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Thread: Menkure's Guide to the History of Istaria

  1. #1

    Post Menkure's Guide to the History of Istaria

    Disclaimer: The lore presented in this document is as true to the world of Horizons as the author can make it. However, despite my best efforts, mistakes surely have been made, and any and all comments, corrections, constructive feedback, and criticism are more than welcome! Please feel free to email me, or PM me with corrections, and I will update the guide as soon as I can.

    Further note: With the introduction of Peter S. Beagle to the staff at Tulga, it is unknown at this time if there will be any major changes to the core lore within the game. While hopefully the lore of Istaria won't go through a huge rewrite, in which all that we know and have learned is not thrown out the window, I should make note that until we have some idea what to expect in regards to the new material, this guide in its present form is not CANON.

    And just as with the issue of being canon, this guide is not official, either. I am neither employed by Tulga, nor acting in any way in an official manner. As such, the following Guide is the work of a fan, and a player. It was entirely done for entertainment purporses only.

    Now, with the disclaimer out of the way, below is the guide!

    Menkure's Guide to the History of Istaria

    Origional by Belisarius (11/02/2003)
    Updated by Menkure Salitis (09/04/2005 - 03/25/2006)


    Age of the Gods
    ....Founding of Jarl
    ....Fall of Jarl
    ....Brobbet creates the Dwarves
    Age of the Dragon
    ....Beginning of the Great Schism
    ....Founding of Mahagra
    Age of the Warrior-Kings - 600 years ago
    ....Founding of Sslanis
    Age of the Sorcerer - 300 years ago
    ....The Fiends, and the establishment of Kirasanct
    ....The introduction of Torrin Macalir
    Age of Lamentations
    ....Fall of the travel gates
    ....Fall of Rachival, 32 years ago
    ....Fall of Feladan, 27 years ago
    ....The Ritual performed, 22 years ago
    ....Battle of Tazoon, 12 years ago
    ....The Liberation of Feladan, 2 years ago
    ....The Satyrs Freed, 2 years ago
    ....The Dryads Called back to the Prime, 2 years ago
    Age of Reclamation
    ....The Veilo, and tails of the Prime Shattered
    ....The Construction of the Novo Machine
    ....The Merging of the Sharded Sealms

    General History

    The history of the world of Istaria can be a confusing one. A great deal of information about many of the races that populate the world or that -populated- the world has been lost under the oppressive weight of the Withered Aegis. The general feel throughout the world about history is summed up in the phrase "why study the past when there may not be a tomorrow?" While this may be the feeling of a great percentage of Istarians , I believe it is still important for us to understand the world and the events that have shaped it. In the this and the following documents I will be helping you to understand the history of the living.

    To grasp the full history of Istaria you will need to understand that each race has its own unique history apart from one another. While each race has a different history there is one commonality. This is the Withered Aegis. The Withered Aegis united the living in a common goal, while racial disputes still exsist they pale in comparison to the struggle against the undead.

    To help you in your quest to understand Istria i've created a timeline of various events and Ages in Istarian History. I will follow this timeline as I describe the history of Istaria to you. You will notice that there is a good deal of information that is left out. I have chosen to exclude this information due to the fact that a concrete date cannot be set for the information in question. However, in future publications I will be describing other events to you.

    Age of the Gods

    We begin our look at Istarian history during the Age of the Gods. Much of the information we have attained about this age is through folklore, legend, and stories passed orally. That is why much of the information during this period should be taken with a grain of salt. What is known is that many of the living races were prosperous during this time period. With each race residing in their own corner of Aradoth they grew unaffected by the Withered Aegis. Researchers also agree that the deities played an important role during this time. While the war with the Withered Aegis was not raging as it is today, many smaller skirmishes existed with many of them being influenced directly or indirectly by the Istarian deities.

