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Thread: Metaniono: The Dawning

  1. #1

    Default Metaniono: The Dawning

    Draxxis perched on a tall rock overlooking the path to the Peak of Storms. He would come here frequently. On each full moon to be precise. Though the moon from the light was all but swallowed by the thick rolling clouds above, there was always enough to light the way. It was on these nights that Metaniono would awake from his cursed fate.

    Draxxis watched with a patient gaze as the deep blue hatchling came into view far down the path. The ghosts there swarmed to meet him, and as always, they fell to his claws and primal spells. Movement from the corner of Draxx's eye drew his attention away for a moment. It was Elial the Hunger, come to do what he does every full moon.

    Draxxis desperately wanted to free Metaniono from this curse. He had, many times, come to clear a path for the brave hatchling. Draxxis would cut down many ghosts, and then release his Lunus rage on the Hunter as soon as he showed himself. However, fate was a powerful thing, and each time Metaniono made it past his foes and neared the Peak, Elial would rise and shout something to the hatchling. Draxxis could never understand what was said. It was then, that Metaniono would stop, and turn to face the hunter. Determined to conquer the Peak, and all it's challenges, Metaniono would meet Elial in battle. The result was always the same. Metaniono was doomed to die, again and again, for all time.

    Draxxis watched now, as Elial charged the hatchling with sword rasied. Metaniono waited patiently,tense and ready to pounce.Once close enough, Elial would swing downwards, and Metaniono would spring on him at the same moment. Once again, Metaniono died.

    With his jaw clentched in determination, Draxxis thought to himself, "Soon Metaniono, you will be free. I swear it."

  2. #2

    Default Re: Metaniono: The Dawning

    Draxxis says, ' Dorrin, please fly with me to the Pool of Teeth. I must ask you something.'

    Dorrin and Draxxis fly across the island, both spiralling down towards the Pool of Teeth.

    Draxxis settles by the pool, staring into it for a moment at himself.

    Draxxis says, ' Thank you for coming.'

    Dorrin says, ' I still says this is the bluest water I've ever seen..'

    Dorrin says, ' seemingly quite pure'

    Draxxis grins slightly

    Draxxis says, ' Yes, perhaps it is.'

    Draxxis clears his throat after a moment of silence, turning to Dorrin with a calm and serious look

    Draxxis says, ' You helped me before, to complete my Rite of Passage. Do you remember?'

    Dorrinhangs his head shamefully

    Dorrin says, ' ... honestly... no, I .. I don't remember that well. All I can says in my defense is that I didn't know you as well then.. So perhaps you hadn't become familiar enough to me at that point to remember fully'

    Draxxis raises an eyeridge, judging Dorrin's words and expression carefully

    Dorrin says, ' I'm sorry.. I mean no offense. Now that I know you better, I could never forget things that we experience together.. your bonding ceremony, of course.You have to forgive my poor memory.. and the fact that I have helped many hatchlings along their rites'

    Draxxis nods slowly, understanding and moving on.

    Draxxis says, ' Regardless, it matters not if you remember at this point. What does matter, is that you did help. It is that help again that I seek.'

    Dorrin says, ' what do you need?'

    Draxxis says, ' Your knowledge, and skill of crafting.'

    Draxxis takes a deep breath, preparing for a long explianation

    Dorrin looks at Draxxis curiously.

    Draxxis says, ' I have watched many of the Helian, and studied their souls. You Dorrin, were without a doubt one to stand out among the rest. Only you can help me in this. Though the knowledge of creating a Phylactery may be forgotten to you, I am confident the principle of such an item is within your understanding. What I need Dorrin, is a phylactery. One unlike unlike either the Lunus' or the Helian's'.'

    Dorrin blinks, taking in the unusual nature of the request, andlooks down for a moment, considering how it might be done.

    Draxxis says, ' This phylactery, will be unique. It's purpose will not be to rob another of it's energy, but instead, to cradle it and hold it. Wholely, and completely. It most not miss even the slightest essence of the target soul.'

