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Thread: Another bug in my lair - any explanations?

  1. #1

    Unhappy Another bug in my lair - any explanations?


    I have a 120x96x144 lair at Summit on Unity, with most of the volume "built" (ie added to the server's database) and I've completed chambers going down to level 2 now. The rest are of course at 0%. I have two areas left empty to add to in the future: on level 4 and level 7 (the lowest level).

    Full plans for my lair are at:
    Except: the corridors and silos on level 4 don't exist, the spare attach point is directly off the t4 hall, and the t6 library on level 7 doesn't exist, hence two spare attach points on level 7.

    In planning mode, I can add structures to the spare attach point on level 4 ok. But I can't add anything to either of the 2 spare attach points coming off the t5 hall on level 7, I just get the "no available expansion openings to attach to" message.

    Originally I could add to level 7 in planning mode, but I chose not to actually build there yet, and now I can't add there any more.

    I am now really, really worried. My lair has already suffered from the bug where an "invisible structure" jams up the attachment points like this, and I had to sell back to the community and rebuild to fix it. Since this is a Unity lair and we have no WMs or any kind of support, I could only get back 80% as novians, and having to rebuild was heart-wrenching. I was reassured by several devs on IRC that this bug was fixed and could not reoccur, so what's wrong with my lair now??

    Any suggestions or explanations please? I really don't think I can face starting my lair for a third time.


  2. #2


    Something else I remembered:

    After selling the lair back to the community and repurhasing (to clear the last invisible structure bug), I "built" (ie at 0%) almost all the lair. However I did delete a few rooms awhile ago, to turn a t4 library into a t6 library, then put the other rooms back. All these rooms were at 0%, on a level I haven't reached yet. Deleting chambers it was caused the invisible structure bug before, maybe it's still causing problems?

    Can anyone suggest the safest, bug-free way to build a lair? I tried building in nearly all the available space, but future changes are bound to happen, especially since things like hoard rooms and dragon taverns might come along. So should we just build each room at a time? Add structure, complete structure, add onto that structure... ?

    Please devs, have you got any ideas or suggestions? I really love my lair, but I don't know if I can face rebuilding it again and again every time another bug gets in there.

  3. #3


    Thanks for replying Kumu, but that's exactly what I did. I had the whole thing planned on paper and built it in one go... only I changed my mind about the library. And at the time the process of deleting a couple of rooms and then replacing them seemed fine, so I'm only guessing that's what has caused the problem.

    As for planning the entire lair, what do we do if we get hoard rooms later? I could fill up the space by building silos I don't really need, but I'd much rather have the option of something different in the future.

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