Quote Originally Posted by Ebondragon
Heh, actually it turned out it was my version of Nortion Internet Security. I haven't ever had a problem with it before but when I downloaded the most recent patch for that program it locked down a lot of my internet applications. It took me a bit to figure out but eventually I figured it out. When I switched off the software firewall bingo everything was back online.

*shrugs* I suppose if you've got one piece of software that's meant to keep you from accessing the internet and another which by definition seeks an internet connection it shouldn't be a surprise that they'll be at ever so polite loggerheads from time to time.
In its preferences or options somewhere should be a setting to prompt you on what to do when something goes to get online. With it enabled you would get a windw popup when you go to run a new version of horizons, but you can set it to allow access with it still protecting your computer.