Conversation Between AmonGwareth and MarshDog

3 Visitor Messages

  1. if you get a chance please i deleted my master spool formula like a dumbass and i dont think the npc will give it back to me if oyu could help out on that , i hope you have a good weekend and let your mind rest , take car ewand relax , thanks for all your help
  2. is there anychance we can get necro fly population on blight kicked up about 400% on their spawn rate please , im having to feel alot of new people hoard and is taking alot of time gathering it for them, we are gettinga mad influx again of peopel from live over.
    Thanks Andy.
  3. has flame decipal changed on the PPL for flame thought it was 10 points per lvl , argos is a 98 flamer and he only has 710 base flame 7.8021978021978021978021978021978 points per lvl
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 3 of 3