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Thread: New building/structure/item concepts

  1. #1

    Default New building/structure/item concepts

    I would love to see sometime things along this line

    1. Mini-vault size approximate that of a t1 connie
    2. guild halls that have libraries as part of the structure in real life they would
    3. trophy cases very small footprint that can be added to a personal structure that could hold up to xx number of trophys but can hold all of the existing trophys in game
    4. storage chests very very small footprint it should have 1/4 the size of a tent as an example hold few items but have same bulk
    5. rentable storage buildings you could pay x money per period for x storage if you cancel the agreement it falls back to your vault
    6. community upgrades/planning (Ill use the example of a guild town) if owner of guild main wanted to improve guild settlement they could add roadways that could be built/sidewalks/lamposts gazebos on community property and maybe outbound portals.
    7. player built customizable outbound portals(customization limited to destinations only)

    Additional ideas

    8. saris craft center same footprint as saris adventure center but have craft trainers instead of adv trainers in it
    Last edited by Vandellia; May 16th, 2006 at 01:36 AM.
    Given enough time and the proper temperament anything doable in game is possible
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  2. #2


    1. Mini-vault size approximate that of a t1 connie
    I see the current footprint as a tradeoff of having a handy vault keeper around, I guess if they made the vault out of higher tier stuff the vault size would come down. Currently it uses T2-T4 stuff, say a vault of T3-T5 would be 2/3 the footprint and a T4-T6 would be about 1/2 the footprint.

    2. guild halls that have libraries as part of the structure in real life they would
    I've actually been wondering what a library is used for?

  3. #3


    Good ideas there libraries are used for the storage of forms and techs

  4. #4


    9. Higher tier buildings should be better than lower tier buildings. It is odd to build a t4 house compared to a t2. Cost and needed room always goes up a lot faster than its use. A tent should not be the most efficient building. Same with lairs. T1 should not be the best. 2 times better while 4 times more expencive and 4 times more room sucks.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Eni
    9. Higher tier buildings should be better than lower tier buildings.
    I have to agree with regards to storage structures. Big buildings should hold more per sq. meter than little ones - if Istarian design logic worked in the real world, shipping yards and cargo ports would be full of 10'x10' aluminum sheds.
    Klaus Wulfenbach
    Mithril Council, Chaos
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  6. #6


    The two big problems I have with the buildings not having a proper storage per sq.ft is:

    There is no reward to work to a higher teir in construction, lowly materials can hold far more bulk and items then higher materials in less space.

    There is a major lack of higher tier work for materials like essence and cloth, since neither are in silos.

    Likewise I'd love to see a higher tiered vault, with reduced footprint. This all seems mostly corrected in lairs but not plots.

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