    During this time Humans were a nomadic race who followed wild game in search of food. However, they managed to found the city of Jarl while still remaining nomadic as a whole. This city was believed to have been founded for religious purposes and not due to advances in agriculture. A great deal of speculation still remains about this city, or ruins thereof, due to its location in the Barasavus Desert, which to this day remains deep within Withered Aegis territory. Information on the city is scarce due to the living races losing control of the area at such an early stage in their conflict with the Withered Aegis.

    In an age rich with legend one such legend stands out, and I feel the need to call it to your attention. I feel it helps to emphasize the effect that the deities had during this time. This is the legend of how the Dwarves were created. Legend says that Brobbet, the God of Honor, created the Dwarves during the Age of the Gods to serve as the enforcers of justice to the Prime. The effects of this legend are still very predominate in Dwarven culture today and can be seen in Brobbet's Divine Mandate: "Without honor, there is no justice; without justice, there is no future," to which the Dwarves strictly adhere.

    The Age of the Dragon

    It is unclear when the Age of the Dragon really began. However, in digging through various historical documents I have concluded that it was near the end of the Age of the Gods. This age is marked by the Humans being faithful servants of the Dragons, and Dragon society reaching its height. While the Humans that were subservient to them were unwavering in their loyalty, the Human society was divided on their views of Dragons as a whole. One can easily find historical records of Dragons being revered as deities, or on how to bring the beast down.

    Dragons however paid little attention to human affairs of the time as they felt it in no way affected the course of their lives. This however was flawed thinking on their part and was one of the underlying reasons for the Great Schism.

    The Great Schism is a pivotal time in Dragon society. For centuries Dragon culture has been divided into two camps, the Lunus and the Helian. The more territorial, warlike Lunus faction believes that the other races should either serve to edify Dragon civilization or move out of the way. This heavyhanded approch was theorized by the military leader of the Dragons Malganival Lunus. Typically members of the Lunus faction are Warriors in dragon socioty, and more terrtorial in nature. This can be seen in the fact that the home seat of the Lunus faction is actually the ancestral home of the Dragons, Dralk.

    In the second camp we have the Helian, named after their leader the Dragon scholar Helian. Their views on how to handle the rise of the other races of Istaria are quite different from the Lunus, but Dragon arrogance can still be seen in their view as well. Their ideals stem from the belief that if Dragons are the most enlightened and advanced race in Istria, they should seize the reigns of power and lead all others into the future. In doing so, they will return the reverence the other Living Races once had for them and do so in a civilized manner, through example.

    Although these two factions were never violent towards one another, the years of debate slowly took their toll. What was once a simple debate became a twisted power struggle in which greed and possessiveness were the only winners. A war was brewing in Dragon society, something had to be done, and it was the Helian who acted first. Their approach to the matter was a civil one however. They chose to relocate and form a new city, Chiconis, where they could pursue their agenda in peace. The Lunus felt as if their society was being torn apart, yet they did nothing to stop the move by the Helian. The Lunus essicatlly had enough foresight to know better than to stop the move, knowing it could throw Dragon society into a civil war.

    The Helian camp moved deep within the Black Mountains where they founded the city of Chiconis. The city is located between the Humans and the Dwarves with which the Helian faction share a common understand and peace. The close proximity to other living races does not mean that the Helian do not value their solitude however; in fact travel by foot to the city is a diffucult journey. Upon reaching Chicinos invited visitors of any race are still looked upon apprehensively by the Helian who wish to persue their agenda alone and in peace.

    While the height of the Great Schism is reached during this time period it is not the only event of presidence that should be noted. It is also widly known that the Half-Giant city of Mahagra was founded near the end of the Age of the Dragon. While legend tells us that during the Age of the Gods Humans who settled the mountainous regions of Northern Aradoth began to slowly develop into what we know as Half-Giants, we do not actaully see the creation of the City of Mahagra untill the end of the Age of the Dragon. This lapse of time could be accounted for in the fact that Half-Giants often attempt to trace their lineage to a legandary race of Giants, not to their Human brethren. While that is feasible it could also be noted that a solitary enviroment of the harsh mountian regions without a large settlement for an extended period of time could make a group of Humans more physically robust to adapt to the weather.
    Last edited by Menkure; March 25th, 2006 at 01:51 PM.

