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Thread: Comparison with Paladin?

  1. #1

    Default Comparison with Paladin?

    This may sound stupid, but what are the fundamental differences between a Reaver and a Paladin? What sets Reavers apart?

  2. #2

    Default Re: Comparison with Paladin?

    If you're looking at single classed only, I wont be of much help, but I can describe some differences to note:

    As single classed:

    Paladin will gain some life per level, allowing them access to healing spells. Reaver on the other hand, will not. This fact alone, makes Paladin a better tank for the single classed (I am including healing as a factor in staying power, some choose not to).

    As an exchange, reaver will gain in spirit, allowing them access to some leeches/Heal over time syphons, etc.

    Paladin will also gain augmentation, allowing them to use various gift spells.

    They both (been a while, forgive me if my info isn't accurate) will gain equal use in 1 and 2 hand slash, shield, and evasion.

    Reaver will gain some more offensive oriented abilities, and overall should show a slightly higher damage output than a paladin.

    Now, when looking at a multiclassed version, paladin pales in comparison as more and more classes are added. For the life of me, I can't see any reason to play paladin active (in terms of output) once you have certain classes already maxed out. This is basically a function of reaver gaining more appealing abilities than paladin, and at the same time both classes are able to cast from the same set of spells once they have enough skill. (I.E. Take a 100/100/100/100 warrior/healer/spiritist/druid, adding 100 reaver would be far more dominant than adding 100 paladin).

    For one who chooses to take minimal classes, paladin is quite well balanced and serves as a great class. For heavily multiclassed, it's almost useless.
    12x100. <-- I did monk!
    Twelvebagger's Mistress (pinkie!)
    Redo the loot tables and bring on the undead hordes! (*Hands Beer to NimK)

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