Let me explain what I mean.

Most posts on these boards, that ask for changes to what is currently in game, are for the most part motivated by self interest. Now please don't even bother to take exception to that statement, since it is very easy to find the relationship to self, in any of such posts. And don't think I'm excluding myself either. I have done my fair share of asking for changes that would improve game play for ME. Often these requests will be challenged by those who would be effected adversly by such changes. And finally, they will devolve into flame wars or backbiting.

At best, the Dev's should read these posts and taking them with a grain of salt, shift through them and get a feel for the needs of the player base, and see how they can accomodate the playerbase without sidestepping their plans.

Such would be true in a perfect world... something we don't enjoy.

What does happen is, if a few players ( even as little as 2 or 3 ) make a big enough stink about something, eventually something will get changed or nerfed, and a few will leave over it. Such is life in an MMORPG. And this would really not be a problem, if enough new players were joining everyday to replace any that leave. Therein lies the reason for my question.

Are we, ( yes, I totally include myself ) really helping the game by selfishly asking for any change at all?

Because, what is an unbalanced game mechanic to one, is a major part of the fun to others. What I personally find entertaining, can quite boring to others. Just read the "remember when" thread to see all the things this game has lost that are fondly remembered, to see how our requests for change has driven off a goodly number of those we used to play with.