  2. #2


    Age of the Warrior-Kings

    With the end of the Age of the Dragons we are brought to a time In Istarian history known as the Age of the Warrior-Kings. This nomenclature is used to refer to a period in our history that dates back 600 years. This is the age in which the Humans are united under a single banner and their subservience to Dragons is outright ended. The man credited for this is Ashlander Vandus, also known as the forefather of modern Human civilization. He united the often warring factions of Humans together with the common goal of standing on their own to defeat the Dragons. Although no offical coronation took place, he did go on to rule the Humans as King after unification of the different tribes. Only after his death was the practice of coronation instituted for the "Kingdom of Vandus." Vandus was also very instrumental in the establishment of the city of Tazoon, or as he referred to it, "the capital of Istaria." During the time of Vandus's rule Tazoon was a place of immeasurable importance, not only due to its strategic position along the Barasavus Plain, but also due to its econimic power, which is greatly credited to the charismatic rule that Vandus had. Although Tazoon is no longer a part of the Vandus confederation, it is still a prospering city today.

    Vandus's rule showed little strife during his lifetime. He was an extremely charismatic man who could easily make opposite sides seek a middle ground. When dealing with other races, most notable the Dragons, he would use his knowledge of their customs to weaver things to his advantage. His understanding for Dragon culture was uncanny, so much so, that he was able to keep open conflict between the two cultures to a miniume. He brilliantly played both sides of Dragon faction against each other until the Humans were strong enough to stand by themselves and fend off any Dragon aggression. Many radical changes resulted from the conflict of Humans and Dragons. The most notable change of this time was Vandus' sparing use of war to reslove conflict.

    Although the use of war was scarce, it did exsist. There were a number of military engagements in Human society both internally and externally. On the whole, Humans ascension into one of Istaria's major races was largely peaceful. This was due to Vandus's stance on war and due to his desire for Human civilization to be based on self-determination but not at the expense of other races, and to be open to the presence and cooperation of those other races.

    The Age of the Warrior-Kings could not be defined by just one man though. Although Vandus is often referred to as "The Good King", kings that preceded him were also very strong and idealistic, one of whom was his son. His son though must also fall into his father's shadow and be judged against his father's persona of a paragon of virtue.

    Although the Humans had a moderately peaceful time during the Age of the Warrior-Kings, the life of a Sslik was a much harder one during this time. With their alien physiology in comparison with the other living races they were hunted down and murdered. Even to this day some consider them to be barbarians and savages. They fled their persecution and went deep into the jungle of Lesser Aradoth during this age. It was there, in this jungle, that they created their home seat of Sslanis. They created this city to be a fortress, a place to hold out against sieges by the other races. The city was an eminent fortress within the jungle, with high stone walls that emphasized the Sslik's preference for stone over other resources. Though the city was built to withstand emeance sieges, they never came. This was due in part to their idealistic Saris neighbors and the buffer the neutral humans created at the Aradoth entrace to the Sable Straits. Without war glooming overhead, Sslanis began to become a center of trade between the Saris, Humans and the Sslik.

    Age of the Sorcerer

    The Age of the Sorcerer is named after the dark sorcerer Torrin Macalir. Macalir, a patron of the dark arts was at one point the leader of the Human intelligentsia and the foremost magical practitioner in Istaria. Then through his experimentation with necromancy he became corrupted and twisted into the evil leader of the Withered Aegis. His ascension to power went greatly unnoticed for sometime due to the petty feuds between the living races of Istaria. During this time Istaria was a hotbed of tension.

