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Thread: General Thoughts about the Blight Storm Hounds

  1. #1

    Default General Thoughts about the Blight Storm Hounds

    Greetings Folks!

    Before I begin disassembling my computers trying to piece together a machine UUUBER enough to play Oblivion, I logged in to try the new blight hounds.

    With my evasion around 1300-1500 I did not evade but a few times in the four I fought, however I DID dodge a perhaps 2-3 attacks in the course of the battle with each (NOT good). So, any evasion you have is just about useless. Parry, I might have parried once every OTHER fight. (1300 Two handed crush with my staff).

    They do around 200-300 damage a hit (I am in disciple mode, so I wear mixed mostly ironsilk cargo, YMMV), get the full chains, and of course the infamous Stormy stun fist. This is VERY rough because you sit through about 1/3 of the attacks unable to respond.

    My tactics include trying to heal up for the initial barrage of multistrikes and stun attacks, then beginning my counter offense once they start with their chain attacks. They are Spirit damage vulnerable and spirit/nature spells land consistantly on them. I usually have to root them once or twice in a fight to back off to heal/rebuff. They do unarmed damage, with a nature DoT (decay). Standard Melee seemed to land pretty consistantly at 1300-1400 skill, and they are probably in leathers, since I did decent damage.

    Flow like water didn't seem to do all that much for me anyways, so their unarmed skill must be crazy high. They don't heal, and they have low armour, so if you have 2 people you can easily crush them (~7k HP)since they have the same vulnerabilities Disciples have, namely they are highly effective against single targets but multiples eat them up. Drops of cash are 9-10silver each kill. Got a figurine (trinket) on one, but nothing else.

    Just some random thoughts and thought I would share

    Happy hunting Brothers and Sisters!

    Last edited by HratLi; April 4th, 2006 at 04:57 PM.

  2. #2


    They are weak to the expulse/dispell abilities, land those and they become just big wolves really.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by AA0
    They are weak to the expulse/dispell abilities, land those and they become just big wolves really.
    I GOTTA get me some of that then Now to ponder, shaman or Conjurer as the next (and hopefully last) class?


  4. #4


    Today's patch changed the Blight hounds, they are now doing Slash damage. I think they are a little tougher too. They stun a lot more. Either their stun attacks are refreshing much faster or they are just using them more. Every 4th attack or seems like the 6 second stun attack. 3 dp's pretty quickly. Just for fun I wanted to see Terry, 'The Harro Defender' at work. They all do no damage to the blight hounds and appear to be vulnerable to the blight hound attacks.

    I guess the blight hounds have an 'EVENT MOB BUFF'
    INCOMING only '+3000 Resist to NPC'
    +300% damage

    Some numbers:

    Blight hound attacks on me: 223

    Evaded attacks : 2
    Foresight evaded attacks: 7
    Dodged attacks (flow like water was in effect for 4 of these) : 12
    Parried: 26 (This is with 2 parry III bracelets, and Parry V teched staff, staff skill 1429)

    51 lightning stuns
    (grep and wc are wonderful tools )

    Last edited by HratLi; April 4th, 2006 at 10:36 PM.

  5. #5


    Conjurer doesn't dispel, shaman is the best for it.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by AA0
    Conjurer doesn't dispel, shaman is the best for it.
    Ah yes, That's my personal dillemma.

    I want Conjurer for the attack buffs, multicast, and primarily Infix, though the ice shield and Pheonix rising would be nice secondary abilities.

    Shaman would be cool for the expulse/dispell, and the pure pleasure of finally sticking that stupid laughing skull onto a mob (even if it doesn't do anything). I was told by several high level folks though, that the expulse that DOES transfer doesn't work on higher level mobs, and that it's not used all that regularly, so I've been hesitant to take it. I already have enough nature for my utility spells (basic roots, Dark Cyclone and Earthen Skin) from Guardian, so that's not really a factor.


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