    Dorrin looks up at Draxxis, his interest fully focused.

    Dorrin says, ' .. I'm not quite sure I fully understand'

    Draxxis realizes he should explain more, but is slightly hesitant. After a moment of thinking, he nods with determination.

    Draxxis says, ' There is a hatchling here, on this island. He has been cursed, and forced to endure countless deaths. He will remain this way for all time. It is my desire to free him of this. He has... helped me. Now I in turn, seek to help him.'

    Dorrin stands up and looks around.

    Dorrin says, ' .. I don't recall seeing one here.. Hmm'

    Draxxis says, ' You will not see him tonight. He only comes when the moon is full.'

    Dorrin says, ' Well, I admit I don't spend a great deal of time here.. I guess I haven't been here at the appropriate time'

    Draxxis says, ' They says he is a legend. A myth. A ghost. But I have seen him. Fought with him. Died with him.I know of a naka-duskael who, dabbles, in the powers of Spirit. I will speak with her, and have her tell me what I must know. I am sure that her skill with such powers would be of help.'

    Dorrin says, ' Hmm. A fiend?'

    Draxxis snorts lightly

    Draxxis says, ' No, my mate's pet. Starlight.'

    Dorrin says, ' Ah..'

    Draxxis says, ' You understand such things better than I. Surely there is a way to do this. What must I gather?'

    Draxxis looks at Dorrin, almost desperately.

    Dorrin says, ' Hm'

    Draxxis waits patiently and eagerly for Dorrin's thoughts

    Dorrin says, ' Well..'

    Draxxis says, ' Yes..?'

    Dorrin says, ' Essence orbs would be an obvious start. Glowing would probably suffice'

    Draxxis looks away for a moment, as if thinking of something carefully

    Draxxis says, ' There is more, I should tell you... If I truly expect you to help, I must tell you all of it.'

    Dorrin says, ' Hm?'

    Dorrin looks at Draxxis curiously.

    Draxxis says, ' But you must swear to speak to none of this. Nor will you judge me, or doubt my alligence to the Gifted.'

    Draxxis narrows his eyeslits for emphasis

    Dorrin says, ' Well... I have to admit I was kindof wondering about the nature of this ghost.It's not .. undead, is it?'

    Draxxis eyes flare open suddenly, and he appears ready to burst into action... but he takes a deep breath and calms himself.

    Dorrin says, ' .. I'm sorry, I don't mean to offend.I simply don't know this.. ghost you speak of. It is a ghost, yes?'

    Draxxis says, ' He has been cursed with eternal death. His soul lives, in ways I see few Gifted capable of. However, he is trapped here... as a.. ghost. I learnt of his legend, and his curse. I will help him. I will free him from his doomed fate, and give him another chance at life.'

    Dorrin says, ' Hm.. Well, yes, that's a bit different. Most Aegis seem soulless.Could you tell me more about this legend?'

    Draxxis nods slowly for a moment, looking upwards at the thick clouds overhead

    Draxxis says, ' It was many years ago, when the war with the Aegis first began......'

    Draxxis reiterates the Legend of Metaniono

    Dorrin says, ' Hm... interesting.'

    Draxxis nods slowly, taking a deep breath to retain his composure

    Draxxis says, ' Now, like I was saying, I plan to free him from that fate. With the phylactery we create, I will take his soul away from this place. Once it is safe, I shall use the phylactery and...'

    Draxxis looks at Dorrin intently, speaking with utter confidence

    ' ...I will take his soul and imbue the egg that Anasfalis lays for me. He will be reborn, as my son, and he will once again have a chance at life. This time as a Gifted, and this time able to complete his Rite, so that his soul may one day rest in peace.'

    Dorrin says, ' Hm.. presuming something like that can be done..'

    Draxxis narrows his gaze.