    The Elves and Dryads sought total communion with nature, and were on the verge of waging war of cleansing against their life-long rivals, the Orcs and Goblins. The Dragons of both factions began to ally themselves with opposite sides of this conflict, hoping to use other races to settle centuries old disputes amongst themselves.The odd Welger sought to expand their influence against the control of Dwarven and Gnomish held lands. The Satyr found themselves in the unique position to broker both diplomacy and warfare material between the Welger, the Dwarves, and the Gnomes in exchange for more influence in all courts.

    Even the Humans were involved in a feud with a race that has become known as the Fiends. Many Istarians forget before the Age of the Sorcerer there was no such race as Fiends. In many accounts we can relate what happened to the Humans during this time period to the Great Schism of the Dragons. Human society emulated that which had been Dragon society at the height of the Age of the Dragon. Humans were at the forefront of almost every major endeavor in Istarian life, and had certainly made many advances in the realm of magical study and practice. With such a leadership position in Istarian life, it became very easy for the Humans to forget the lessons they learned in shaking off the reins of Dragon domination in their life. Some feel that the Humans during this time coveted too much magical power, while others feel that Human society simply became too lax. If we compare what happend during this time period with the Great Schism we can see that actually, the secession of the Fiends from the Human race was in fact, a much darker event.

    The creation of the Fiends and their forced removal from Human society says as much about the Human psyche of this time as anything else. Humans sought to unlock some of the greatest secrets of the use of magic ever... powers and concepts that are lost to us even during this day and age. A significant and sizable cadre of mages decided to tap into the powers of Necromancy and Mental Domination in order to achieve the ends they sought. The powers that be during this time balked at the use of hitherto shunned magical practices in order to achieve those ends, though some think that fear, rather than a sense of honor, drove the leading mages to ostracize their less scrupulous brethren. Many in Human society became embroiled in the growing social unrest, choosing one side or the other.

    As with all of the great social dilemmas in Istaria, war ensued. Those who favored the forbidden practices of magic were outnumbered from the start, but managed to flee Human lands when the war pressed on. In order to secure a future for themselves, they chose subservience to a new Istarian deity, earning her guidance and protection. Such fiendish actions certainly earned the name given to them by the Humans and adopted by themselves, but the new Fiend civilization vowed to never be restrained by the shackles of what they considered to be the weaknesses of morality. In turn, they swore to teach the descendants of those who had ostracized them a lesson on, as the Fiends call it, "the virtues of revenge."

    The Fiends went on to create the city of Kirasanct to the frigid north. The city is a testament to the Fiendish desires of seclusion from outsiders, while displaying their ostentatious sensibilities. Kirasanct is a walled fortress of metal and stone, with a massive central tower in the heart of the city. Spindly frames circle the city wall, giving the city a fearsome silhouette at a distance. Kirasanct proper lies on a plateau in the center of a vast valley, allowing for a significant distance around the city to be surveyed from the central tower and the high, arching walls of the city. It is clear that the purpose behind the city is to keep unwelcome visitors out, and considering the Fiends for who they are, that means just about all the other Living Races. Even today, when cooperation amongst the Living Races is at a virtual pinnacle, Kirasanct remains an inhospitable place for those save the Fiends.

    It is said that either under the icy bedrock of Kirasanct, or perhaps in a nearby cavern, lays a dormant portal to the Realm of Twilight. It is rumored that before the onset of the Lament, the Fiends were actively trying to re-engage the portal, creating a gateway between the Prime and the Realm of Twilight, where it is said that the Fiend's patron deity, Niatha Moraven, dwells. The Fiends have never made a secret of their desire to strengthen the connection they have with their chosen goddess; in fact, the Fiends chose to found Kirasanct over a source of potent magical essence in the hopes that it would fuel their rituals and sorceries to achieve said goals.

