of an ancient dragon as it defeated the wearer of this armor.

    Ancient Sword of Vandus
    An ancient broadsword, forged of adamantium during the Age of the Warrior-King long ago by Ashlander Vandus himself. Thought lost for centuries, the sword and others like it are symbols to the humans of their independence and an heirloom of the Vandus family. Its blade is inlaid with mithril runes of power, its hilt wrapped in leather made of hearth fungus, and its pommel topped with a brilliant travertine stone.

    Ancient Staff of the Sorcerer
    A tall staff, made of thornwood that is now dark with age, topped a strangely luminescent orb. Wielded by a powerful sorcerer during an age long ago, this staff may hold the key to magical powers beyond the comprehension of The Gifted today.

    Ancient Barasavian Crown
    This crown, under the tarnish, looks as if it could have once belonged to the famed warrior-kings of ages past that roamed the Barasavus Desert. Studded with gems and made of the purest gold, the crown was surely the most treasured of artifacts of the ancient kings.

    Edit: added a couple more things. :)
    Tympest Stormchaser
    100/100 Ancient Lunus Dragon - Retired
    Erus Ex Istaria - Order

  4. #4

    Default Re: Lore from hoard items

    Quote Originally Posted by Tympest
    Royal Bell
    A small bell, made of pure mithril, etched with the image of Dragon's Perch.
    (What is this place?)
    maybe the long gone sleeper...

    »• Adventurer 100 | Crafter 100 | Lairshaper 100 | 100 Million Hoard | Expert Dragoncrafter | Expert Lairshaper •«

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Search for hoard, must find hoard!

    Default Re: Lore from hoard items

    might also be the statues out at the bitter pickle
    Gliding Frost
    Dark Defenders
    Adult May 16, 2004
    Ancient October 2005

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