    Dorrin says, ' It would seem a difficult task at best'

    Draxxis says, ' It can, and it will be done. The only thing I am not sure of, is if you will help me.'

    Dorrin says, ' I can only offer to do my best...'

    Draxxis nods quickly with a toothy grin

    Draxxis says, ' That is all I ask.'

    Draxxis says, ' I understand if you must research or study or whatever it is that makes Draxxis Helian so knowledgable about such things.'

    Dorrin looks up from deep thought.

    Dorrin says, ' hm?Oh.. yes.Yes, I will have to think on this one for a bit'

    Draxxis says, ' If we need the power of Life, Nature, Spirit, or even... Blight... I do not care. I will get whatever is required.'

    Dorrin stiffles a growl at the mention of blight magic.

    Draxxis stares back, confident.

    Draxxis says, ' Well, I will command the naka-duskael who wield powers we do not use to help, if it is nessecary.'

    Dorrin says, ' I will have to try to recall my own Rite... to remember what steps went in to making the usual sort of phylactery.Honestly, I'm not sure it will need to be that different..'

    Dorrin chuckles and says, ' Coersion won't be necessary'

    Draxxis says, ' I do not wish to harm his soul. Nor do I wish to consume it's energy for myself. It must be transfered, gently, into my unborn hatchling.'

    Dorrin says, ' Though you may be relieved to hear that.. I don't think we'll need help from other forms of magic'

    Draxxis says, ' You think it could be done with only Primal energy? I am glad to hear this.'

    Dorrin says, ' Well... consider our own phylacteries'

    Draxxis raises an eyeridge, considering

    Dorrin says, ' Though we used one kind to steal the energy from Kaa, Lem and either the Shadow Dragon or Seliena.. once we had our Helian and Lunus phylacteries made, they stored, safefly I might add, our own souls.'

    Draxxis nods, agreeing with Dorrin

    Dorrin says, ' I just have to try to figure out what .. if any.. changes need to be made to the formula. Then figure out how to craft it...'

    Dorrin nods, slightly distracted by his thoughts.

    Draxxis nods in understanding

    Draxxis says, ' I will leave you to ponder such things, and speak with you further about it in a few nights.'

    Dorrin says, ' Yes.. that should be fine..'

    Draxxis says, ' Thank you Dorrin, I will owe you a great debt for this.'

    Draxxis crack his huge neck.

    Dorrin says, ' I hope I can do what is needed'

    Draxxis nods deeply to Dorrin

    Dorrin says, ' .. but I believe it will be possible'

    Draxxis says, ' I have every confidence in your ability. If any can do it, it would be you..'

    Dorrin says, ' .. Thank you for that confidence'

    Draxxis says, ' It is well earned, no thanks is needed. Fly well Dorrin!'

    Dorrin says, ' Thank you'