    With all these events weighing heavily on the minds of Istrians the actions of Macalir were largely unnoticed. How much harm could a lunatic necromancer cause? Only when it was too late did the races of Istaria realize that it was not flesh and blood that would be their downfall, but the twisted forces of undeath itself. How foolish we were, but we only realize this in hindsight now.

    It was at the end of the Age of the Sorcerer when Macalir united the different sects of undead in the common goal of destroying the Living. Macalir held a firm grasp on the Withered Aegis, and through his leadership they began their march over Istaria.
    Last edited by Menkure; March 25th, 2006 at 01:29 PM.

  3. #3


    The Age of the Lamentations

    This is the darkest of all Istria's history, at least to this day. In fact, we are unsure whether we are truly out of this age today. During this time Maclir lead the undead hoards on a march of Istira. Much of the information I have obtained from this era is hearsay, and some are merely drunken ramblings. One thing I am sure of is that at some point certain travel gates were brought down. One such gate isloated the city of Sslanis. It is unclear as to who actaully brought the gate down, but one thing is clear, it kept the hoards from marching through Lesser Aradoth.

    Although the Saris avoid direct conflict during this war many other races were not as lucky. Some we have not been able to make contact with to this day. One race we have managed to contact again is the Dwarven race. The story of how the Dwarves fared during this horrendous time is perhaps the most awe-inspiring story of all. The Dwarven city is a marvel of engineering with its towering walls and hidden tunnels, but to truly understand what they went through I feel it is best to tell you a story that I overheard one night.

    It is no secert that Dwarves like ale; with that being said it is fair to say this particular dwarf was being himself this night. He began to relate the story of how the Dwarves defended their city of Aughundell during the siege of the Withered Aegis. "We knew the day would come when we would need the high walls of Aughundell! Thats why we built it were we did; we Dwarves are not fools you know. We built it right on the slopes of Mt. Grenaden. We built those walls with the finest Dwarven craftsmanship. It can withstand any force, be that man or beast!" he exclaimed as he slammed his glass on the table. "These were not men though; they were the undead.... We held our ground though; The vermin would charge our walls and break on them like water! We would funnel them into narrow passages where in the confusion we would regroup our forces. Oh but we didn't have one wall, or one layer of defense. We had them as far as the eye could see! Although that does tend to make trade a little confusing," he said with a chuckle. "We held our ground though...the battles were long and tiring, but they kept coming back again and again! Even though we Dwarves are as mighty as we are we did eventually have to errrr...regroup, in the caves and passages under the city." he said in a hurry, as he hoped no one caught on to the true meaning behind his statement."We held our own though, we did. We did it by ourselves too!" exclaimed the tipsy Dwarf as he pounded his chest.

    History has a large degree of truth to it. Although, some drunken exaggerations are present. The Dwarves did in fact hold their city in one way or another for over 50 years until the Withered Aegis's sphere of influence was lifted from them. Others were not so lucky however. The home of the Gnomes, Rachival, fell 32 years ago. The Gnomish army was literally crushed once they were cut off from the other Living races by the Undead Hoards moving to the south. The gnomish refugees made a desperate run north to Tazoon. Even to this day the Gnomes have not been able to reclaim their ancestral lands. Many of their lands, including the city of Rachival, are actually still under the control of the undead hoards to this day.

    Another city that has suffered the sting of defeat is Feladan. Former home to the Elven Council, this city fell a mere 27 years ago. Feladan was once a beautiful city located in the vibrant Feladan Forest. For the Elves, the city walls of Feladan were their last line of defense, and they gave the Horde a fight for every meter of land they conquered; more Elves died in the defense of the city than in any other battle of the Lament combined. Humans gave what they could to the Elves in the way of material and troops, but no amount of effort the Humans and Elves could muster could turn the tide. In the end, the Undead Horde captured the city and drove the last of the Elves from their ancestral home to the walls of their city of refuge, Tazoon, where the Elven Council now resides. Today, Feladan is a twisted shadow of its former self. The Forest is dark and lifeless, a swirling blight maelstrom now twists the Elven architecture into a caricature of its former magnificence. A massive undead fortification literally divides the fallen city in two, using the city itself as a barrier to the Blasted Wastes and a Withered Aegis stronghold deep within eastern Frontier.

