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Thread: Halloween is a comin

  1. #1

    Default Halloween is a comin

    I'm sure TG will be having their own halloween festival and events going on, but why don't we host our own?

    If anyone wants to play halloween trick or treat, lets do it! I hope some others contribute too. So post your location (plot or not) that you plan to be, and when on halloween and let everyone run around and find the people handing out goodies.

    Since not everyone reads the boards, we can start a chat channel called Trick or Treat later on that people can get information from.

    I'll be at my plot (most of the night) in Brandon's shelf. I'll post coords when I get home. I'll be collecting all sorts of items to hand out for fun, so swing by (you have to be in a mask :P) and get a treat.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Sounds cool. My plot is in Istaria's Union.

  3. #3
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Mad Nellie's & the Saucy Saris on Order

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Sounds fun!

    Although staying at your plot all night doesn't sounds too interesting. Maybe a certain set time or times of only an hour or two?

    In UO on Catskills various guilds would have Halloween events, usually it was to hand out treats, although many would include costumeand spooky story contests.

    If you get enough people interested you could make it a Treat Scavenger Hunt. Everyone who participates should wear a mask and tries to find all the plots. There should be a planned gathering spot with a Starter, so all will know who to come back to. Perhaps the Starter will give out the clues of where to find the participating plots, although a list of the clues might also be put up here in the forums the day of the event so everyone won't have to try to write the clues down. (The books in UO were soooo nice that way! Just hand eachhunter a book with the clues permanently written in them.)

    At each plot is someone who gives them a crafted treat (maybe the hunters have to tell the person at the plots a special phrase, such as: Tokoz has Carrot Lips!), then when they find them all or they give up, they return to their starting point, show the treats to the Starter (who checks the treats for the correct crafter names) and each person gets a reward for how many of the plots they were able to find(as well as the treats).

    To find the plots they get a description of each plot, such as: In the quaint fishing village who's name begins with the letter G you'll find so & forth's holdings... or Protected by the wings of a dragon statue you'll find the main hall of....

    Anyhow, it's just a thought. [:)]

    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    of Azure Twilight in Carmo on Order

    P.S. If there is someone that wants to help hand out treats, but doesn't own or live at a plot they can be at one of the main towns or a special spotthat they like (that's not dangerous to get to). Can you imagine the crys ringing out through New Trismus of "Tokoz has Carrot Lips!" ? Giggle!!![:D]
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  4. #4

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    I was thinking we can set a specific time, so nobody misses any event fun. And if you don't own a plot, set up somewhere fun and let others know :)

  5. #5

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Doesn't seem anyone wants to do this, so I guess its better off to drop it.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Awww. It was a cool idea. I just didn't volunteer because I have to be downstairs, away from the computer, hopping up each time the kiddies ring the doorbell. I usually have some elaborate costume on, can't dash up and down the stairs.

    Maybe, since the Festival is lasting a few weeks, we can have a Halloween party some time in the next week for folks to show up in costume (either the dropped costumes or interesting clothing combinations like last year at Dranar's).

    -Levity Merrel

  7. #7

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Oh, we'll get something going a few nights in a row. :)

  8. #8
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Mad Nellie's & the Saucy Saris on Order

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    It ends up I'm going to have to play door guardian & nurse tonight in RL. So I doubt I'll be able to be in-game until late if at all.


    A certain Dryad (*cough!* *cough!* Plink) had a nice idea today. How's everyone for doing something on Saturday since the Festival will still be going. [:D]

    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    of Azure Twilight in (Woot! we finally have a pad!!) Carmo on Order
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  9. #9

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    I think it's a great idea, but apparently, they ended the treat or treating early. At least, that's what my wife says came up on a global message today. :(

    But that doesn't stop us. I figure that we can pick a spot and then use /shout to announce where we are and give out gag gifts. I've got some low level hoard, some tier I weapons, I plan on making a bunch of pairs of special pants. And of course, lots and lots and lots of carrots to hand out.

    People then wander around and try and figure out where the next person is.

    If we want to do away with the shouts we can make an event of it, by having each person handing out stuff giving a clue as to where the next person is, and just have the clues form a big circle.

    Let your guildies know and we'll see if we can get at least one person from each guild.

    It will be fun. :)

  10. #10

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Nah, that announcement was a quest response, the trick or treat quest now times out, so you can't keep getting candy in June.

  11. #11

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Cool beans, then we keep moving forward on the idea. I'll have to gather some carrots.

  12. #12
    Member Unicorn's Lady's Avatar
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    Mad Nellie's & the Saucy Saris on Order

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Any date, time, & place decided on yet?? [:P]

    Nellie Lovett/Ochre Tekton
    of Azure Twilight in Carmo on Order
    English doesn't borrow from other languages. English follows other languages down dark alleys, knocks them over & goes through their pockets for loose grammar. -=Paraphased from James Nicoll=- Unicorn's Lady's Dalliance

  13. #13

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Saturday at 7pm Eastern. Just start annoucing it on the channel and such. Then use shouts and hints to keep people moving.

  14. #14

    Default Re: Halloween is a comin

    Did this happen tonight? I was busy with construction and never caught any announcements :(

    -Levity Merrel

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