    Draxxis leaps into the air and takes flight

  3. #3

    Default Re: Metaniono: The Dawning

    Anasfalis eyes the mist distrustfully wending her way down from the great stone, nodding respectfully to Heph as she passes. She begins pondering death, wondering at its mystery. Though she strains, it is scarce recall of the time before the rise of the gifted she is met with. Pausing on the path, her unease increases. Looking back to a much nearer time she glances back to the clearing where just a short time ago her lover had departed her side. So many friends had come to see them and celebrate with Draxxis and her. A great shiver escaped her; a spreading warmth from places undisclosed at the thought of him. Already was she quickened; Anasfalis, laughing out loud like a great buffoon suddenly; So many times had it been suggested she mate, bear young and carry along the name of her Father, adding to the lines of those before her. Never had that seemed possible, she was satisfied with what was; her solitude and the pursuit of what curiosity struck her...but that was changed. Changed by the exact thing itself; for what had she pursued? Smitten so completely.... Startled from her reverie What was that from the corner of her perception, a wee hatchling in the mist? Torn from her confusion and cursing herself for being so unaware the archers now seen clearly, The Hatchling ahead on the road besieged by the ghosts that were want to patrol the way here. A thunderous roar of rage escaped her as she charged down the slope rending the foul creatures that presented themselves. The tiny Dragon faltered, staggering closer and yet still struggling to fight off the wraiths. Anasfalis sought deep into the primal magic that was her center and brought forth a great refreshing breeze about the youth. Seeing it did little to mend the wounds inflicted she reached desperately for true healing. Her strength now sapped as well she cast about cursing, " Where is that Saris?" Not knowing what else to do, she steeled herself to fight to horrors to the death by the child's side. Calling, as she drew upon her rage, the true name of Starlight Dragoon to come with her healing magic. It was a shock to her ears when the small voice spoke to her ...where they not in the midst of battle? The voice seemed to be soft and steady as though directly to her ear. "I can get there myself." The wraiths fell in great piles around them but seemed to be replaced by their number again and again. Never had Anasfalis seen so many here. Why were the minions of the blight so eager on this night? In spite of the Hatchlings claim to wish fighting alone, Anasfalis began herding him up the hill with great swipes of her snout. Soon there was but 2 archers. "Leave me alone!" cried the diminutive babe, "I can get there myself!" The archers fell and there was great stillness. It lasted but a moment ...more creatures massed ahead and behind. Taking the ill bought moment to look closely at the small hatchling, "Where is it that you are getting to?" It was then she truly saw him, the tortured eyes, and the filminess to his edges. Anasfalis suddenly knew that he could indeed get there himself, for he was consigned to hell a remnant, a wraith, like all the others. Caught between here and there and then and now. The great new hoard fell upon them and she heard his answer, "Home. I am going home." She stayed and fought for what seemed like hours, watching the hatchling rip and tear with mighty ferocity. Taking flight only as he fell and as she suspected he might, dissolve into the mist. A splendid burst of light erupted on the ground toppling the wraiths like dominos. The sky opened as Anasfalis touched back down, a massive dark cloud descending tearing the materia of the beasts to shreds and carrying them away. Anasfalis approached as the mist cleared to reveal Starlight on the path. "Mew, you are hurt?" Without pause the Saris began drawing up the soothing life magic. In moments all was just as it had been; no sign or ache remained to prove what had occurred in the short hour gone. Reaching down her snout, Anasfalis nuzzled Starlight a bit roughly, "I am not hurt now Kitty. Come; let us get to the lair. I have much I want to speak of before we seek our rest." Starlight tilted her head, a look of deep concern on her face. "One thing please, Anasfalis?" The Dragoness could see the slight flick of the tail and tic of ears that proved Starlight's discountenance. "At the bonding, when Draxxis gave you his lasting embers?" Besieged by the warmth again bordering on a sense of shame, Anasfalis touched her breastplate newly donned where the crystal now lay over her heart. "You said you could not take it, that you could not give your most prized possession?", worry hung about the Saris like a shroud. Anasfalis leapt forward fiercely pouncing Starlight to the ground. Catching her up in a foreleg lock, giving her a dragon noogy and emitting a deep resonant laugh in her joy. "You, my Pet, it is you! Draxxis is now correct that I truly am the Dragoness with everything; everything my heart can want for even greater than..." Her voice trailed off seeing a shadow move unnaturally a few meters away. "The dead stir once more Starlight. Let us leave this place." Keeping the Saris clutched under foreleg, Anasfalis spread her great wings and pushed off from the ground. Climbing high above the mists Anasfalis banked round and headed off toward Chiconis. Contemplating the things that had come to pass her heart was stirred to recall the Tiny Hatchling and the nature of the Peak itself, the love of her mate, The Mighty Draxxis and what she would and would not give for it; she spoke her heart aloud in short pentameter, In that second circle of sad Hell Betwixt the whirlwind, and the flaw. Pale; pale the eyes I saw; And fair the form. I floated with o?er that melancholy storm.

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