    We are not sure when it happend, but at some point we began to lose contact with other living races. A fate more horrible than death awaits many of them. Through powerful acts of horrendous magic and mental domination the Withered Aegis was able to control the Welgers and Satyrs. They are used as mere pawns in the tide of battle now. While we are aware that these two races are directly under the influence of the Withered Aegis we have also lost contact with the Dryads, Orcs, and Goblins and fear the same fate has engulfed them. Only when the dark veil of the death is lifted from the lands will we know the true fate of these races.

    After the defeat of Feladan, came the Ritual. Shrouded in secrecy, it was this ritual that has given us the gift of everlasting life. However, what we as gifted know of the effects, we must also realize that the 'gift' affected those who were involved in the actual performing of the Ritual in a much different way.

    As I'm sure you are well aware, Tazoon was the last stand of the Living. Refugees flocked to the city, and it was after the fall of Feladan that we were sure certain death awaited this city as well. There, a short ten years ago we held our grounds, all the Living races in a collective effort. The undead were closing around the city and we feared the defeat and fall of the Living was at hand. We had one last weapon however. A Hero of the legendary Protectorate, Ryson Stormbringer, gave his life for us. He detonated a powerful artifact designed to destroy the undead and creatures from the Realm of the Blight. The blast was so powerful it turned the tide of the battle; we believe it even killed Torrin Macalir himself. The battle was over, it was the first sound defeat of the Withered Aegis, the only defeat.

    The effects of this defeat are very noticeable in the structure of the Withered Aegis. Where once different sects had been united under the leadership of Macalir, now each sect leader, whether they are an original member of Macalir's necromantic cabal or a powerful, sentient being from the Realm of Blight, controls his own portion of the hoard with little reguard for his allies.

    After the battle of Tazoon, the full effects of the Ritual began to take hold on our world. Soon, the living races found themselves blessed with the effects of immortality, and with the influx of the newely gifted, we began taking the war back to the Withered Aegis.

    Since its fall, the city of Feladan became a stronghold of the Withered Aegis, and was a dangerous staging ground that the enemy could use to lanch new attacks upon the Empire. With it's placement a little to the south-east of Tazoon, and at the southern foot of the Great Wall, it was essential that Feladan be freed from the grasp of the Withered Aegis, and especially before their armies became stronger.

    The key finally came with the development of several large machines called "ethereal substanciators". These machies had, in theory, the ability to cleanse the blight from the land around Feladan, and seal the blight portals. With a goal in sight, the gifted charged forward in several highly coordinated raids. In less than a month, the blight was repressed.
    Last edited by Menkure; March 25th, 2006 at 01:30 PM.

  4. #4


    The Liberation of Feladan did not come without cost, however. The Withered Aegis, in retaliation, unleashed a horrible plague upon the living races. This plague, called Zymosis Morbidae, was a bane to all gifted, both adventurers and crafters. It spread with the greatest of ease amongst everyone, untill a cure was finally discovered.

    As the Liberation of Feladan was under way, the Gifted were also hard at work finding ways to free the other 'subjugated races'. Four large mineshafts were found around istaria, all collapsed upon themselves. Upon their discovery, the gifted started work on rebuilding these tunnels.

    Each tunnel had a portal, which upon use brought the traveler to several blighted islands. It was obvious by the ruins upon them that these islands were the lost Satyr islands. After much exploring, a machine was found on each island, guarded by the minions of the Aegis.

    Through careful planning and extensive work, the gifted came across the means to destroy those machines, and in doing so we finally freed the long lost Satyr race.

