Moderators, please leave this on general for a few days before moving it to the server forums so that Tulga may read this. I assume the devs visit the unity board very rarely.

We really need some help on Unity at the moment. There are several serious issues and GN is totally ignoring us. Several player can?t even play anymore. For all of these issues tickets have been made but GN just closed the tickets without even bothering to respond!. Luca was last seen on 28-09-2005, he replied to a question we had about the multiple plot per account issue, he said: ?I've asked some vital information about this yesterday, I'll post the answer as soon as I get the information back.?
Not a peep from him or anyone at GN since.

The following issues are currently annoying us on Unity:

- There are NO plot reclamations running. - It is possible to own one plot per character. This is without owning extra cd keys.
It should be one plot/lair per account.
GN said they would deal with this months ago, but so far nothing.
This exploit must be fixed! - The security certificate still has not been updated. - Jacques went missing but is now back. Unfortunately he is now missing several masks from his inventory, there are only 3 dragon masks available. - Several dragons suffer a problem that causes the Sleeper to say nothing but ?Zzz? when they speak to him. They have tried all the workarounds that were given to us through IRC but it doesn?t work. One dragon who is suffering this that pops to mind is Retsnom. - Some people have changed their login name to a new email address. Now they cannot login anymore, no matter witch username they use. - GN closes support tickets without response (this one really angers me)

These are just the problems I know from the top of my head, this is just what is complained about in the chat channels. I assume there are more problems that simply have not been reported in the chat channels.

Please help us out Tulga, GN?s complete lack of customer support is totally getting out of hand. Please give GN a swift kick in the arse to get them to do their job.