    With the Satyrs freed, it was time to find the Dryads, who had dissapeard many years before. Again, thanks to the gifted of Istaria, the remains of a large 'rainbow' bridge were soon found just west of the Tower of Nature, deep inside the Western Deadlands. Quickly the gifted set to work, and upon construction of the magical bridge, the lost Isle of Hues was soon found. In the center of this island, lies the great dryad tree, and through a great ritual, the Dryads were awakened, returning back to the prime.

    The Age of Reclamation

    Shortly after the Dryads returned to the Prime, a caravan of traveling gypsies came forward with an interesting tale about our world. They call themselves the Veilo, and in their tales they explained that the Ritual did more than just give the living races everlasting life. It was told that the Ritual also had serious reprocussions upon the whole Realm of the Prime, and that after the Ritual, the Prime was 'shattered'.. in which several 'shards', each a different and unique dimension, were created. The Veilo warned of an impending catastrophie, and that the Withered Aegis was working on a massive counter attack that would surely destroy all life on Istaria, if the Living Races did not head their warning.

    The Veilo further went on to explain that, after the Ritual was performed, the Prime as a whole split into several different smaller Primes, and while the living races have been living without any knowledge of such, in truth they have been divided and split apart. The Veilo further explained that, while the living races may not have known of this, the Withered Aegis was fully aware. If there was to be any chance for the Gifted of Istaria to fight off the impending horde of undead, they would need to rejoin the sharded realm into one single Prime. To do this, the Veilo explained that a machine of massive porportions had to be constructed east of the southern pennisula, and activated. Not only was it being worked on by all the gifted on one prime, but the Veilo were also seeing to it that the same was being done on the other sharded realms as well.

    Despite skepticism, from many of the gifted as well as experts in the arcane, it was decided to take the word of the Veilo to heart. Work on the Novo Machine commenced, and upon its activation, the gifted found themselves amongst others from the various sharded realms.

    With our numbers now increased, the time for the Living is at hand. We have our best chance ever now to retake our lands, and in turn close the portal gates to the Realm of Blight, sealing the Withered Aegis out of our world once and for all.

    Version Info, Source Info

    First Version: Compiled and written by Belisarius (Tyler Mullican) ([email protected])

    Second Version, changes and additions written by Menkure Salitis (Aaron Elliott) ([email protected])

    Sources: Developers Journals and statements made by Developers, actual world events which have taken place from within the world of Istaria.

    **Some of this document are direct excerpts from the Developer Journals, the goal behind this was to create a more user-friendly version of the history of Istaria. If any errors are found please email me and I will get this updated and corrected.


  5. #5


    If anyone comes across the above post.. I just did get word from Tulga that the above lore is indeed NOT CANON.

    Most of the pre-beta lore was dropped right after release, and as such things like the great city of Jarl never existed. Also, there is a rewrite of the timeline, which means that many dates for things such as when Feladan and Rachival fell, as well as the battle over Aughendell, are now incorrect.

    Tulga will be releasing new lore information in the future, and I'm also rewriting many of the above information to better fit the correct timeline.

    So, with that said.. the above history is not canon.. and should be taken with a grain of salt-rock.

    But on the good side... actual real lore is coming.. and coming soon.


  6. #6


    It's always good to know that the lore you've worked with for the last 2 years is completely null and void...

    Pisses me off actually
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  7. #7


    I understand your concerns, Ssilmath. However, lore is only canon if it comes from an official source... i.e. in-game, an official website, etc. Lore from IGN or Tazoon or even the Strategy Guide is not official (the lore in the strategy guide was, in fact, released prior to the game and large parts were wrong at release).

    What we are trying to do is fill in the holes, firm up the lore, fix contradictions, and make it so that players can use it to roleplay their characters and we can use it to write better quests and dialogue.

  8. #8
    Member Vlisson's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2004
    Germany / Bavaria


    yes but it would be nice if we could get a history and lore 2 years after release ^^

    but i dont know on what stuff Tulga is working on, but i dont think that a whole company stands still if it set up some story and ingame history?

  9. #9


    I don't understand what you are saying, Vlisson.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by AmonGwareth
    I don't understand what you are saying, Vlisson.
    I think he basicly wants to know if some one is working on lore or not currently. Sounds like from yoru earlyer post that someone is. Maybe the question should be. How soon will we see a major lore update of the history/lore?

  11. #11


    Ah... Yes, more than one person is. And for the other... No ETA. Though the revised racial overviews have already been sent for posting to the website.

  12. #12
    Member Kulamata's Avatar
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    Oct 2004
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    Default Gratitude for a job very well done.

    Regardless of whether or not it is "official" or disavowed, nonetheless it is what we were given, and it does have some sweep and grandeur.

    Unfortunately, the disavowal has deflected attention from the fact that gathering the lore and presenting it was a large and difficult task, well done, and I, for one, am quite grateful.

  13. #13


    Truth be told, it was the sudden letdown of knowing that all that RP and effort was wasted time that pushed me towards no longer playing...Especially when nothing was given to replace it other than a list of dieties...It was an overwhelming feeling of "What's the point"...Having some concrete lore to work with would be nice...
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  14. #14


    I wouldn't say it was wasted, Ssilmath. Will some things need to be changed? Yes. Does the story of the Iron Fang tribe lose meaning and become empty words? No. Hopefully, the lore that is being worked on will enhance your RP far more than it alters it.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
    "Death is fleeting. Pride is forever."

    "Let us have faith that right makes might, and in that faith, let us, to the end, dare to do our duty as we understand it."-- Abraham Lincoln

  15. #15


    We won't know till they release something...But to have them say "Yeah, nothing you worked with is canon, but we won't give you any canon to replace it" kind of sucks...
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  16. #16


    "...but we won't give you any canon to replace it" is a LOT different from "We're working on it... just give us a bit and we'll have it out as soon as we can"


  17. #17


    Well, pardon me for having an opinion and expressing my frustration...Believe me, I'll be quite happy when lore is a part of the game, and is listed as canon...Who knows, I may even try to work myself back into things...Till then though, I'll pass...
    Ssilmath Torshak, Paladin of the Lost, Shaman of the Damned, Master Armorsmith

    My other "crack would be cheaper" hobby

  18. #18


    Thank-you Menkure for the extensive time and thought that you obviously put into this. It may not be canon, but it was a great read for me. Over the different games I have played, and having just recently returned to Istaria after a long absence, my lores had all blended together.

    At least now I can remember from which direction we have come, so that when the new lore is in place, I hopefully can keep it straight in my mind. I don't RP all of the time, but to be able to immerse myself into the game without confusing it does help

  19. #19
    Member velveeta's Avatar
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    Default Re: Menkure's Guide to the History of Istaria

    Quote Originally Posted by Ssilmath View Post
    Well, pardon me for having an opinion and expressing my frustration...Believe me, I'll be quite happy when lore is a part of the game, and is listed as canon...Who knows, I may even try to work myself back into things...Till then though, I'll pass...
    ouch!!! not playing cause you don't have lore?? that's a bit....ummm, extreme, yeah?

    good job anyway, men......that's a lot of compiling and typing, i know!! great of you to make the effort!
    you can't cast a play in hell and expect angels as actors
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  20. #20

    Default Re: Menkure's Guide to the History of Istaria

    Quote Originally Posted by Menkure View Post
    Most of the pre-beta lore was dropped right after release, and as such things like the great city of Jarl never existed. Also, there is a rewrite of the timeline, which means that many dates for things such as when Feladan and Rachival fell, as well as the battle over Aughendell, are now incorrect.


    I know this is an old post with a new response but Jarl was actually mentioned in in game dialogue...
    Nayuaka and Nayukhuut. Freelance Helian lorekeepers of Chaos.

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